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Adding crew member to archive: Nora Littlepaw. According to the diagnostic, she seems to be a great addition to the team, and has been able to-... that's strange. There's a... pretty unusual secondary transmission to go with it.

Probably just a glitch. No sense adding it to the terminal.

What's this??? Actual Dandy art instead of just devlogs???

Sorry to everyone who's been wanting more art. I wish I could say there'd be more to come, but art posts will probably be pretty infrequent due to how much attention Gorge Valley takes with its development.

That said, I'll do what I can to post stuff every now and then like this just to keep from getting rusty.

This was a character design for a very special someone, and it was a ton of fun to do! :)

The normal design without the digital overlay and stuff is posted as well.



Warren Fornaro

It's a shame you won't be posting art as much, but I've been loving the game just as much!


i hope to see more of her! 😳

Dandys Chest

Thank you! Hopefully new art will come every now and then! I dont mean to take as much of a break from it has I did previously.


Such a cutie!