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Chapter 1 - The Tour Begins


“Oh, Jenna, you seriously can’t wait until we at least get there?”

“S-Sorry, Mom. I guess I just get hungry when I’m nervous.”

The peckish doe looked down at her lap, pulling her shirt down over her pudgy stomach, wishing more than anything she could just get it to shut up.

The deer driving the minivan snorted, not looking over at her as she tried to beat the red light.

“Then we should work on how nervous you are all the time.” she huffed under her breath. “So  are we sure this is such a good idea then?”

Jenna’s mother held up the comically-oversized golden ticket. Upon it read “Porkette’s Feast Factory, ticket to an exclusive tour”. Porkette’s was probably the single largest brand of snack and junk food in the entire world at this point, and an event like this was talked about worldwide across the news.

“I mean… even Dad said how huge of a deal this was. Only a handful of people actually got one. This is probably the luckiest I’ve ever been in my life. I can’t just pass this up… right?” Jenna insisted sheepishly, adjusting her glasses across her nose.

Her mother only sighed as a response. “Your father and his brilliant ideas. What you should be doing is focusing on college.”

“I-I know, Mom. And I will. As soon as I get back.”

That at least seemed to appease the hot-headed doe. “Fine.”

And with that, the building that they’d been looking for came into view. Turning off the street, the minivan rumbled over a rocky path, before coming through a grand, fantastical gate around the grounds of the factory. All of the metals followed these exuberant swirls and twists that made the entire factory feel like it was supposed to have been lifted out of a child’s vivid candyland dreams.

As the car pulled into the driveway, Jenna drew a sharp breath.

“Shoot! We’re the last ones here! Alright, I gotta hurry!” she said, grabbing her purse and hugging her mother goodbye. “I’ll call you when the tour’s over!”

Her mother nodded, but seemed busy looking about at the decor… if one could even call it that. Particularly, she looked at the sculptures made of chocolate. The gardens of greasy cheeseburgers. The decorative waterfalls of melted butter.

She turned her nose, shivering with disgust.

“Sweetheart, you’re… sure this is a good idea? You promised you’d start dieting.”

Jenna rolled her eyes. “Please, not that again, Mom. I promise, I will.”

Her mother winced, hardly able to fathom the amount of calories around every turn of this place.

“Alright…. Well, stay safe. And… try to eat decently.” her mother said, before starting the car, and pulling out of the lot.

With a sigh, Jenna quickly started making her way over, trying not to be caught by the camera crews as she zeroed in on the crowd of other tourists, each holding their gold ticket. She pulled hers out of her purse just to be ready.

Finally, she joined the crowd, and tried to meld in. However, she could immediately feel eyes on her as the last one joining. She tried to pay no heed to it, but before she could try to settle away from sight, a swift wind blew by, and out slipped the ticket from her hand.

She gasped as it lifted into the wind, flying up towards the factory.

The camera crew looked up at it, mouths agape, and a few of the tourists snorted as they watched it fly up.

Just as it seemed the tour may lose one of its members, a window from an upper floor of the factory slid open.

At once, everyone could see something… or, someone trying to fit through. A skintight black bodysuit with some sort of glossy red performer’s outfit crammed itself into the open window, and with some obvious straining, finally, the woman managed to pop through.

Everyone watched in awe as the woman, not fell, but floated, gently towards the ground, a bright red umbrella seeming to act as a parachute to slow her descent.

As she descended, everyone could see who it was–Miss Penny Porkette herself.

The plump pig was dressed in long, elegant white gloves, a flashy outfit, and a tiny top hat atop her brown bob cut. She gave a showy smile as she reached out, carefully snatching the ticket out of the air as it blew past her, and after a few seconds of her gentle descent, she set foot to the ground below, folding up her umbrella and throwing it over her shoulder before raising her other hand into the air, the quick movement making a resounding jiggle pass through her curvaceous form.

“Welcome, darlings~! To the grand tour of Miss Porkette’s Feast Factory!” she shouted, practically singing the words. “I am, as you no-doubt know, Miss Penny Porkette~!” she purred her own name, as if it gave her a great deal of joy just to say it out loud.

Finally, she stepped forward, a grand sway to her hips before she handed the ticket to the nervous doe at the back of the crowd.

“And I believe this is yours, my doll~.”

Jenna swallowed before she shakily took her ticket, fixing her glasses as she looked up to the woman with some red in her cheeks.

“Y-Yes–... er–... th-thank you….”

The woman merely smiled. “Of course, darling~! Now, you all get acquainted whilst I deal with the cameras! The tour shall begin shortly. I hope you’re all hungry for the time of your lives~!” she concluded, extra emphasis on the word ‘hungry’.

Which seemed to make one of the women in the crowd scrunch her face in disgust.

