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Hey everyone :) How have you all been? 

I have been doing what I really have not been doing in quite a while: actually just PLAYING the game of factorio hehehe... While mostly for personal enjoyment, the type of games/challenges I played also function as background preparation for series to come:

I have actually continued to play on in the Ultimate DeathWorld Challenge map, and, as a bit of "training and shaking off the rust" for the eventual 10k SPM base, I have successfully turned it into a 1k SPM base! I didn't think it was possible on that map (with standard resource generation), but eh, if you remember I had 90k shells remaining at the end of the series... Let's just say I was able to expand and claim a lot more land and resources with those... I didn't film anything, but I made loads of savepoints, from where I can get material to make a single "bonus" video covering the journey to 1k SPM. 10kSPM is not gonna happen on this map though, as UPS is gonna be a big thing, for that I'll need a different approach, on a map with better resource generation (richer, larger and more frequent resource patches) to keep everything as small-scale as possible.

I've also been trying a playthrough of Warptorio2. It is both Hell on Earth and enjoyable at the same time, somehow, despite having you do the most annoying thing in factorio over and over again: building mines. The mod has a lot more to it than I first thought after hearing about the concept though, and there's quite a few interesting surprises and solutions. Also, with my gameplay history, I'm well prepared to take on the inescapable constant biter attacks it throws at you, but it still remains a highly dangerous environment where single mistake likely means game over. I'm even considering this as a short "breather" main series between the intimidating gigantic projects I have lined up. Anyway, I may have another poll with only the most serious candidates next week.

For the Ultimate DeathWorld Challenge aftermath video, I'm still thinking about how I can produce it without spending too much time on it (even the simplest option still estimates to be at least a few days of work), or if I'm better off just making a text version", aka another youtube community post and answering the questions there, and move on to the next project.

The Blueprint Book from the image can be downloaded here (it is also available in the DeathWorld endgame savefile further below):


Now that the series is finished, I made the world download publicly available. It can be downloaded below:

World Download:


If you want to replay the challenge yourself, you can export the map string, and start a new game with the "import map string" function, or alternatively open the save, type "/seed", and start a new game with that map seed (you need to manually select deathworld preset, max enemy nest size/frequency, minimum starting area, enable research queueueue). Enjoy! Or not hehehe...

All the best everyone :)





Warptorio2 is best played with multiplayer, for single players I recommend upping the starter area since building and defending in parallel is hard


Also a valid approach to just go into the basement for ore smelting since upstairs "ship" items don't get destroyed (like in the chrono train scenario), so bunkering in underground is a valid strategy in the early and mid game