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She was barely outside the city’s wards when Planar Shift removed her from Àluga.

[Planar Shift (Self) [B](9->10)]

Even as she pushed the notification aside, she took in the dark tunnel of Ternòx. There were minds within her range, but with nothing immediately threatening, she transformed her clothing. The list she copied within became displayed on a length of parchment for a moment before it was stored.

Jaixar, Lorrella, and Saran — I’ve got a potential merchant trade triangle — and I can also gather materials from other places to increase revenue. Should give me a chance to help the Dwarves, and get preparations in place.

Now where the frag am I?

After attempts to reach out with Planar Sense returned nothing, Amdirlain switched to detection spells until a worrying fragmented response came back to her via Crystal Law’s spells. Within the maze of Ternòx passages, she didn’t bother to pick a route. Spirit Passage sank her into the closest wall, and Flight carried her in the source’s direction. Using Tremor Sense to avoid crossing regions of changing stone was an exercise that pushed it to increase. Kilometres of travel allowed her to progress both skills before she finally stepped out close to the crystals she’d detected.

When clear of the stone Amdirlain stood on a cavern’s edge confronted by an oppressive silence. Souls already fully shrouded in stone were mute prisoners around the shattered remains of crystal walls and spires. Between the crystals in the Burning Grotto, she’d seen the branches of living trees and sunlight manifested into this blighted Plane. Here petrified trees, Undead Treants, and twisted monsters displayed the fate of failed Grotto protections.

I could use it as bait, since I need to practice. Do I remember it right?



This power evokes the purifying energy of sunlight into an area determined by the possessor’s will and effective skill levels. Exposure to the energy will harm creatures and entities sensitive to sunlight and leave them dazzled if they use visual perceptions. Undead vulnerable to sunlight will not regenerate and are impossible to reanimate if slain.


A moment of concentration produced a flare of warmth and light from her hand. The flare shattered against the thick darkness and in True Sight the Plane’s power strangled the life from it. Unlike other Powers she’d used, its invocation drank from her, and the unexpected impact startled her.

[Daylight (1->2)]

Nothing in her profile showed a change other than the Skill level but it left her strained. Still, she shifted her focus back onto the Souls close by churning within the rock, as the Plane’s energy forcing their transformation with their attention provoked by the light. The energy that had encapsulated them now moulded them into distorted forms like the Corrupted Nox Echo she’d first encountered near the Burning Grotto. As the first of them stepped forth, the strained sense was fading, she met them with pure force. Soul Sight allowed her to see the individual within fighting back against the Plane’s effect, the struggle hampered each entity’s power.

[Soul Sight [M](4->5)]

As they formed into her scaled armour, Angelic Aura’s flames beckoned with rage and bloodlust, calling them to battle. The Nox’s dagger-like hands stabbed out as it emerged from its ruptured womb. While its speed matched those she’d fought before, it was now far too slow. Reflex more than need guided its hands out wide as its blades slipped from her aura. Ki Aura’s retaliation sent Destruction through its limbs. Her foe was already crumbling as her punch pierced its remains and snagged the Soul.

[Ki Aura [J](40) -> [Ad](1)]

Despite the ease of the first’s death, the others didn’t balk in their rush. A shrill combined scream from the Echoes at the rear called for vengeance. At the first note, those further away boiled and churn as the next Nox rushed her. Her aura pulsed with Destruction as she turned within its swing. Ashes dropped as her kick snagged a Soul and blasted through a foe behind it. Its spine snapped, and the injury dropped it like a puppet with the strings cut.

Sliding beneath another stab, she rose and kicked its corpse into an oncoming group. The separating Soul was snagged and rushed into her form, as her elbow smashed into another’s ribs. The incoming press of the Nox hindered the front ranks and pushed them into her attacks. As a barbed kick rose, a sidestep closed the distance. Pivoting to face it, her hair whipped upwards just before a head butt obliterated its skull. Blood sprayed over those close by as a knee strike drove its shattered corpse away. Black energy drew in another Soul, as she dropped beneath kicks and stabs. The motion of the spinning leg sweep left a circle of shattered legs in its wake.

