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Before we get to all the patchnotes and stuff, the good part for everyone who wants to skip all the nonsense... THE LINK!



At long last, it's finally here! The big one! The main event! The lead act!

Alright, maybe I'm upselling it a bit. But finally, after all the blood, sweat, tears, and bare-knuckle-brawling with the camera system to get it to behave properly, IT'S COMPLETE!

This update, of course, includes the newest villager and pinkest cow of the line up, Candace! She'll sell ingredients for baking, and various foods to feed your cows!

That's right, you heard that correctly! FEED them! Rather than feeding them from the eternal void, you now have to actually get them food and feed them yourself via the new feeding minigame!

The minigame itself is simple. All you need to do is select food from your inventory. It'll fatten up the cow and make them fuller depending on the type of food you gave them, and then will give you a small hexagonal coloured piece. Matching three or more of these together will bring your cow's Fullness down and create a higher numbered hexagon. The higher the hexagon matched, the more Fullness you'll reduce on your cow to allow you to keep feeding them!

And, of course, the barn is now fully usable! You can enter, assign cows to stables, and pick them up to follow you whenever you'd like! You'll also now need to assign them a stable before milking them, as milking will always take place at their stable!

And yes, of course each cow gets to put their own personal touches on their room in the barn!

There's of course PLENTY more changes and additions, such as the new Oven that can be crafted at the workstation and used for cooking, and the newest dryad type, the Wheat Dryad!

However, for a more comprehensive list of changes and additions, you can check the patchnotes below! PATCHNOTES:
-NEW COW: Candace the Baker! This cheerful, party-ready airhead will sell you ingredients to bake your own goods, or sell you some delicious treats so you can skip right to the good stuff!
-NEW MINIGAME: Feeding! The feeding skillcheck has been replaced with a match-style minigame that uses food in your inventory to fatten up your cows.
-NEW CRAFTING: Cooking! Create an oven and start making some delicious dishes!
-NEW DRYAD: Wheat Dryad! A whole new crop to add to the farm! She produces wheat, a staple for baking! You can buy her seeds from June!
-NEW STATE: Bloated! Cows can now become bloated at every weight state when their Fullness is sufficiently high.
-Cows will become gassy at high Fullness. Turning off "Gas Volume" in options completely removes this for those who do not prefer it.
-The Barn has been implemented!
-Inside the Barn are stables which can be assigned to each cow. Once assigned, they will be brought there for milking and will fill their room with personal touches unique to each cow.
-Cows can now be ordered to follow, and brought inside buildings with you.
-Cutscenes now trigger a "black bars" mode on the screen.
-Reworked the dialogue system.
-Added "Moods", which affect the dialogue of cows.
-Chairs can now be destroyed by cows of sufficient weight.
-Boulders now spawn on the farm. They can be destroyed for stone.
-Added craftable refrigerator, oven, and lava lamps.
-Added calm particles to backgrounds.
-Fixed issues with the lighting system when coming in and out of buildings repeatedly.
-Saving and loading has been made more stable, but a warning is now issued when you attempt to load an old save version.
-Completely reworked the camera system.
-Like, completely reworked it. The bug should be gone this time.
-Seriously. Like, completely gone.
-Fixed a bug where the topmost border of the screen had feet randomly walking across it over the barn.
-Made the Discipline minigame for Dryads less annoying to do.
-Fixed a bug where picking up a lot of items at once made most of them disappear.
-Fixed a bug which broke the game when talking to someone in front of a door.
-Made June 20% more cottage-core.
-Fixed a bug where Mocha approved of June's cottage-core aesthetic.
-A few other small things, like SFX tweaks! PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed some game-breaking inventory bugs.
-Fixed a bug that made Izzy not spawn in new games.
-Made Fullness drain from the Feeding Minigame lower so as to not bypass overfeeding entirely.
-Cow Fullness and Milk no longer rapidly drain when you're away from cows.
-Cows will now actually refuse being fed when in a bad mood from overfeeding, so as to prevent just feeding them one thing at a time and ignoring Fullness.
-Fixed a bug that drained cow Fullness and Milk when saving.
-Time now actually passes when you leave a room.
-Fixed a bug that spawned 2 copies of Sky.
-Cows will now slowly produce milk even if not fed.
-Fixed more inventory bugs while gifting.
-Fixed a bug that got the player stuck on the stables when feeding.
-Fixed some bugs that broke the game when multiple dialogues opened at once.
-Timers and Fullness now no longer pause when changing rooms.
-Fixed a bug where characters couldn't be interacted with after using a bovinity potion.
-Fixed a bug that caused crashes when girls were full when they changed sizes.
-Fixed a bug where wildberry dryad sprites wouldn't show parts of her body.
-Fixed a bug that allowed multiple cows to follow the player, usually resulting in crashed.
-Fixed a bug where trying to milk a cow outside the barn would crash the game.
-Fixed some feeding minigame bugs that caused crashed.
-Fixed some inventory bugs.
-Fixed a bug that made dryads no longer burp.
-Fixed a bug where Candace's bloated state wouldn't load properly.
-Fixed bugs with bloated dialogue crashing the game.
-Fixed a bug that caused crashes when talking to dryads.
-Fixed a bug that didn't let you re-enter the barn once you took a cow from their stable.
-Fixed a bug that caused S'apphire to crash the game when she felt like it.

