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The patchnotes and stuff are below, but of course, let's start with the good part... THE LINK!




It's finally here. The complete overhaul. The BIG KAHUNA.

Seriously, this build might seem a bit dry in new big features, but the under the hood work has been... exhaustive.

Let's go over a couple of the new things!

The Story Intro!

The first new thing you'll probably notice is the introduction cutscenes. At long last, Gorge Valley is getting a proper story, rather than just being a little forest sandbox full of cow girls.

I won't spoil much here. Go check it out! You can get your hands on it as soon as you start a new game!

But the bare bones of it is a look into what Sky is doing in Gorge Valley in the first place... with a couple options for how her arrival might go...

New Portraits!

All the old, sketchy dialogue portraits have been completely replaced with new, shiny, artstyle-appropriate, and ANIMATED portraits for each character! Eventually, these portraits will also show the increase of weight for each character, but this unfortunately wasn't finished in time for the build release. However, it'll be coming in the updates that follow suit!

There are new settings as well that allow you to customize the portraits you want to see. You can disable the fat portraits and cow portraits separately, in case you prefer not to use them!

Full-Cow Mode!

Got some extra Bovinity Potions to spare? Giving a potion to an already-transformed cow will now turn them into a full-cow! Hooves, udders, the whole works! This mode has unique animations, sprites, portraits, etc. (Even Sky can have a taste of her own medicine now!)

New Dryad!

A sweet new dryad joins the farm! As always, seeds for her can be picked up from June.

Cut Content.

Anyone who's been keeping a watchful eye might have noticed a distinct lack of several features. Brie the Barn Mouse and Fat Sky being among them. This is simply due to the fact that, due to the massive scope of this update, reprogramming large parts of the game, completely overhauling the art, and several corruptions of data that required restarting a lot of work from scratch, this update has been a NIGHTMARE to finally get ready to ship.

As such, in order to prevent it from coming another month down the line, I decided to cut what was necessary to have it ready in time.

The extra portraits, Brie, new cows, and more mini-games will be coming in the following updates. And, with any luck, those updates won't have nearly as much scope creep and should come FAR sooner than this one.

Again, thank you so much to everyone for the patience. This update will go down in history as the biggest pain in my ass to date. But it's worth it. I love this project, and I hope you all do too.

Until next time, Farmers. PATCHNOTES:
-Saving with a cow following you no longer crashes the game.
-Fixed a few save errors.
-Weight Loss Potion now works properly. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed full-cow animations not triggering during feeding.
-Fixed size transformation getting rid of cow mode.
-Fixed a couple inventory crashes. PATCHNOTES:
-Fixed an issue where full-cow mode animations were disabled at bigger sizes.
-Fixed some full-cow mode animations.
-Fixed a lighting glitch indoors.
-Fixed an issue with certain furniture items de-spawning. PATCHNOTES:
-Sky's Fullness no longer fills up and crashes the game.
-Fixed crash with saving when in the new areas.
-Fixed crash with saving with stabled cows.
-Fixed the De-Bovination potions not working properly.
-Fixed some animation errors. PATCHNOTES:
-NEW DRYAD: Sugar Cane Dryad! This sweet diva will give you all the sugar you need for your baked goods! You can buy her seeds from June
-NEW PORTRAITS: Complete overhaul of dialogue portraits, complete with animated sprites and emotions!
-FULL-COW MODE: All girls now have a "full-cow mode", attained by giving them a second Bovinity Potion after they've been transformed!
-COW SKY: Sky can now drink Bovinity Potions, and has both a half-cow and full-cow mode!
-STORY INTRO: New introduction when creating a new game!
-Added weight loss potions sold by S'apphire!
-Added De-Bovinity potions sold by S'apphire! Using one can retract a cow transformation slightly from the villagers, or return Sky to normal!
-Added portrait settings!
-Candace no longer sells Sugar.
-Fixed a bug where ovens would crash the game when you left a room while they were cooking.
-Completely reworked the inventory code. No more bugs where giving items turns them into a cheeseburger, hopefully.
-Fixed a bug where dialogue bubbles would sometimes crash the game if quickly entering a new room afterward.
-Fixed another camera bug.
-Fixed a bug where stabled cows could phase through walls.
-Added plenty of particle effects.
-Fixed lighting issues when entering a building right when night fell.
-Fixed some crafting bugs.
-Added new music (Courtesy of Kevin Macleod's library!)
-Fixed a bug where cutscene transitions would just kinda drag the camera away for no reason.
-Candace no longer knows Mocha's middle name.