Succubus wings dissolved as attackers stabbed for them, leaving them off balance. Their thrashing movements hindering those still pressing inwards as her attacks cut Souls free. Zen State worked with Precognition and she turned to meet the next threat. Amid the brutal fighting, she let herself find a place of calm. Bodies fell in her wake as she focused on each moment, and her effort to save more Souls.

As the battle’s dance took her deep into the cavern, blackened bark moved as Undead Treants attacked, and their bark shattered along with their mockery of life. Cooshee, distorted by the Plane from graceful Elven Dogs into monstrous Demonic hounds, found too late their attacks were meaningless. She took no joy or delight in their demise, but as their blood fed the soil sought to end their misery as quickly as she could. Circling the cavern, she drew ever closer to its core, killing and saving as she went, the absence of foes added to Precognition’s shiver as she entered an inner courtyard.

It wasn’t a dagger that pierced into her shoulder through Angelic Aura and Ki Aura alike. It had only been Precognition’s whisper that let her avoid the blade piercing her chest. Though Destruction Mana lashed out in retaliation, the figure flicked the energy from its sword with a tiny motion and stepped closer. Armoured scales formed of jet-black crystals covered it from head to toe. Moments before, there had been nothing to suggest its presence. Now True Sight lit up showing blazing enchantments within the material’s movements.

[Death Strike Critical:

Health: -9,312

Order crystallisation critical boosted by Death Strike Success:

Health: -41,104]

Amdirlain teleported away and staggered against a wall near where she’d arrived as the second thrust completed in a blink.

[Health: -1,164

Order crystallisation

Health: -2,569]

The pain from the second wound seared through her flesh and battered Pain Tolerance. As the figure appeared and spun towards her Planar Shift took her away. Amid the stone corridor of the Plane of Earth she shed flesh that was continuing to crystalise even as she received another notification.

[Order crystallisation

Health: -5,138]

Resistance: Order Unlocked!

Order (1)]

Amdirlain stayed ready to move again as the arm and abdominal section she’d shed finished turning into crystal. The Analysis she had gained even as she’d Plane Shifted, giving her pause.

[Type: Lómë Crystal Golem - Greater

Class: Fighter / Assassin

Level: 110 / 110 / 110

Health: 33,660

Defence: 2,640

Melee Attack Power: 3,465

Combat Skills: Long Blade [S](120) - Various Embedded Powers

Details: Lómë formed these Golems from adamantine crystals and can improve their abilities after creation within guidelines set by their maker. When immobile, they blend perfectly into their surroundings until needing to deal with any intruder. Song crafted from purified arcane metals, they are immune to any critical from physical or arcane sources.


[Combat Summary:

Corrupted Nox Echo x2,943

Undead Treant x57

Black Hounds x148

Total Experience Gained: 6,459,558

Fallen: +1,291,911

Scion: +1,291,911

Sora Master: +1,291,911

Psion: +1,291,911

Warrior Monk: +1,291,911

Fallen Level Up! x2

Scion Level Up! x2

Sora Master Level Up! x2

Psion Level Up! x2

Warrior Monk Level Up! x2

Silent Storm [S](70->71)

Clairsentience [J](36) -> [Ad](1)

Pain Tolerance [J](39->40)

Zen State [S](8->9)]

Though the pressure of the Souls she held was almost unbearable, it wasn’t until health had fully restored that she moved again. Around her Wood Elf form, the shadow vines turned into deep green martial art robes that accented her light caramel skin dusted with spring green. Planar Shift took her to Judgment, and even as the notification signalled its progression again, she released the Souls among the others Petitioners she’d appeared near.

Golden energy rippled among the clouds, and she could somehow tell they appeared in their recent family groups. Nearly three thousand voices lifted as one and their combined Song brought the nearby Petitioners to tears and a patrol of Zeus’ hoplites to their knees clutching at their heads. The Lómë Souls turned their gazes upon them, and showed displeased looks to the pained Celestials as they continued to Sing.

