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I wanted to have the new build ready by today so that I could share it with everyone as my own birthday gift to myself, but the dang camera system needs to be redone from scratch because it keeps bugging out with the new build.

So, unfortunately, I'll need a few more days than expected to have it working properly. Really sorry to have to delay it for everyone who's excited for it!

Hopefully the delay won't be too long. I still want to have it ready within this next week!

Thank you all for the patience and support! It really means a lot, y'all :)


Kookoo brain

Happy belated birthday king, keep doing what you’re doing. Sure we’re eagerly waiting but you can’t rush a masterpiece! Take all the time you need.


Is it coming soon? Im going traveling in 3 days and just wanted to know if I could play it in time. Also great work in all the versions youve put out!

Dandys Chest

It's out already! The Unstable build is out for all $12 Tier members! The Stable version will come to $6 Tier members within a week or two! :)


Are there plans to add multiple save files or a method to change the weight/appearance of the cows? Really cool game btw.

Dandys Chest

Yep! More in depth save system is on the to-do list. As far as the weight and appearance of the cows, a few things. The actual bodytypes of the cows won't change, but more sizes are planned. As for appearances, outfits and alternate appearances are planned for later down the road! :)