“Hungry? Pfft, fat chance.” the tall, lean cheetah woman said with a scoff. Her dark hair was long, straight, and shiny, and she had bangs that framed her sharp features. She wore a tight outfit of yoga pants and a crop top, clearly opting for a sporty fashion sense.

Jenna was confused to see someone like her at a place like this.

“You… don’t like Porkette’s food? Then… why come to the tour in the first place…?” she asked quietly.

The cheetah whirled towards her, the tall woman staring down the doe as if her eyes could melt her where she stood. She snorted as the question finally dawned on her, flicking her tail in annoyance.

“You think I came here because I was hungry? They gave me my ticket so that I’d try their stupid new ‘health line’ and endorse it at my gym. I’m getting out of here as soon as I can. I can feel my cholesterol rising just being near this place. Some of us actually care about how we look.” she snapped, poking a claw against Jenna’s underbelly peeking from her shirt. Her face went bright red as she tried to roll it back down.

God I wish I had gone shopping before this, she thought to herself in disgust.

Before Jenna could even say anything, a flash of a camera practically blinded them both, and the cheetah growled as she got ready to find the wise guy who just pulled that.

However, surprisingly, it wasn’t one of the camera crew. They both looked at a perky, plump-chested blue-feathered bird girl with short blonde hair, tight short-shorts, and little more than a swimsuit top. She had her phone in hand, taking pictures of herself in countless poses from various different angles around the factory’s front grounds.

“Gawd, that’s a cute one! Alright, definitely posting all of these, like, NOW. Everyone’s gonna be HUNGRY for content! I didn’t post anything that whole drive here!” the bird chatted to herself, her valley girl inflection making her every word sharp and loud over the crowd.

With a snarl, the cheetah grabbed her phone, holding it from her.

“Like, what the HELL?” the bird snapped, a hand on her hip. “Do you have ANY idea who I am??”

Jenna and the cheetah woman merely exchanged a glance, making sure neither of them knew.

The bird’s beak fell agape in shock.

“Like, BlueAngel doesn’t ring a bell to either of you?”


The bird rolled her eyes. “Whatever, just give me back my phone, spots!”

The cheetah glared down at her. “What did you just call me?”

The bird smirked. “What, are you gonna beat me up? What are you, like, a swimmer? You’re definitely flat enough to be one.” she said with a giggle.

The cheetah reared her fist back, but Jenna quickly jumped forward. “Wait, wait! W-Why don’t we… not get kicked out before the tour even starts? Just… give her her phone back, and she won’t take any more pictures for a bit, alright…?” she tried to offer as a remedy, looking to both of them.

They both sighed. The cheetah tossed the phone to her, and the bird put it into her purse.

“Whatever.” they both said in unison.

“But no promises once we get inside. Everyone’s gonna LOVE seeing their favourite hottie licking ice cream and trickling butter on her–”

“What the hell is wrong with you? You’re gonna ruin your health just to get some hot pictures?” the cheetah interrupted in disgust.

“Ew! What, are you some sort of health-freak? FYI, Flatboard, I can eat, like, whatever I want and not gain weight. I eat Porkette’s snacks and shit like… all the time. And it just goes right here~.” she muses with a smirk, bouncing up and down to give her chest a chance to take the spotlight.

The cheetah just growls in return. “If you bounce those balloons at me one more time, I swear I’ll pop them. And my name’s not Flatboard! It’s fucking Camille!”

The bird offers a mindless smile, and gives a cute wink. “Oh, cute~! Mine’s Katie!” Finally, she turns toward Jenna. “And you, if you could, like, keep her from ruining the tour for everyone, that’d be, like… awesome, okay?”

Jenna was stunned at her forwardness, but managed to at least nod.

“Coolsies!” Katie exclaimed, before grabbing her phone. “Alright, I gotta send a few more tweets before this show starts! Laters!”

Jenna and Camille merely watched her leave, before the ill-tempered cheetah just sighed. “Fucking bimbo.”

Jenna had nothing to add, but she jumped slightly as she heard a girl behind her click her tongue.

“Great, that makes seven.” the woman huffed in annoyance.

Jenna turned around, raising a brow. “E-Excuse me…?”

Before her was another plump pig woman, though not nearly as much so as Miss Porkette. This girl was stuffed into a green business attire and skirt, her chest practically suffocating the buttons of her top. Her long black hair was pushed back to keep out of her face, and she tapped her finger against a tablet in her hand.

“You. You’re the seventh tourist. Was kind of hoping there would only be six, but… whatever.”

Jenna looked down, watching her run math on her screen before noticing she had an audience, and quickly pulling her tablet away. “Rude!”

Jenna couldn’t help but find the irony in that, but didn’t comment on it. “Why are you… so serious about how many tourists there are?”

She snorted at that, a piggish laugh escaping her before she tried to settle herself, seeming a bit self-conscious of the snort.