Alright! that just about covers it for now!

As always, please feel free to leave feedback, suggestions, or any other comments! I read everything and love to know what y'all think of the updates.

Until next time, Farmers!




So excited for this 😁😁😁


hey just tried the new patch and if you save when the candace is full and has milk that hasnt been drained it. it resets them to both a empty stomach and empty breasts. not sure if it effects the other girls


Holy shit IT'S HERE! And on the last day of the year to boot xD. Gonna play this like there is no tomorrow. Now go and give yourself a more than well earned rest, as someone who has worked in programing I'm sure that camera bug was annoying to fix


I missed like most of thr updates. I should show some more gratitude by actually playing them 😭. Anyway , thanks for working so hard on this project for us


Hey I love the game so far and the progression is a ton of fun. The art is great too everyone is adorable 😍 I don't really have any bugs to report yet, just some comments and questions. Does fullness equate to milk? I feel like if they're not full they don't produce any milk. I noticed when I stopped playing the feeding mini game and just filled them up I got more milk. I feel like the feeding mini game may need to be reworked. Nothing about the game itself, just about the numbers surrounding it. The cows becoming bloated and full is fun, and I feel like it virtually never happens if you play the mini game even halfway decently. Perhaps food should fill their bellies much more than it does. Considering how big their capacity can be, how good the mini game is and the existance of digestion potions, you would think they would get full a lot faster. Here's some ideas for expanding cooking based on some of the things you already have. Potatos could be used to make fries. They could also be combined with mushrooms to make mushroom pot pies. Maybe they sprout out the ground or perhaps they come from a new druid. Mashed/baked potatos are also simple fun options. Ice cream! Combine milk with wild berries and sugar for wild berry ice cream. Perhaps you could obtain ice from the fridge somehow. That's all for now! Thank you for reading and keep up the good work.

Dandys Chest

A New Year's day to celebrate, but after that, we're onto the next build! >:) Thank you so much, mate! I hope you enjoy the build! :D

Dandys Chest

Hey, Shore! Thank you so much for the feedback! For Milk, it will always produce passively, but produces quicker at higher Fullness. On that note, you're right about the Feeding Minigame. I'll look into tweaking the numbers a bit so as to make sure the bloated state and feeding limit aren't completely done away by doing the minigame well. As for the food suggestions, all good shouts! :)


You absolute mad lad! I'm definitely gonna enjoy the build. And for the next post I'll probably add some feed back after playing it for a good (and long) while >:) Anyways, have fantastic new years!


Woah I did not expect another post for the update, but hey is always appreciated! (On another note I feel upgrading to a stable master tier has and will pay off in the future, just played a ton of version 0.3.5 and had fun while doing so.) (On different note, happy new years and what a way to end the year with!) Onto some feedback or minor complaints: - The Candace milk/fullness reset on save or moving to the barn bugs seems to be fixed, yay \o/ (haven't tried this version yet) - The feeding mini game is step up over the last mini game and I think it doesn't need any major overhauls. One thing I would add or change is that once a cow/girls gets fatter (hence their stomach capacity is increased) would like to see that increase in capacity also be reflected onto the mini game as increased grid sizes or anything alike. - Dryads, like them, but I feel they are way too needy at times and can detract time from the player (who could be feeding the girls/cows instead). I feel the biggest problem was just keeping in check the water levels and if they were in a certain mood (also a big plus for the improved discipline mini game). Some things that I want to see implemented, a way to know how long they will take until they fully grow (the equivalent of weight for the cows, or some sort of counter). An easier way to see the water bar (the equivalent of Fullness from the cows, as is very hard to perceive without me going into the hose mini game to know where they are exactly). Lastly, an irrigation system or something akin to it, as Dryads are integral to the cooking system and if you want to produce lots of foods you will need a lot of Dryads and as such individually keeping their water level sufficient is going to get tedious for some players. - The cooking system has a strong foundation (and I can see myself dumping hours optimizing Dryads farming for it), but I feel that the Dryads taking so long to fully grow makes the process significant slower than it could've been. (I read that you don't want to shorten the time it takes for a dryad to fully develop, so as compromise I feel increasing the drops for higher tiers will make more worthwhile the wait for them getting into bigger sizes.) I feel that the strategy for these versions of the game is to either have an enormous dryad farm (which takes time and makes it so you can't feed the girls as often), or sell everything you collect and buy burgers/fries from Candace, which defeats the purpose of cooking in the first place. A solution for the current recipes are: make all of the items farmable in some way so they can be accessed easier, or reduce the cost of recipes (specially sugar that was my biggest bottleneck when it came to cooking), so I think for future revisions, as more recipes are added and old recipes get tweaked, it will become a non issue. - Sprite work from both the wheat Dryad and Candace are amazing (as is your entire art direction for this game!) - Bit of a question that may have been answer already. Are dryads getting more/bigger sizes? (I really love their design and was just curious). That's all the feedback I can really offer, as the game is in infancy stages so there isn't much to critique or ask for (apologies for the lengthy post I just wanted to lay some feedback 😅 ). As always love the concept and the game is the best of this kinda niche bar-none. Will continue too support it whether is from the Patreon, feedback or both.


