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Hey guys!
(First of all, this new patreon UI update is disgusting. Sorry you all have to endure it)

Secondly, I'm happy to say that the next update for the playable demo build will be coming soon! It will include the basic foundation for the Dryad Farming system, as well as destructible terrain, placeable objects, and a new NPC! (and a few other changes!)

I'm hoping to have it ready within the week for all $12 tier patrons to mess around with and get their hands on! When it's live, the previous stable build will be available to all $2 tier patrons to finally get to try!

I just want to say, I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who's tried out the game, left feedback and suggestions, reported bugs, and just shared their thoughts on the project. I'm also SO grateful for all the support and interest there have been for this game! I'm so excited to expand (teehee) the project and share it with more people, and it's awesome to see people excited to see it flourish into something much larger (teehee x2) and further developed.

And lastly, I just want to give a massive thank you to everyone who has came here to show generous support. It is insane how much of an influx of new supporters I've received here, and it's genuinely made me want to pour as much effort into this project as possible, especially considering how far and few between the releases of major WG-themed games are.

I'm really sorry to everyone I haven't managed to write a thank-you letter to yet. I used to be pretty on top of it, but with everyone pouring in at once, I'm sure a lot of folks flew under the radar, so if that's you, then let me apologize here and say thank you so, so much, for the support both old and new. Y'all are amazing and I couldn't be doing this without you guys.

Love you absolute legends <3




Sounds awesome - looking forward to checking out the new stuff!


Lookin' forward to it! (Also god yeah this UI sucks now holy crap)