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Today I had a major computer crash that corrupted the project file and made a large majority of the files unreadable. Luckily, I made a backup just a few days ago, but it's certainly not going to be fun to remake the 40+ lost portrait variations that I've done over the last week.

That said, I'll try to keep nose to the grindstone to make sure this doesn't result in a massive period of time with radio silence. I'll try to get them all remade ASAP so that I can work on a new devlog and some insight into when to expect the next big build soon.

Sorry for the bad news delivery, but I'll do what I can to minimize the impact!

Love y'all. Gamemaker will not break the farm. WE WILL NOT LET IT. THIS IS OUR FARM DAMMIT



Them darn varmints trying to steal our cows!


Is there any chance this project could be backed up on version control, or is it mostly pretty big files? I hope you are able to recover without too much pain ;;

Dandys Chest

Most of the game autosaves super frequently, but sprites are easily corrupted in these backups. Especially giant sheets of them like the portraits. Even though most of the project was autosaved and backed up, a lot of the portraits I'd worked on got corrupted.