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"Long before this world looked as it does now, the races of Wyldon clashed amongst each other. The kingdoms of animals were separated by predator and prey. The hunters, and the hunted.

But as ages passed, magic crept into this world. The magic of the Fey. The dark magic of the Underworld. The long-lost arcane. And the holy magic of the Gods.

Magic poured into Wyldon like raging rivers, and with it, came the dangers it often breeds. Monsters.

As animalkind found themselves no longer the masters of the food chain, an agreement was struck between the kingdoms. For the sake of their own survival, a treatise of peace was arranged.

Predators hunting prey was outlawed. The kingdoms would join into a loose alliance of nations, all focused on the survival and wellbeing of animals of all races.

The peace was shaky at best, but it endured for many years. A new job began to arise in the villages and towns outside city walls. Adventuring.

The call to action was too great for many to ignore. Monster hunters, dungeon delvers, and treasure seekers. All promised great danger, adventure, and riches.

During this golden age of adventuring, animalkind kept itself busy, but at last, they learned to survive in this strange new world.

But in their comfort, they forgot an old threat... a creature so ancient that she pre-dated most of the magic in Wyldon.

The Greed Witch.

Imprisoned by the very first wizards, she spent centuries wasting away in her dark prison to the north, poisoning the earth and turning it into a wasteland.

But now, she has broken free. And her Greeds manifest across all of Wyldon, seeking to make this feeble world succumb to her greed."


This is part 1 of the character creation process! First thing's first, every adventurer needs their race! It's obviously the first thing you'll notice about them!

Their race will affect their appearance and stats, so choose wisely! Every animal has their benefits and drawbacks. (Or just choose the one you think is prettiest, it won't matter too much honestly.)


(There should be 10, so give them a second to load)

To vote, comment below whatever race you'd like to see in the starting party! "Dog" for dog, "Bear" for bear, etc.!

There will be three starting party members. The three most popular options will make up the cast.

If you are a "Farmhand" tier patron, you may vote on one option!

If you are a "Cattlekeeper" tier patron, you may vote on two options, or vote for a single one and it will count as 2 votes!

If you are a "Stablemaster" tier patron, you may vote on three options, or vote for a single one and it will count as 3 votes!