“Odds, sweetheart.” she said condescendingly. “Surely you know what this tour is for, right? Porkette’s retiring. She’s looking for someone to take her place as the head of her brand. And, obviously, I’m the most suited. Both in business sense and due to the fact that I’d make a pretty figurehead for her stupid fans to drool over.”

Jenna was almost taken aback by just how full of herself she seemed. “You… seem pretty confident in your chances.”

The pig glared over. “The name is Megan.” Jenna tried to offer her own, but Megan merely held her hand up. “Jenna, I know. I already looked up all the ticket holders. I was just hoping you wouldn’t show. Thought for sure that if anyone was gonna get here last, it’d be that fat cow, Haley.” she remarked, pointing towards a rather rotund bear girl with dark hair, stuffed into a red flannel top that could barely button and a pair of jean shorts that looked like they didn’t have long for this world.

As if in an attempt to test their durability, Megan and Jenna watched as she was bent over one of the decorative rivers, guzzling down the melted cheese that flows along it. The tourists around her gave grossed out glances at her, especially as they could hear her stomach bubbling with all of the fat freshly dumped inside it.


Haley finally pulled her head out with a rumbling burp that jiggled her love handles from the sheer force.

“Woo! That was good!” she shouted, her thick southern accent catching Jenna off guard. Finally, Haley seemed to look down and see the mess of cheese on her tight top.

“Awwwh!” she whined, kicking her foot to the ground. “Someone get me a damn towel! I don’t wanna look like no mess for the cameras!”

The camera crew awkwardly scrambled, before someone was finally able to offer her a towel to clean off with.

“Yep.” Megan continued to Jenna. “That’s Haley. Spoiled brat from Texas who’s gotten everything she’s wanted since birth. Her family owns a successful farm, so she’s never had to work a day in her life. All she does is stuff her face day in and day out, making her a prime candidate for this tour.”

“That’s… a bit rude, don’t you think?” Jenna remarked sheepishly.

“No, don’t be stupid. That’s just facts. Me not saying it won’t make it wrong, will it?”

Jenna didn’t quite follow that, but she did follow Megan’s finger as she pointed out Camille and Katie, who seemed to already be back to screaming at each other.

“You’ve already met those two idiots. Camille’s a hot-headed gymnast junkie who got suckered into this to test out a new ‘health line’ from Porkette’s. And Katie’s an influencer-extraordinaire. An online celebrity who’s only known for two things–her harmless bimbo personality, and her giant tits.”

“You can’t just–”

Megan pointed towards the last two tourists, standing off on their own corner. One was a tall white fox with silver hair in a shoulder-length movie star haircut, wearing a tight red cocktail dress.

The other was a white rabbit with brown spots dressed in all black, wearing a baggy hoodie and plenty of dark makeup. Her hair was purple at the tips, and she seemed to purposefully use it to hide her face.

Both of them were on their phones, trying not to have to engage with anyone else around them in the crowd.

“The frumpy goth’s name is Olivia, and the washed-up Beverly Hills mom is Josie. Olivia’s only here because of the free food, since she’s a broke college student who pretty much hates the world. And Josie’s only here because she heard the whole thing would be televised and she’s doing everything she can to have one last sad attempt to get her face on a screen.”

“You seem… really judgemental.” Jenna said sadly, looking at the slightly unnerving pig girl. Megan merely looked back at her.

“Sorry that intelligence intimidates you, I guess?” she said. Finally, she put the tablet away, and walked towards the gates. “We’re scheduled to start in a minute. Just stay out of my way and I won’t have to destroy you, alright, Soft-Serve?”

Jenna didn’t have anything to say back. Though, to be sure, the last thing she wanted to do now was get in her way.

Slowly, Jenna followed after and made her way towards the crowd.

As the crowd gathered, Miss Porkette smiled at them all.

“Well, I’ve kept you all waiting long enough, my darlings~! Shall we begin the tour?”

A mild excitement came over the crowd, predominantly from Haley.

“Excellent~! Then, let’s not delay! Right this way, everyone! Let’s get your waivers signed, and the experience of a lifetime can begin~!”

And just like that, the tour was underway.

Which room will the tour begin with?

A) Donutopia

B) The Burger Belt

C) Sundae Falls

(Vote in the comments with the letter you'd like to see next chapter! $2 Patrons' votes are worth 1 vote each, $6 Patrons' are worth 2 each, and $12 Patrons' are worth 4 each! Voting will last for 24 hours before the winning option is chosen!)

Hope y'all are excited for this one. :)




C 👀








Quite the colorful cast we've got here, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this trip expands their horizons--and by horizons, I of course mean bodies. As for a vote, I say A--you've got to start with breakfast!

Dandys Chest

Thank you much, mate! Wanted to make a fun little variety of spoiled rotten ladies for this one! :P