Okay, so I'm finally able to play again, and I absolutely -adore- Candace. I also have to mention that I found a bit of a bug where Candace has decided to take a seat on nothing out in front of my house. Reloading fixes it, though.


Another bug; Candace's milk levels keep emptying magically when I do practically anything? I think the cows are milking each other and intercepting the milk I need to cook!

Dandys Chest

LOL I'll look into the random seat bug. As far as the milk issue, are you on If so, I'll need to see what's going on with milk draining. Maybe they really ARE milking eachother when no one's watching...

Dandys Chest

Thank you so much for the feedback, mate! I really appreciate it! Addressing some of your comments: -The feeding grid increasing size would cause a couple problems. First, it would either cover the UI or cover the cow's sprite itself when feeding. Plus, it wouldn't really serve that much of an advantage, since there's really no restriction for resetting the game when you run out of space aside from maybe losing some pieces that were setup for a match. -As for dryads, yeah, I'll definitely look into making them a bit less needy in the future. Either that, or some sort of upgrades down the line like automatic irrigation in order to make the process of keeping a large dryad farm much less daunting. Plus, yeah, having a visual indicator of how full they are and how far along in growing they are would be a good shout. -Cooking will hopefully be improved with dryad changes later on. As far as Candace just straight up selling better food, that's kinda a temporary thing. I intend to mainly just have her sell ingredients in the future once all of the food has cookable recipes. For now, she sells burgers and fries etc. -For larger dryads, yes! I intend to have at least one more size for them. A "Queen Dryad" of sorts, which you'll only be able to make by giving a dryad a specific item that you find. Thank you so much for the kind words, support, and feedback! Hopefully this answers your questions! :D


I am on! I just wanna milk Candace, but she keeps on emptying her own milk tanks and hiding the bounty from me. Naughty cow!


game crashes shortly after being kicked out of feeding minigame to watch a cow grow. once hitting the weight limit for a sprite sheet, the minigame kicks me out. if i had an item selected, then the next time i attempt to gift an item to someone, every item i hover over will be mislabeled as if it were the last item i had selected right before the minigame ended. right clicking on one of my inventory items will cause the gift giving to fail. next time i open the gift giving interface, the game crashes. I would guess this is caused by selecting an item in the feeding minigame the moment the game attempts to end.

A Man Named Jed

I finished having fun fattening the girls into immobility and only found two bugs. The first bug was that the little imp that follows you around didn't appear until after I had to restart after finding the second bug. The second one is that if you click too fast after selecting to give one the cowgirls an item it immediately crashes the game.

The Moonstone System

must... resist urge... to sell several thousand stacks of wood and stone to just buy as many burgers as I want and break game...

Kujimi Boyo

I ran into that second bug as well! It happened after I had tried to give Candice a potion of digestion and then immediately try to feed them

Dandys Chest

Woops! That imp spawn code was something I accidentally took out in testing, my bad! As for the other bug, uploading a fix now!

Patrick Cuddihy

Enjoying the game thus far. However, I still run into the bug of Candace losing her milk and fullness whenever I save or go into a new zone. This is after I downloaded the new build.


realizing it now that an option to toggle screen shake off and on would be a very good idea. the constant shaking when all three girls are walking around at stage three is very irritating after a while.

