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Well the tittle say it. And i'll give my thoughts on it.

The first thing thatmade me go for this decision was how much i struggled with the rewards on that tier, never fulfilling what i thought it was decent enough for it. 

The good thing is i will be making an image a month. The sketches wasn't making the cut, in a skill level that i was looking for, and mostly they where time consuming, even if they where just sketches. And hey, i still be sketching random stuffs.

Overall i think this way will make it less stressful for me.

Now i didn't erase the tier just yet, because i don't know what will happend to the patreons there. So please, feel free to migrate to the other options of patronage. (The tier will be erased later today or tomorrow morning)

And as a footnote the rewards will now be send by patreon mesagge on the last day of the month.

That's all, thanks for reading,

Have a wonderful day, by bye.



Good to hear you have made this choice to relieve your stress slash time


Also, i'll be giving the site more love <3


Aww, really? Bit saddened about that considering I only just started to support recently at that tier - and it was mostly for the discount rather than the sketches (and just to support as well!) But hey, if it makes it less stressful on you overall then by all means.


Thanks Flan! and i mean, i don't want to burn myself out nor you wallet,so i think this will be a good change.


Mind you, will you be honoring the tiers rewards paid at the start of this month? It wasnt all that clear by your message if you would.


Ohh, but those were for the month of february, as it say patreon...


Makes sense why so you don't wear yourself out(understandable wouldn't want you to) so I support you on this decision. also by rewards being sent out over message does that mean they won't be posted in the activity feed anymore?

B.Felinor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-31 13:16:17 way to go. more to come, i hope ;P
2017-03-03 16:53:20 way to go. more to come, i hope ;P

way to go. more to come, i hope ;P