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Thank you for visiting this page. It's pittan_AI image.

The posts for October 2023 will conclude with this one. The next post will be after November 1st. For those who are currently supporting, please check your individual messages for an invitation code to the new Discord server before the first November post. 

The server currently hosting the images will be deleted on Sunday, November 5th, after 0:00 Japan time. Accordingly, the download links will also be removed, so please make sure to save any images you might need.

The welcome message section in the Membership tab will also contain the Discord invitation code for new supporters starting from November 1st.

 If you have any questions, please send a message to pittan_AI image.

With that lengthy introduction, let's reflect on the activities of October 2023.

 This month, we focused on generating images with Halloween costumes as the theme.

 We created witch and devil cosplays, although we initially wanted to create variations such as kemonomimi or mummy costumes, but we had to give up due to difficulties in generating them. 

Since it seems like it would take time to experiment and perfect them, we'll consider it a task for the future.

For November, we plan to create illustrations without a specific theme.

 Additionally, there are still characters we'd like to see in Halloween costumes, so despite the off-season, we will continue to generate Halloween illustrations.

Starting from this month, we have begun our activities on Patreon, and we are truly grateful for the overwhelming support, encouragement, and comments on our work that have exceeded our expectations. 

It serves as a great motivation for our activities.

It has been a year since we first dabbled in AI image generation, and we still have features we haven't fully explored, with new technologies being developed every day.

 We feel that the possibilities of AI generation are continuously expanding.

We will continue our activities while deepening our learning and experience, so we look forward to your continued support.



ガールフレンド のキャラのクオリティ高くて最高でした…!来月もよろしくお願いします!


10月の活動お疲れ様でした~。ハロウィン衣装、さくらの蠱惑的な感じがとても良かったのでもし機会があれば続きも見てみたいです! 他にもテニスウェアとかチアダンスとかガルフレの方でも人気のあるテーマの衣装ももいつか見てみたいですね! 来月も楽しみにしてます!