The Moonstone System

Hey, been playin' the new build, and been gettin' this crash a lot, especially when enterin' the house: ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: Room Start for object obj_propoven: Creating instance for non-existing object: -4 at gml_Object_obj_propoven_Other_4 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_propoven_Other_4 (line -1)

The Moonstone System

Oh! I uh, also just had a crash on savin' that erased every piece a' furniture in the house. Edit: OH AND IT RESET ALL THE GIRLS TO THIN, NON-COW STATUS Edit 2: aaaand the girls are walkin' in the void above the house Edit 3: assigned Mocha a stable again after re-cowing her and now there's two of her

Dandys Chest

Holy moly you've invited witchcraft into the village. I'll look into these issues today and see what I can find that caused it. Thank you for all the reports.


Great progress. From a UI perspective it would be helpful to show how we can pull up the inventory menu without going to vendors or craft table.

Dandys Chest

To open it, just press B! But yeah, a full tutorial of key bindings will come soon! :D


Not sure if anyone has already brought this up, but when holding a stack of any food item (more specifically whichever item you feed them last), the whole stack disappears or is reduced to 1 after overfeeding any of the NPCs. The amount of burgers I've lost to this numbers in the thousands. Very annoying to have to restock every time I'm not paying attention to the fullness meter.

Dandys Chest

Hey! A few people reported this and I looked into it. Seems to be a weird thing to do with how food items want to stack with the inventory system. It'll be fixed in the next patch, very sorry for the inconvenience caused by it!


Here's a few random comments and suggestions from my play with this current patch. Passive milk gain is great! It makes the flow of the game much better and makes donuts and cakes much more viable. The only thing I'd look at is how quickly it fills the girls at their lowest capacity. Perhaps the passive milk gain could be progressive. The fatter they are the more milk they'll passively produce so keeping them full is still worthwhile at lower levels. Maybe it already is but I just didn't notice 🤣 Great mechanic either way. I like the shyness mechanic on the druid cow, but I'm a little confused by how it works. Can I not feed her at all or just when other NPCs are around? I brought her into the house alone and it worked once but not another time. I feel like you should be able to feed her if nobody else is on screen, or maybe the logic is supposed to be that Blue counts too.

Dandys Chest

Yeah, there's a couple moods that make the cows not want to eat, like Shy and Disobedient. I'm not entirely sure why taking her into the house worked, but that's something to look into. And noted for the passive milk gain as well! A lot of people have left suggestions about that, so I'll have to look into balancing it over time as the pace of the game changes :)


Cool good to know. In all likelihood her mood just changed when I tried feeding her again. Nice to know that's how that works though thank you.


Is it helpful to you for us to report bugs/crashes? Had an error while saving and all my girls reverted to pre potion of bovinity. but I was able to keep my dryads... Loving the game by the way!


So I played the game and maxed out every available girl and tried out all of the available content so far. Let me start by saying I love the game and this is amazing so far! I just want to suggest some QOL stuff and minor tweaks. The level 3 dryad minigame takes too long. I usually have about 4 dryads, 2 of each type. If I want to fill them all I usually have to neglect the cows for a while. I can only imagine this process will be longer as more dryads are added and you want more of them for reasonable production. On top of this you need to do another mini game beforehand. I think the level 2 speed should be about as long as it should take. The flirting mini game is a guessing game. All of the other mini games have some sort of tell or clear objective. I find myself just clicking random options until it works out. I think when you choose to flirt it should give you a little tell like: “you notice the dryad curling her hair with her finger”. Sorry if there's a tell I'm just missing 🤣 The milking minigame takes too long. Maybe the amount of times you have to milk them changes based on their current size rather than every 4 milks. At max size you end up milking them over 10 times, which takes even longer if they're fully obedient. The slow speed of the wheel is good for making the game easier, but the game should take less time to compensate. Make milking possible everywhere. Needing to roll your girls back out of the barn every time they're milked is a little tedious. The barn would still be useful as a way to prevent mobile cows from free roaming. Burgers seem most efficient. By the end of the game I found myself just turning all of my resources into burgers. Cooking should be the most efficient way to get fattening foods. It takes time, the most expensive ingredients in the game, and dryads to be possible. It takes 4 sugar and one egg to make one dish, just those 2 ingredients cost $2 more than one burger. That's not even considering the money berries and flour are worth. Perhaps burgers should cost more. Maybe in the long term they shouldn't be (easily) purchasable at all and you'll need to cook them too. I find it hard to stay stuffed. The feeding mini game changes you made are good, but having enough food to give the girls that glorious big belly is difficult. Perhaps food should just fill the girls more on average. I think things like mushrooms are fine because they're basically empty calories that fill up your cow. With other more fattening foods though you'll run out before you get anywhere near stuffed. Raw resources are worth the same amount as processed ones, or less. The best example of this is flour. Flour costs the same as wheat and flowers. Mushrooms cost $4 and you pick those up off the ground. When you ask the demon lady to shift forms she should fly overhead instead of behind you. Even when shifted she still gets in the way when I'm clicking on other interactables. There's a deflating balloon noise when feeding a max level cow. I have farts turned off. The cows belch/moan a bit too frequently when feeding. Here's some ideas for changing clicking and right clicking functionality. Right clicking on cows should open their chat menu, not just their shops. Right clicking ground tiles should make Blue walk over to that tile. Right clicking should share functionality with pressing F in most instances. The focus of these changes would be to make the game playable with one hand. At least the stuff on the farm. I know that farming games or games with lots of grinding resources usually have this functionality and I think it would work here. Thank you for reading my suggestions and keep up the good work!

