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This is really the worse month to date.

I'm mostly sorry i didn't deliver on pretty much anything, and the progress was nearly zero. Honestly, if you leave, i would completely understand.

Still working on this last commission which has been  the bane of my existence, and it will be done soon, so i'll send it to you via message once i'm over. My apologies for not having an animation in time, this has been a disaster through and through.




It’s alright BardBot. It happens to the best of us.


You got some of the best animations in the business, dude...hell that Ms Fortune one is like a gold standard


It's okay bot some of us get overwhelmed and we cant do much about it. Take a deep breath and just keep at what you love doing


Don't worry take all the time you need for your work and yourself, and the sketch of this month was really good so is not a lose ^^


I ain't going NO WHERE so you're gonna have to put up with me. :D I love our art so I'm staying around buddy!


Don't worry about it man, we all have our rough months.


And miss all the great stuff you put out? Not a chance! Take as much time as you need pal!


Don't be so hard on yourself brother! Everyone has slow months now and then, it's really no big thang.


Its all good bardman


No worries! You already give out so much every month with all the sketches and many different works you already do! The months shouldn’t be forced deadlines anyway c:

Some Body

I had a shit month so I ran out of money so I couldnt even get a reward fml


It's been happening from some months now. I just can't seem to learn...


I trully appreciate it. I just hope to come back to the old days of having fun with my animations.


I notice, i just can't handle a little bit of pressure, i just break. Soon i'll start doing more love stuffs.


Hahah, i appreciate it, really. I'll do my best to make it worthwhile.


It sucks :/ But yeah, it's better to look forward and do things better


Still, didn't want to lower the bar "that" much. Still, i learned the lesson.