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Hey everyone!

We now have a functioning weight gain system!

It's only implemented for Yuki and she only goes up by one stage, but now we have the script to make characters increase their eating ability, which increases max capacity and affection, as well as their fat and weight stats. Once the fat stat hits a certain number, you'll see a fatter sprite for the character.

For more details on how the system currently works, please read the change log below.

I also gave Paige's story a run through as we've been getting a lot of bug reports, and oh boy... It needed work. Hopefully now, most of the issues you've encountered in Paige's story so far have been fixed. There is one which I did not fix though - if you choose to become Paige's family caterer while at Paige's house, she is supposed to bring this up at dinner. I didn't write the dialogue for this scene yet, so it will just play out as if you chose not to.

Also, our team has expanded a little, so there are more bugfixes than usual this time! As long as things continue to go well, development should speed up a little bit.

Link: https://mega.nz/folder/RlsVBLjR
Decryption Key:

Change Log:


  • Yuki's fat and weight stats now go up by different amounts each day depending on how many calories she consumes.
  • Yuki's eating stat increases if the player can tip her over a certain amount of calories. This affects her max appetite and max capacity.
  • By default, Yuki feeds herself 2500 calories. The player can boost her gain by breaking 3000 and beyond (this is a premature system which is subject to change).
  • Once Yuki's fat stat is high enough, her sprite will change.
  • New art for Yuki, including her ambush sprite and her feeding sprites.
  • A new animation for Yuki, in which her belly will burst out of her dress once she becomes fat enough.
  • Yuki's 'smile' head and 'psychotic' head has been replaced during the feeding scene because they did not mesh well with the new dress sprite.
  • Yuki now has 10 new feeding preamble dialogues and 5 new dialogues that can occur during feeding. These all unlock once Yuki gains weight and switches to her dress sprite.
  • Yuki now interrupts Becca's feeding sessions as well as Wanda's.
  • Changed a few lines of Yuki's repeatable feeding dialogue which originally came off a bit flat and repetitive.
  • Fixed an error in Paige's dialogue.
  • Fixed an issue with Paige's first text coming through on day 1 instead of day 2.
  • Fixed an issue with Paige's house becoming accessible on day 2 instead of day 8.
  • Fixed a missing sprite error for Paige.
  • Fixed an issue with with the phone vibrating after visiting Paige for Meal Prep.
  • Fixed an issue where the player character would apply for the catering job over the phone after visiting Paige for Meal Prep.
  • Fixed an issue with Paige's legs appearing above the table at Doughy Delights.
  • Fixed an issue with Paige messaging the player to come over after the player has already arranged to visit as a caterer.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting Pear or Hourglass during character creation would highlight both.
  • Fixed an issue where the inventory would remain open when transitioning into dialog or between scenes.
  • Removed the Plate from the player's bedroom.
  • Fixed the Shop Prices and Shop names not being centred to their containers.
  • Fixed Stat Menu Button and Phone Button appearing over characters when speaking in many dialogue scenes.



Cheats menu is missing; working on a fix...


Amazing update! did not expect Yuki to get so big from that single weight gain stage, not to mention the pacing was balanced (not too fast, not too slow) Tho I must say I hope that the feeding session won't be always in the same place with the same backgrounds (not that its a big deal or anything) Can't wait to see Yuki even bigger (not just in belly department) also her story progression and our romance, perhaps even learning more about her


What's a good strategy for getting her the weight gain stage I'm struggling to hit 2500 cals


When I was testing I was able to get around 3500 quite consistently by mostly using white delights or chocolate cake and then fructola when needed.

Sam Dons

How do I access the Yuki storyline? I've never even known it was a thing until now


Go downtown in the evening and start the pizza delivery quest line. Keep doing it until you get prompted to 'run' or 'judt my imagination' and pick 'run'.

Sam Dons

I was also wondering, where can I see Yuki's fat and weight stats?

Sam Dons

I also wanted to say that Yuki's storyline is definitely my favorite. Lovely update!

Sam Dons

Try a cola after every piece of cake. This will get it easily