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Hello everyone :)

I'm here to share a few videos and updates :) The image above is just the new thumbnail for the science galore series, I've linked all the videos in this post instead. Let's start off with the main one: the edited cut of science galore stream 2. Science galore 3 will be ready next week, and after crossing a few hurdles, I think we can now get 1 of those every week until that playthrough ends!

Science Galore ep2:


I've also updated the science galore edits of the first stream which I posted last time, they now start with a 2 minute "cinematic intro", as well as making some minor edits to the gameplay which are not worth a re-watch if you already watched it. You can watch the new intro as a short seperate video here:

Science Galore "Cinematic Intro" (featuring some OG factorio gameplay, including my "WR speedrun" which was made before any real runners picked up on factorio lol):


Work on the next warptorio video has finally started to progress well after a few false starts (mic stuff, see way below if very interested). I feel it's starting to drag on a bit after the disabling of the warp timer, and I want to finish up the entire warpzone 8 in an episode or 2 if I can.

So I've been fruitlessly messing with my mic settings trying to fix the voice audio, which has led into another side project I've got carried away working on. Again DocJade is partly to blame, as I try to resist getting nerdsniped into playing factorio on a 9x12 map. It seems perfect for my handcrafting/handfeeding addiction, and I guess we'll add another handsomething to the list if this playthrough will happen. I made a 15 minute edit of the opening which I'll link here, but perhaps I'll save the idea for a livestream instead, to start next friday after the current "biters for resources" playthrough finishes THIS friday (tomorrow!). We'll see.

9by12 test video:


Anyway, a lot of things have been going wrong over the last weeks. I've been working almost nonstop these weeks, but in the end I don't have much to show for except the above. You don't need to read the rest of this post, it's mostly complaining and bitching about life not being perfect, but I want to at least note down all the timesinks I encountered over the last weeks, as sort of a... verification what I've been doing? Don't know if that's the right word. Anyway, thanks for sticking around :)

Enjoy the vids!



Skippable part of the post below.

The biggest timesink has been messing with my microphone. I tried almost everything, not just messing with all the settings, but also changing recording program, recording location, hanging blankets to improve acoustics, different speaking techniques, etc. There's still a few things that I haven't tried, like changing video editing software (big change and seems unlikely to help), a microphone arm instead of a stand (don't have one yet, because it's hard to impossible to implement in my current setup, I put a washing glove under the stand to absorb any vibration or material-carried tapping sounds instead), or reverting to windows 10 (this may or may not actually help, but not too far out support for windows 10 will end), or changing the microphone (I theoretically have 2 copies of the same microphone, but perhaps the one I have here is just faulty in some way, IDK). As of now, I didn't find a way to improve the mike audio back to where it was before. The audio on the 9x12 map was my final attempt, but it sounds worse than in the warptorio videos, and soft opening sounds like words starting with "F" start getting cut off again. For now, I'll revert to the settings as they were, which means lots of time wasted and no improvements, sadly.

Another timesink involved getting the whole science galore project properly underway, it's been a lot of work including trying out different formats, the extended 3h edit, and finetuning the cooperation with Jacob who will be editing the rest of science galore. I feel that now we're at the point where I no longer will need to spend a lot of time on getting the remaining episodes out, as Jacob can now edit without my further involvement and all the systems are in place (like 100GB google drive file exchange to share my streams, I made a patreon outro video clip for him to add to the end of each episode, I made a "cinematic intro" for the science galore series, and today I finally came up with an acceptable thumbnail to use for the series! Nice!

I also had a LOT of trouble with Youtube demonetizing my entire second channel TWICE for the same reason. Both times I objected succesfully, but the objection process involves making a 5 minute, edited video essay in which you need to cram a LOT of information and visual proof to prove you're the rightful owner of your content. The 2nd time was for exactly the same reason, and it coincided with a kind-of-vague update in T&C (about content from other platforms), so that seemd to be linked to each other. I had to make the 2nd video essay completely different to account for the T&C update possibility. This even scared me into not wanting to release the science galore cut onto my main channel, in case it would get flagged for "re-used content" too, but fortunately the T&C update and 2nd strike seemed to have been a coincidence after all, and it's just some algorithm which flagged my channel again despite a human approving my first objection the first time. By this time, also my 2nd objection has been approved, so I guess I'm in the clear again, hopefully it won't happen again.

Work on Warptorio is steadily progressing after some false starts. Due to the microphone issue, I tried "offline streaming" (as the voice recording apparantly somehow sounds better on stream than in the youtube vids), but that fell through. I want to cover a LOT of ground per episode now, and the live-streaming cut just ain't suited for conveying all the info and details I want to convey. So that went in the garbage as well. There were more minor hiccups as well, but this post is nearing infinite length already, so I'll stop here. The Waffle House Has Found It's New Host!




I've seen DocJades video with the 9x12 map - but I must say, your videos are just so much more engaging. I cannot pin down why exactly. Probably 'cause you don't skip so much and like, take someone more through the journey, but if you were to do the 9x12 map I'd certainly binge it - the teaser already got me hooked.

Viktor Erpylev

I also watched the DocJades video; I wanted to pass such a challenge myself. But seeing how Mike will do it in his manner will be much more enjoyable. It's all because I'm not attentive to details and not so scrupulous, unlike Mike (here, we need to remember an extra electric mining drill, which may still be useful later :)). ). Thanks again to Jacob for the shorthand science galore. Mike, the wait for the main series after you started streaming has become much easier. Despite spoilers and the fact that I managed to go through it two times after that warptorio according to your plan and with blueprints, it is still exciting to watch. About the microphone: I read a lot of pain through these lines, a man who wanted to squeeze the best out of what he has spent a lot of time on. Mike, time is your most valuable resource. Maybe you should change tactics. And fill the problem with money, taking a microphone from the next price category. Because this mic will last a long time and will definitely pay for itself. As an idea: you can afford to open a targeted donation on the microphone, I'm sure that among the people who are constantly watching you it will find a response. You can do that. That's fine =)


Thanks :) There's no need to approach Science Galore like I did, it's certainly possible to just random-spaghetti-build your way out of it. I mean, DocJade kinda did this too. Good luck if you decide to try it! I don't really want to start secondary "donation targets" to buy stuff, it'd feel kind of strange doing so. I mean, what is the primary support for then? I feel I can justify buying stuff I need to improve the end quality of my content (and I have been doing so). As for microphone, with the "mobile setup" I'm using, I kind of have to go with a USB-microphone for providing power, and I (think I) got one of the top-of-the-line products in that category already (the Blue Yeti X). In fact, as these are sensitive equipment, I got 2 of them (one on both of my main locations) so they don't get messed up in transport. The other issue is, I got good sound before (also on this location), and I just can't seem to figure out what the current problems are. At the moment I'm closer to hiring an actual sound engineer to help me figure out the problems and improve my setup, I still don't think the microphone itself is the core problem (but who knows, maybe an important internal component DID get F'd up)