I'm starting to think you somehow upset some game making Deity thats quietly throwing camera bugs in when you ain't looking (can't wait to play when I get off work! Take a rest Dandy you deserve it)

Alice Eldritch

Would it be possible for a no udder setting in the future? Love the tf and weight gain but no so much the udders, still, great work!

alf vender

Well, going to try this one again, but as soon as the full cutscene was through, (On the syrupy path) it crashed when saving right after. ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_game: Unable to find instance for object index -4 at gml_Script_save2 ############################################################################################ gml_Script_save2 (line -1) gml_Object_obj_game_Step_0


Awesome - can't wait to try out the new build later today!


Looks like if you continue to use the crashed file, loading after any save will wipe the whole map of npcs, background elements, etc. So basically completely corrupted. Saving outside the first zone bypasses the crash entirely.


I'm so glad this is out. Thank you for your hard work! I just wanted you to know that I do get this error when Sky is in bovine form and her full meter maxes out. ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_sky: Variable .spr_sky01idlebloat(102694, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_obj_sky_Step_0 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_sky_Step_0 (line -1)


Yooo so excited to play this now! Really glad you’ve put so much hard work into this. I’m gonna do my best to find as many bugs lol


Super hyped to play it, tho I have a dumb question, how do you build the workbench?


That story intro was pretty sick. I wouldn't call this update dry at all. It's like you've put a fresh coat of paint on the whole deal. I haven't had any crashes, but I did find a single bug in the bit of time I messed around today. I gave Mocha a debovinity after going full cow and the udders were still there while I wasn't feeding or milking her, rather they disappeared and reappeared after those actions. I'm saving a whole bunch before I do pretty much anything at all though lol, so it's not even a game breaking thing as I just reloaded.


was super excited to play this and i'm looking forward to trying to get through the new content that's been added, (the opening cutscene is fantastic and i hope we get to meet the Queen Princess in the future!) unfortunately, i've come across this error a few times when i've had mocha in the stable. i'm unsure as to what causes it since it's happened two separate times, but it essentially locks my game, displays this error, and doesn't let me reopen my save file. it's super tedious to try and redo all the things i've done (twice), so i'm going to try the update again tomorrow ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_barnstable: global variable name 'mochastable' index (100051) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_obj_barnstable_Step_0 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_barnstable_Step_0 (line -1)


Dude when i try to feed sky food meter up to see what happens it crashes everytime overall this update is pure epic gamer respect 100000

Dandys Chest

Not sure about that, since it's one of the bigger reasons for the new TF in the first place. Non udder would essentially just be the old ones with a new colour. I'll consider it, but not sure if it's worth a whole new set of hundreds of sprites :P

Dandys Chest

Thank you for this! It looks like the save script doesn't like taking into account the new areas. Fixing this right now.

Dandys Chest

Yeah, Sky's "fullness" mechanic wasn't ready, so it shouldn't have been flipped on. Strange that it was. Fixing this now!


Looking forward to that! Hopefully when I can play it later the bugs are harder to find lol


My horny brain couldn't resist stuffing Sky and got an error, which is probably as intended since she can't gain yet, but. Update was definitely worth it, everyone is cow now.


Still doing some more playing/testing but overall this one has been pretty bug free! All of the new art is stellar as always, even if I'm not really a fan of the full cow stuff. The story intro also got me excited for what's to come on that end, seems like it has good potential for stuff to happen with the setting and all the cutscening was really well done. Don't talk down the amount of content, even if a lot of it isn't "new" everything feels way more polished. Everything I have hit so far already has been reported so won't bother with the codes but - saving before entering the village results in a crash (although it seems like it still does actually save) - feeding sky past a certain point results in a crash - not a crash but the first time I went back to the starting area to buy more potions there was a significant load delay (~30-40 seconds), although it did work eventually Some other minor observations that aren't really bugs - On steamdeck the intro runs pretty poorly until it pans down to the carriage for some reason. I'll check some settings since the rest of the game still runs fine, although obviously it's not supported. - The ovens not breaking when you change areas is awesome, but it would be great if items still crafted while you were in the other area if it's possible

Dandys Chest

Definitely not intended, but thank you for the report! :P I've disabled the Fullness from going up to prevent this from happening until her fat modes are done.

Dandys Chest

Thank you for all the feedback, bicks! That's actually good to know that the game runs at all on Steamdeck. Interesting about the intro. I'll see what could be causing so much performance impact. The bugs have (hopefully) been fixed with the hotpatch! As far as the ovens, that's actually insane. I literally made a fix to make them work when you weren't in the room, and somehow, it must have unfixed itself. Guess I'll figure out what went wrong there. LMAO


This is all absolutely incredible, and I'm a huge fan of the full cow stuff for everyone! Everybody's a cow now, including Sky! I found a couple bugs, though. During daytime, the interior of the barn has a chance to turn very bright blue. Also, I was milking Candace at her second weight stage, full cow, and it brought her back to half-cow during the milking. EDIT: The girls also revert back to half-cow mode during the weight-up cutscenes.


Candace's third weight stage just reverted her back to half-cow mode permanently, odd!


Thanks so much for your continued work! This project is super exciting!

