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Hello everyone :)

I've got 2 Possibly Partial videos to share, WHICH YOU MAY NOT WANT TO WATCH JUST YET, but for those who like the shorter videos, here is:

The first part of warpzone 8's final episode before warping home:

WARNING: this video is NOT a complete episode! https://youtu.be/s7MDCDUboLk Do not watch it if you prefer the longer, full episodes with a proper storyline/ending. (The editing for this first part is final though, so you won't miss out on a "better" first half if you watch it)

I'm deviating from my preplanned strategy, and will just focus on warping home from warpzone 8 ASAP without the proper homeworld preparation. The reason for this is warping out will restore my UPS, and as I do NOT want to "cheat" away the UPS-killing pathfinding biters, I'm just going to endure the game running at 0.5x to 0.25x speed. If the biters don't melt y laptop, we will then arrive at the homeworld fully unprepared, but at least the source of the UPS-problem will reset: the warp platform pollution cloud will start from scratch (evolution normally resets too, but that's lame for the "final boss fight", so I'm gonna enable my "starting with 100% evolution" mod upon warping home). That means we should have another 3+ hours before pathing becomes a problem again, possibly more as I designed the homeworld to be as biter-pathing-friendly as possible (no cliffs/trees/lakes), and the homeworld is pretty large but finite, meaning eventually, it can be fully cleared. We'll see how that all goes!

And the edited version of the first stream of "can you beat Factorio WITHOUT ORE PATCHES???"

WARNING: This video is def. a good standalone watch, though it's not a complete playthrough and it's the 3rd parallel playthrough alongside warptorio and science galore (no updates from Jacob yet on that one), so watch at your own discretion. https://youtu.be/SqVDmlQj_EM

Despite this being an extensive edited down stream, I still feel this is one of my greatest works/playthroughs, and the edit, while not as fancy as the usual style, still sucks you right in and makes for an excellent watch. Yes indeed, I'm quite proud of this one, and I'd rate this video as my 2nd best video/series, right under the ultimate deathworld challenge. It's edited in the same style as the extended Science Galore opening video, but the weird nature of this playthrough just adds that special ingredient which makes it just better. (IDK, at least that was my own experience. I enjoyed playing through science galore more than I did with this mod, but I like the VIDEO of this mod better that my science galore extended edit). Anyway, despite this video being 2 hours long already, this may also be a partial video. If I can, I want to edit the whole thing down into one single video. IIRC, stream 2 and 3 where super grindy so they probably won't take up that much time in the edit. Stream 4 was a great one and pretty fun, similar to this first stream. Stream 5 is again less interesting with a straight handfeeding beeline to end it all. That means stream 4 is probably another 1,5-2 hours edited down, with stream 2 and 3 being 30-60 minutes total I hope, and stream 5 another 30-60 minutes. That means the whole video will probably be in the 5-6 hour range, but I have to see how it all turns out as I'm editing along.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update even if you chose not to watch these videos yet!




Mike p

Glad to hear you like your biters for ore video so much! Would love to see you edit it down yourself too at some point - your narration is on point to help increase the tension. I think your most engaging play-throughs are the ones where your at serious threat of losing. That said I love all your streams (expect for maybe the multi-hour long design fests 😅)