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Boy i've been hunted by ghost.

Last month i've tried to push myself to know my limit, and i've learned some stuffs, specially time limits. Wich have made me think on some changes on the page so i won't die in the process.

And since last month was also a finacial failure, i will focus more on commissions this month, wich will afect on this

The  system is now like this: i'll make the suggestions, and you will vote for your favorite.

The changes:

  • Tier 1 Will now be in charge of the animation poll : 2 winners will get  sketch loop gifs.
  • Tier 2  will choose the full color image of the month with some  type of variant on it.
  • Tier 3 will now will choose wich rough animation will get and extended scene. (poll just for patreons)
  • Tier 4  will remain.

Ok, i would like to know what you think about it.

Sorry for the inconveniences. Hope you have a great day!




It's fine Bard! Gotta know your limits so you don't die


My only problem with it is that its always just a big popularity contest, not to mention the fact that past subjects can return. I'd honestly suggest having YOU pick the subjects and we vote on it instead.


That could work well too, and don't worry, winners from past contest won't appear in this one.


My other suggestion would be to drop the poll sites and grab votes from here while allowing peolle to pick their top 3 instead. It'll give more of a chance to generally liked, but not outright favorites. Additionally, and this one is just a personal gripe, limit Nintendo character entries to maybe one per poll, they are kinda OP.


i agree on the nintendo stuff, the DMCA takedowns are a quite the problem.