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POLL on Next Series!

  • 10K SPM and How to Get There (biters on) 83
  • Some sort of Collaboration Project with Dosh Doshington (unconfirmed) 114
  • Desert DeathWorld with Eternal Biter Bases and Worms (expansion on) 79
  • Space Exploration 54
  • Rampant Blind Run 78
  • DeathWorld Marathon (never tried before, may be hard actually) 15
  • Krastorio2 (played the opening once) 18
  • Space Exploration + Krastorio2 23
  • Rogue Planet DeathWorld (eternal 100% darkness, no (mini(map)) 59
  • Bobs/Angels (no experience) 9
  • 248k mod (no experience) 5
  • Pyanodon (pls no, I think lol) 11
  • 100x Science Cost on Default Settings 29
  • Hey, Check My Idea in the comments! 10
  • 2023-01-20
  • 587 votes
{'title': 'POLL on Next Series!', 'choices': [{'text': '10K SPM and How to Get There (biters on)', 'votes': 83}, {'text': 'Some sort of Collaboration Project with Dosh Doshington (unconfirmed)', 'votes': 114}, {'text': 'Desert DeathWorld with Eternal Biter Bases and Worms (expansion on)', 'votes': 79}, {'text': 'Space Exploration', 'votes': 54}, {'text': 'Rampant Blind Run', 'votes': 78}, {'text': 'DeathWorld Marathon (never tried before, may be hard actually)', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Krastorio2 (played the opening once)', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Space Exploration + Krastorio2', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Rogue Planet DeathWorld (eternal 100% darkness, no (mini(map))', 'votes': 59}, {'text': 'Bobs/Angels (no experience)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': '248k mod (no experience)', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Pyanodon (pls no, I think lol)', 'votes': 11}, {'text': '100x Science Cost on Default Settings', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Hey, Check My Idea in the comments!', 'votes': 10}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 20, 5, 48, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 587}


Hey all :)

I ain't got progress to post for the Final Finale, it truly turns out to be a monster project. I have most of the script written and recorded, and will have to do a little bit of re-filming to better fit the script and some of the technical explanations.

I think it'll turn out to be in the 45 minute range, which means another 2 weeks or so of work. I've even had to put the side project on hold, as the raw video for both projects simultaneously just physically doesn't fit together on my internal 1TB hard drive! So much for my optimistic release schedule lol.

Anyway, so I thought to make the Previously Promised Poll, to get an idea of the relative popularity of a couple of ideas. If you have other ideas/favorites, please comment them below. The winner of this poll here is not neccesarily going to be the next series, but I don't want to start something which only *I* thought would be a good series lol.

You can vote on multiple ideas.

Here's some extended information on some of the more worked out ideas:

- 10K SPM MegaBase with biters enabled (no train network)

A series on how to plan for, and step-by-step execute building a 10k SPM base, with biters enabled, though not focussed on it. This won't be on an unmodified  default/deathworld templae, I will make changes to the map settings for this one, most notably richer/larger resource patches and way less biter bases too prevent it looking like the ultimate deathworld once we're far out.

- Collab project with Dosh Doshington (unconfirmed, we have mailed a bit back and forth, may or may not turn out to be a possibility) Map Swap / Hotseat kind of playthrough, preferably with some spaghetti-like ruleset to maximize confusion between swaps.

- Desert DeathWorld with INDESTRUCTABLE Biter Bases and Worms, (and enemy expansion ON of course)

It's basically the exact opposite of the 100% evolution start map: Biters can be killed, but their bases and worms are immune to all damage, thus eternal, AND they'll be expanding! Combine that with an unforested Desert Deathworld map, and watch me descend into madness as I struggle to hold on to some personal space before the biters take over, while feeling the full wrath of the biter attacks as there's no way to prevent just about all of your pollution to be absorbed by biter bases. May ban "clean technologies" like solar, nuclear, efficiency modules.

- Space exploration. Everyone is/was doing it at the moment. Zisteau. Dosh. Laurence. Even Martincitopants published his second part after more than a year lol. Still, it's a very cool mod... But given how long THIS series is taking me already (more than half a year since the first ep!!!), I will have to find a new, more compact way of filming/editing or it will be a life sentence lol!

- Rampant blind run on Pure DeathWorld settings with Rampant's own enemies. This currently seems to be the only good candidate for a side-project, aka less edited and more "realtime experiences"/surprises and genuine reactions and probably deaths. 

- Rogue Planet DeathWorld (eternal 100% darkness, no (mini(map))

Due to a passing star long, long ago, our planet has been flung out of the solar system, and is now drifting through intergalactic space. An everlasting darkness has descended on the planet. I have no maps to keep my bearings... Just my little flashlight... All I can do is try to keep away from the scary, screeching noises coming from the darkness...

Thanks for voting :)


PS: I posted some information about the upcoming releases on today's youtube release (side project #6 Modular Armor), which I'll copy/paste below:

The Grand Artillery Finale to the Ultimate DeathWorld Challenge is scheduled for premiere next friday! That series has grown so so epic, that after that bombastic feelgood finale, it will then need a second, more technical finale (prob feb 10) which deals with the problem of Quantum Biters in the void... Do they exist? Or not? Or... Both??? And just when you think all was going well... well......

About my side project (this series), I haven't decided yet on how to continue. I'm leaning towards a long livestream to see if we can get the 15-hour-rocket-achievement, and if we succeed, a non-live compiled video going over getting all the other achievements. As I intend to take a small break after finsihing the Ultimate DeathWorld, I don't yet have a schedule for that. Anyway, enjoy this episode :)



Hey have you considered doing a custom scenario? I’ve been watching Zisteau’s “Diggy” series and I think it would suit you well


You could try Seablock pack mod. There's no biters to worry about, so you could focus entirely on spreadsheeting out cool base designs. It's similar to 100x science cost in being longer/slower to get through tech tree. If you want something biter-related, I've heard Warptorio/Warptorio 2 is a scramble with lots of action but haven't tried it myself. Space Exploration is cool and I'm currently playing it, but if everyone else is already doing a run maybe you want to save yours for a newer patch? That way, you'll attract people that want to see the new major changes without starting a whole new run themselves. Rampant sounds cool, but I remember the "pick up my base" attack-group cheesing works on them too from your test stream. If there's some way for the mod author to fix that, it would be more interesting if you had to pay the intended economic cost to mining resources early-game. I installed Pyanodon's, spent 1 hour just looking at the tech tree, and said "Nope - not doing this". It would honestly be a challenge just to explain what's happening, on top of figuring it out yourself...