Dandys Chest

Yeah, you can report bugs/crashes either in comments or in messages! I try to keep up with them in either place! There's been a lot of problems with the same system, so it's looking like it'll need an overhaul soon. Thank you for the report! I'll look and see if I can see what specifically caused this issue!

Dandys Chest

Hey Shore! Thank you so much for all the suggestions! Let me try to address all the ones I can. As for the dryad minigame taking too long, yeah. I might lower the watering time down for them. However, I dont want to make it too easy to keep them overfilled with water, since that's only necessary for growing them between stages, and not for making them produce resources. They do that passively. So I dont want it to be TOO easy to upgrade them to max, since once they're at max, keeping them watered only slightly increases resource sprout time. That said, I definitely need to make these stats more easily readable on each dryad. The flirting minigame is essentially supposed to be a guessing game, with small chances for different options (for example, complimenting a dryad's figure is a great idea if they're at stage 2, but if they're massive, they might get a bit self-conscious about it) But yeah, once again, conveying this information a bit better might be a good idea. As far as milking, having it be elsewhere might cause some issues, since milk bottles can get stuck in terrain and the cow might be literally too big to trigger the animation properly without causing collision issues in certain areas. But regarding how long it takes, you're right, maybe making the minigame produce more bottles of milk for larger sizes instead of just having to spam it 20 times might be a good call. On the topic of foods, dont worry! Prices, fullness times, and all that are all temporary. Once the game is a bit more content-full, I'll worry about more finalized times and rates for everything. But since the game only has a small fraction of its gameplay loop right now, I'm not too worried about the exact rates of everything. In the full game, it wont be possible to just buy burgers and high-weight foods to speedrun the weight of cows. Cooking will become a core part of the gameplay loop. Right now, I just have Candace sell all of that so that way people can just use it as an easy way to speed right to bigger sizes if they want. Regarding Izzy's form shift, that's a good shout. Having her float overhead would be a nice way to get her out of the way. I'll look into the belches and sounds playing too often/when muted! Yeah, they definitely play a bit too much during feeding, and Im not sure why you're getting gas sounds if the volume is turned off. And finally, in regards to one-handed controls, as much as I'd like to make interact and right click interchangeable, it's not really possible with a side-scrolling game like Gorge Valley, where tasks, interfaces, and NPCs can stack over one another and cause frustration if you just want to click on one and you have to dig to the bottom of a pile for it. So having some various different interaction methods helps reduce that a bit. Hope this made sense! And thank you again so much for all the feedback/suggestions!


Thank you for the reply! I'm really interested to hear where your head is at on these things. Just hearing your responses makes me feel very good about supporting the game! In relation to "having milking happen anywhere causes issues." I totally see where you're coming from and it's something that totally went over my head. Perhaps after milking the cow is teleported back to where you left them but you are left in the stable to collect the milk? And in relation to "as much as I'd like to make interact and right click interchangeable, it's not really possible with a side-scrolling game". I see where you're coming from on this too! I think maybe the solution here is robust keybinding options in the future. Like the ability to bind most actions to middle mouse and mouse side buttons.

Dandys Chest

True! The teleporting back out of the barn might help. And yeah, I intend to make the keybindings all customizable in the future once the settings are more robust and able to be changed around! So hopefully that should help make the game more easily playable! ^^


When can i get this on mobile? Or can anyone help me figure out how to run this on a chromebook? Thats all i got an its making me sad lmao

Dandys Chest

The goal is to make additional versions for Mac and mobile later on! But early in development, currently there's only a Windows version Im afraid


Will you continue making story’s after the game is finished?


Is there any way to use a save from a previous build?

Dandys Chest

You can usually load old saves, but there's a chance it'll corrupt in the event of a version mismatch! I'm looking to try and fix this in future builds.