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Oh, she's just hangin' around!

Hey Farmers!

Just another little update on stuff. Not a full on dev log, just some transparency so y'all know that this build is coming soon!

I still really want to get it out within the next couple weeks. I don't know if I'll be able to hit that goal, as I've still got a new dryad to finish implementing and I need to finish adding Brie. But most of the portrait stuff is done for now (until I add the further sizes for most of the girls later on) and the cutscenes are coming along great!

Again, very sorry about how long this build is taking. It might not seem like it content-wise, but this is definitely the most work-intensive build so far. The portrait remakes were a LOT more of an undertaking than I first thought. Luckily, it shouldn't be so bad once they're all put in place for future builds.

For now, please enjoy this little sneakpeek of what happens to Sky if you make a certain poor choice in a cutscene...




Amazing, absolutely stunning work you are putting into this.


I'm curious to know if this will be a consequence that we'll be able to play through or it just gives us a game over. Then again, I feel like you're going to tell us that we'll be able to find that out ourselves later >~<

Akeno Himejima

Cant wait for this and the cow tf ^^


Sky fat, Sky dumb, sky full of plant cum. (Very excited for the update thank you for the sneakpeek)