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The patch-notes and stuff are below, but of course, let's start with the good part... THE LINK!


(More small hot-fixes)


It's finally here. The complete overhaul. The BIG KAHUNA.

Seriously, this build might seem a bit dry in new big features, but the under the hood work has been... exhaustive.

Let's go over a couple of the new things!

The Story Intro!

The first new thing you'll probably notice is the introduction cutscenes. At long last, Gorge Valley is getting a proper story, rather than just being a little forest sandbox full of cow girls.

I won't spoil much here. Go check it out! You can get your hands on it as soon as you start a new game!

But the bare bones of it is a look into what Sky is doing in Gorge Valley in the first place... with a couple options for how her arrival might go...

New Portraits!

All the old, sketchy dialogue portraits have been completely replaced with new, shiny, artstyle-appropriate, and ANIMATED portraits for each character! Eventually, these portraits will also show the increase of weight for each character, but this unfortunately wasn't finished in time for the build release. However, it'll be coming in the updates that follow suit!

There are new settings as well that allow you to customize the portraits you want to see. You can disable the fat portraits and cow portraits separately, in case you prefer not to use them!

Full-Cow Mode!

Got some extra Bovinity Potions to spare? Giving a potion to an already-transformed cow will now turn them into a full-cow! Hooves, udders, the whole works! This mode has unique animations, sprites, portraits, etc. (Even Sky can have a taste of her own medicine now!)

New Dryad!

A sweet new dryad joins the farm! As always, seeds for her can be picked up from June.

Cut Content.

Anyone who's been keeping a watchful eye might have noticed a distinct lack of several features. Brie the Barn Mouse and Fat Sky being among them. This is simply due to the fact that, due to the massive scope of this update, reprogramming large parts of the game, completely overhauling the art, and several corruptions of data that required restarting a lot of work from scratch, this update has been a NIGHTMARE to finally get ready to ship.

As such, in order to prevent it from coming another month down the line, I decided to cut what was necessary to have it ready in time.

The extra portraits, Brie, new cows, and more mini-games will be coming in the following updates. And, with any luck, those updates won't have nearly as much scope creep and should come FAR sooner than this one.

Again, thank you so much to everyone for the patience. This update will go down in history as the biggest pain in my ass to date. But it's worth it. I love this project, and I hope you all do too.


Until next time, Farmers. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed an issue that caused cows to stay behind the fence when milking. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed the wall boundaries inside the barn.
-When assigned to a stable, any girls inside the barn will now teleport to their stable when you enter. This should prevent anyone from having girls permanently lost out of bounds on their save if any similar bugs happen in the barn. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed bug that wouldn't let you leave the starting area as inflated-Sky.
-Fixed bugged out portraits in the opening cutscene. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed never-ending loading screen when trying to go towards S'apphire.
-Sky's fat portraits now show properly in the opening cutscene.
-You will no longer interact with NPCs and Dryads behind the inventory when trying to right click.
-Fixed an issue where ovens inside rooms will crash the game. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed issue where Sky bugged out when breaking chairs.
-Sky's weight can now be seen on the Fullness bar.
-Fixed a bug where Sky's animations got stuck after she moved a cow into a stable.
-Sky's fullness now gets saved for loaded games. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed a few more save errors.
-Fixed a problem where Mocha liked to randomly start floating inside the barn.
-Fixed size changes making characters glitch out and stretch their sprite.
-Fixed some collision glitches.
-Gave June meds for her pollen allergy. PATCHNOTES:
-Saving with a cow following you no longer crashes the game.
-Fixed a few save errors.
-Weight Loss Potion now works properly. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed full-cow animations not triggering during feeding.
-Fixed size transformation getting rid of cow mode.
-Fixed a couple inventory crashes. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed an issue where full-cow mode animations were disabled at bigger sizes.
-Fixed some full-cow mode animations.
-Fixed a lighting glitch indoors.
-Fixed an issue with certain furniture items de-spawning. PATCHNOTES:
-Sky's Fullness no longer fills up and crashes the game.
-Fixed crash with saving when in the new areas.
-Fixed crash with saving with stabled cows.
-Fixed the De-Bovination potions not working properly.
-Fixed some animation errors. PATCHNOTES:
-NEW DRYAD: Sugar Cane Dryad! This sweet diva will give you all the sugar you need for your baked goods! You can buy her seeds from June
-NEW PORTRAITS: Complete overhaul of dialogue portraits, complete with animated sprites and emotions!
-FULL-COW MODE: All girls now have a "full-cow mode", attained by giving them a second Bovinity Potion after they've been transformed!
-COW SKY: Sky can now drink Bovinity Potions, and has both a half-cow and full-cow mode!
-STORY INTRO: New introduction when creating a new game!
-Added weight loss potions sold by S'apphire!
-Added De-Bovinity potions sold by S'apphire! Using one can retract a cow transformation slightly from the villagers, or return Sky to normal!
-Added portrait settings!
-Candace no longer sells Sugar.
-Fixed a bug where ovens would crash the game when you left a room while they were cooking.
-Completely reworked the inventory code. No more bugs where giving items turns them into a cheeseburger, hopefully.
-Fixed a bug where dialogue bubbles would sometimes crash the game if quickly entering a new room afterward.
-Fixed another camera bug.
-Fixed a bug where stabled cows could phase through walls.
-Added plenty of particle effects.
-Fixed lighting issues when entering a building right when night fell.
-Fixed some crafting bugs.
-Added new music (Courtesy of Kevin Macleod's library!)
-Fixed a bug where cutscene transitions would just kinda drag the camera away for no reason.
-Candace no longer knows Mocha's middle name.




