What's to come in April? Updates/changes and more! (Patreon)
hello my hyungries!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
I just wanted to make an update of what's to be expected in the future and what not.
I've addressed this a few times previously but I wanted to state it again. Early Access price will be increased to $10.00 starting on April 1st. There will be no other tiers/benefits with Early Access except for those who wish to support me out of their kind hearts. I will be deleting the $5.00 Tier-- therefore if you stay subscribed, you will need to upgrade accordingly!
To put it simply, as the quality of my work increases, so does the time and effort I put into them. Transitioning mostly into Blender is A LOT more time consuming than using the game to record footage.
For those who don't wish to stay on a subscription based platform such as Patreon but wish to receive Early Access to my future videos, I also have a GUMROAD which I release my most recent videos with a one-time Early Access fee.
To be honest, I have no idea what I'll be working on releasing for next month yet lol. I'm still reworking the storyboard for Batter Up! that I teased about a couple months ago so I don't know if I'll be able to release that next month... but who knows. If not... I may work on another OVA of some sorts.
I'll definitely update on what I decide to do early on in the month. To my new patrons, thanks for joining/your interest in my work! I hope you're all satisfied with your choice to support me!
- ♥ hyungry
if you haven't already noticed, here's another picture of the hottest dad ever -- Michael Pheng. I need to stop simping for him already... god damnit.
iPHONE - Hold and press on the image while it's on your screen and a 'save image' option should pop up, or press the three dots in the top right corner (...) and the same option should appear and save to your camera roll. Then go to settings > wallpaper.
ANDROID - I personally don't use androids so I'm not entirely sure how it works but I linked the photo below to download as well which should download to your device in full quality. Then just set it as your wallpaper :-)