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Some poses of the purple lady caprice. It's so nice to be out of commissions.

Also a super happy vivi to celebrate this moment.  I'm really happy

Now i'll focus more on patreon and you guys.  So first, i got a question

If i ever make a comic, would you like it to be story focus or mostly for the porn? and wich character of mine would you choose?




Gonna be honest chief. Im in it mostly for the porn


I'd say go for story. The porn will fallow.


Excellent! I love a good piece of art like this! Also yeah porn would be fine but with a background story please also Caprice would be the best choice for that! Thanks for your hard work again!


Honestly, I would say both. the one for the story involving everyone, and the porn having either juno, semi, lana, or Amelia


I’d like a regular story since we already get porn c: I’d like to see random things the characters do in their lives like what Clover and Juno do daily.


How about Porn with running gags and humor and such? Vivi and Semi?


Ooh, a Bardbot comic? I think the real question is "what ratio of mix would you want?" I'd be happy with 3 or 4 pages of story progression/buildup before lewds, and personally I'd like to see a couple of your characters interacting!


Both! Caprice pls 😍


Oh, going for the big girl upfront, huh, sounds nice. Also, thanks a lot!


I mean, i think it'll be mostly porn, but maybe with some little backstory of some sort.


I'll be nice to make something like a slice of life comic. Like soemthing kinda chill.


Honestly I'd perfer porn but I'm actually really interested to see what kinda of story you'd come up with. Maybe keep it serious but just have extra content on the side involving porn of the characters. Win-win scenario


Sounds good. THough, yeah i'll most likely would put some humor in it, just not focused on that...well unless you guys want that


Just checked out. It's cool, but i don't think it's something i'll see myself doing.


Yeah, yeah i can see that, a little build up sounds nice. Dam, now i kinda need more male characters..lol


Vivi since I'm big sci-fi nut, especially when it comes to the Pinochio-type characters learning what it means to be "human" 🤓 I love porn, too so you could work into the story as Vivi learns the pleasures of the flesh and skinship


Definitely do story first, porn a close second. I love so many of your OCs, I don't think I could pick just one to focus on. But I want to know what kind of story you'd come up with, and I think porn comics without story are just boring. It needs a solid 2-3 pages before porn is introduced, if you ask me.


I think a funny/cute porn comic with erubi would be good.


I'd go for story, and definitely about Juno and her boyfriend and how it all came to be.