So if we take that pollen allergy medicine from June she could swell up🧐

Noah (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-18 23:46:17 Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet
2024-05-18 23:46:17 Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet
2024-05-18 23:46:17 Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet
2024-05-18 23:46:17 Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet
2024-05-18 23:46:17 Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet
2024-05-18 23:46:17 Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet
2024-05-18 23:46:17 Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet
2024-05-18 20:30:02 Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet

Wait so does this build have the fat sky yet


How do I craft metal?


Finally I’m waiting to playing this! fat Sky❤️ Let’s gooo! You’re amazing Dandy 🥹


For some reason I had to do a new game to get the chest items to spawn

Mason Bumpus

How can I update the game? And can I keep my progress when switching versions?

Waylon Waters

Oh shit, you added the sugar cane Dryad!! Hell yeah!

Dandys Chest

If you download the new version, you SHOULD be able to load your previous save! But beware, corruptions can happen between versions, so load it at your own risk!


I think I found a bug. If you pick the don't need help option in the intro, where Sky gets stuffed by the dryad, the game is using the skinny Sky portraits and doesn't use any of the fat Sky portraits like in the previous version (0.4.4).


God the first stage weight stage looks amazing! Can't wait for higher weight stages for sky!


I think this is a bug, stage 2 dryads dont prevent sprouts from being planted near them like they do when sprouts, meaning you can overlap them

Dandys Chest

Any platform that supports pictures. Twitter, or the Discord server would work great :)

Connor Dillon

What is the fastest way to make gold?

Dandys Chest

Technically speaking, by mass-selling all the starting stuff in the chest outside the barn lmao But when the game isn't in as early of a state, it'll be by selling milk :P


First time player and I have no idea what the controls are or how to save 😅 Love the game so far. Is there any benefit to cooking the food? Seems rather heavily tedious

Dandys Chest

Hey Cal! Controls are just WASD, jump, B for inventory, F to interact. Usual RPG stuff :) Escape to go to the menu to save! As for cooking, later on it'll be more of a mechanic. Right now, you can just buy food from Candace as a little cheat to make things go faster while the game's early in development :)


is there any way to move items in bulk?

Dandys Chest

Yeah, a lot of people have said that it doesn't on the first load-in. Sorry for the confusion! I'll try to see why it does that sometimes.


Found a bug. If you leave one of the girls out of their stable while feeding another, they will randomly fly away off screen


Any plans to incorporate milking Sky? 😏

Biff the understudy

Hi, new patron here. I was wondering if there are any plans for more dryad weight stages in the future? :)

Dandys Chest

There's currently planned to be one more size! A "grand Dryad queen" size that can only be achieved by getting a special item later on! :)

Laura Lye

Great work so far, the sprites look fantastic and I think you've got a really solid foundation to build on here, can't wait to see the next update! i noticed a lot of the content could lend itself to pregnancy/fertility kinks too, any thoughts on adding an option for preggo-themed dialogue or similar content down the line?

Akeno Himejima

Question. How do I get metal bars? I looked at the workshop and I can't make a forge.. Is there a debug for me to use or am I just missing something simple?

Dandys Chest

The chest in front of the barn has them! Currently there's no way to get metal yet. Sorry about that!


I'm playing through this and finding stuff I haven't before - this game is AMAZING so far. Even if some of it isn't my personal preference, the art / animations / situations are so HOT. Can't wait for more! Will there be any fan related suggestion poll at all? I'd love to see what you do with certain things in a game.

Dandys Chest

Definitely! Id love to incorporate suggestions wherever I can. The upcoming stuff like combat and future NPCs will hopefully allow for that :)


What size do the girls stop at in this one? Just immobility?

Dandys Chest

Yeah! Immobility is their final transformation, but after that they'll just slowly grow in size the more you feed them :P


i love the game, man! new supporter here, but your game is coming out great. is there plans in the future to let sky grow bigger? or just two stages?