Dandys Chest

Huh... weird. Let me look into all of these tonight! Thank you as always, BigBigBits! c:

Dandys Chest

I should be the one thanking you for the support! It's the only reason this project can exist :D


You really went all out for this update! I've played a fair amount of weight gain/BBW games, but none have had this overall level of quality to it. The potential this game has is sky high, and I really cannot wait to see what you've got planned soon! Also really cannot wait for the Sky WG content to get added in, I think a lot of us are hyped for that.


Just letting you know, but the third weight stage brings all of the girls back to half-cow. Thank you for your hard work, Dandy! Get some rest after all this bug fixing!


Commenting now because I've been hooked on this update since it came out. The cutscene was awesome can't wait to meet queen Princess. And the sky syrup balloon was stellar. While playing I kept thinking I need mocha at that size.

Dandys Chest

Hopefully it should be right around the corner! >:D And thank you so much, Soss! That means a lot! <3


Heck yeah! Been dying to try out this update, and will definitely get to playing this as soon as possible! Keep up the amazing work can't wait to see what more the future brings!

Warren Fornaro

HHHH my head canon is that being a brat at the start is the right way to go for future combat/story updates~ Gives Skye some motivation, ya know?

Shelby Decker

I'm just now sitting down to try the new update and you've already had a couple hot fixes. Thank you for the prompt support, eye for quality, and creative content!


A magnificent introduction to the story, I look forward to Sky encountering Queen Princess and The Dryad Guardian again. Worth the wait!


ok, I've gotta try it.

Dandys Chest

Just trying to patch up the leaks in the boat before it sinks! In all seriousness though, I hope you enjoy mate! :D


Definitely worth the wait! Love the introduction and just all the little new details, definitely brings the entire game to life and makes it so much better!

A Man Named Jed

That opening scene with Skye and the Dryad Guardian was worth the wait alone! Definitely looking forward to being able to fatten up Skye in a future update.


Incredible stuff! That intro was fantastic! Along with the amazing "content", I like the setup of a nice, simple explanation of how bad ends can be "fixed" - it makes me excited to see just how bad the bad ends to encounters will go... Amazing work all around! (Also, full cow Candace best cow)


OKAY so I finally got home and could try the update and WOW you really outdid yourself! The new portraits are amazing and add a lot of character to everyone. Candace is so cute and so goals! Also, The Intro.... Huff.... I did not expect that to go so far but PHEW.


Yeah definitely had to work out a control scheme but it pretty much works out of the box with proton. I went back and it's not as bad when I disabled the tdp limit I has previously set. With that it was dropping to 30, without it more like 50. Then as soon as the thunder cut happens and the rain background starts it's right back to 60 regardless of the tdp setting. Doesn't really matter, just kinda weird


I don't actually know if there are in-between sprites for the full-cow growth animations, but if there are, they're still not showing up. ;3;

Kookoo brain

Bro I played this last night and what happened to sky during the intro made my horny brain melt lmao. Overall this update was awesome. I haven’t experienced any bugs except for the cow transformation being reverted back to half cow (I know someone mentioned this already). Also not sure if this is a dumb question but is the weight loss potion only meant for Sky in a future update?


It must have not loaded for me initially, but working now, thanks :)


Finally got a chance to sit down and try the new update ( version), and everything's amazing, the new intro sequence, the bad outcome for Sky, all the new portraits are extremely cute and charming. Haven't encountered any bugs so far except for one(Two technically I guess), where when trying to save with Candace following you outside the game crashes with this error ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_game: Unable to find any instance for object index '12' name 'obj_candace' at gml_Script_save8 ############################################################################################ gml_Script_save8 (line -1) gml_Object_obj_game_Step_0 And the same happening with June(I believe the same error code, I'll grab it in a bit here) both outside and inside the house. Both were base weight stage and first stage cow Edit: Here is the error code for June(Inside the house) ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_game: Unable to find any instance for object index '148' name 'obj_june' at gml_Script_save8 ############################################################################################ gml_Script_save8 (line -1) gml_Object_obj_game_Step_0 Edit 2: Mocha has the same error, and when saving inside the house Sky will get stuck in place, but jumping fixes it and allows her to move again Edit 3: Tried to give June(First weight stage) the new weight loss potion and received this error ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object obj_dialogue: Variable .message(100014, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_obj_dialogue_Draw_64 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_dialogue_Draw_64 (line -1)


Thank you for the constant updates!


So there is a bug where when I load a save every thing on the right side past the house including merchants cart disappear s and the only way I've figured out to bring it back is to start a new game


I think so Edit: weird when I tried it again It didn't do it I guess it was a one time thing

Dandys Chest

Should be fixed now! And the weight loss potion can also be used on the other girls, but it was bugged. Should be fixed with this hotfix!


Hell yea, just in time for my paycheck so I can upgrade my pledge again.