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When there's a milestone like 10,000 followers over on Twitter, there is only one correct answer for how to celebrate such an event.

Ladies and gentlemen, Poca is about to do what she does best.

And for context:

Today was the day.

Poca was quitting her job at Hefty's Heifers once and for all. She couldn't take it anymore. The constant damage to her figure. The staring perverts and the even MORE perverted waitresses.

Now was the perfect time to quit. With the private investigation into the "ethics" of the restaurant underway, Hefty couldn't use the excuse that they were too busy to let Poca leave. There was no way she'd be able to rope Poca back in this time.

Besides, if she waited until the restaurant re-opened, God forbid Hefty try to pull another "celebration" with Poca as the star attraction.

That might have been the worst part of this job. The hot dogs. Poca never wanted to lay eyes on another hot dog again in her life.

It'd been almost two years since the last big hot dog stunt. Ever since Hefty found out about Poca's "secret talent", she used it as much as she could to drum up publicity for the restaurant. And to this day, Poca still couldn't take a waddling step without the bounce and jiggle of her figure reminding her just how much damage that damned mouse had done to her...

Even with how much weight she'd managed to lose, every dress she wore was still splitting at the seams. Even the one she had on now looked ready to blow. But at last, it'd all be over.

She pushed the doors to Hefty's Heifers open, and called out. "Hefty! Where are you, you crazy bitch? I'm here to--"

"There you are!" she heard the mouse declare excitedly from afar. Before Poca could ask where she was, she heard Hefty clap her hands, and before she knew it, a pair of large, suited animals were leading her to a side room.

"¡Ey! ¡Quítame las manos de encima!" Poca yelped, letting out a few squawks and clucks in her panic. "What the hell is this?!"

"Oh, calm down, Poca. It's all part of your contract. Let's get you out of that tight thing. You'll need something a bit... looser."

"Contract?! Looser?!" Poca exclaimed, her feathers ruffled in a furious frenzy.

Being man-handled by massive men wearing suits in a dark room was a very particular fantasy of Poca's, but she'd NEVER imagined it going down like this. And knowing that rotten mouse was behind it made it impossible to take any joy in the situation.

She felt them rip the dress right off of her, having to practically peel her out of it like the world's fattest banana, before she blushed as she felt them groping her fat just to stuff her into a... rather scant article of clothing. A stretchy bikini. The style of it reminded her of--... oh no...

All of a sudden, as the panic settled, Poca got a strong whiff of a very particular smell. Processed sausages.

In an instant, lights flicked on and practically blinded Poca, and her heart sank at the sight all around her...

"Thank God you showed up when you did, Hot Wing. We've got seventy-two hours before the grand re-opening after our last little legal dispute. And you've already shown you can do PLENTY in that time..." Hefty said with a smile.




Awesome!! You need another 10k followers asap, btw I didn’t catch the mouse name

A Man Named Jed

They're gonna need a warehouse to contain her after this!