Oh, boy! How much trouble is this buying?

The Titan’s Servant manifested, and its words among the Song were clear as the hoplites’ leader staggered to his feet.

“If they all perish, there will be none to give new life to these Lómë.”

“Are you hinting I need to convince the living to leave?” asked Amdirlain, raising an eyebrow. “Because I can’t get anywhere near them.”

“It was an observation, not a hint,” refuted the Servant, with a buzz of gears.

“Like the System makes observations?” Amdirlain observed.

“It does? How interesting, perhaps it is your perception of the information you receive rather than the intent it carries.” The dry tone the Servant used in its reply made Amdirlain take a breath to slow her response.

“How can I get Laodice free of the Leviathan’s blood?” asked Amdirlain, opting to change the subject.

“Father is glad you are in touch with her,” the Servant stated, before it turned between the closing hoplite and her. “It cannot hear anything we say or read your reactions.” The Servant’s inflections, edged with mocking contempt, were far removed from its usual calm tone.

Oh fuck, what is going on!

“When she wants to talk,” grumbled Amdirlain. “She hasn’t exactly wanted to provide information about freeing her, or even where she’s imprisoned. Sometimes now she won’t even answer when I try talking with her in my Mindscape.”

“You already have determined her place of imprisonment,” the Servant said, after a lengthy pause. “She is right though you lack the strength to break her free, or even to fetch the object that would help you do so.”

More than she’s confirmed, at least.

“If you’re paying out the reward again. Can I get Alchemical Silver instead of reagents?” Amdirlain enquired.

Its cogs and gears whirled around for long minutes before it said anything further.

“You pick a dangerous path provoking her,” warned the Servant.

“I need to whittle away at their strength. The more I can spread the work out the more chance of them disregarding it. Their recruitment pool isn’t limitless, based on the Succubi I’ve seen,” said Amdirlain. “Will you tell me how my friends ended up in the Hell years before I showed up in the Abyss when they had been cursed weeks after me?”

“By your choice, Amdirlain, only by your choice,” the Servant answered, its gear suddenly blurring too fast to be seen. “If you had stayed in one place, you would have certainly been in the Abyss first, but you chose to attempt to outrun it. That caused a distortion of your placement, and your friends were — and indeed are  — safer in Hell than you in the Abyss. Father expected they might learn enough to rescue you, but such did not occur. Chances and choices never make for certainty. Father doesn’t pull strings like others do with Souls in their regions of influence. He dropped the Soul of Andre’s father near you so you’d pay attention to what the Abyss does to a Soul, not to let you know about her.”

“Then he didn’t set me up with Blood Monk to bait the Sisterhood?” enquired Amdirlain, not sure what answer she hoped it would give.

“Is your trust so shallow? There are many rules around the Hidden as well. Father puts nothing in place without its rules determined in advance. If you had experimented with your ‘Profile Control’ as you did later, or just not gone near that city, you might never have drawn their attention. What you gain or lose all depends on your choices and determination. Though he influenced your gate to place you near the Dragon, all that followed was by your choice. Though there are sharp limits to any aid he can provide. He hopes you do not hold such against him,” the Servant replied.

Precognition warned her of the Servants departure, and Amdirlain called out, “Wait!”

“One last question then,” the Servant stated, its tone conveying its reluctance.

“Is Derek gone for good?” Amdirlain asked swiftly, spitting out the question.

“The Demon formed around him consumed his Soul’s energy when he Ascended, and he is no longer considered Hidden. Derek’s choices led him into a situation that broke him, not yours. He ignored many chances to get free over the centuries. Just as some of your choices have over the years nearly sealed your fate, Father hopes you remain fortunate,” replied the Servant regretfully and vanished with the Lómë. The crates left behind were marked with symbols for their contents, and the closest showed Alchemical Silver.

Poor Derek. 

She was still storing crates when the hoplite who’d recovered first came stalking forward, his expression mottled in rage.

“Woman, what are you doing?” He snarled, and she didn’t bother to face him, but continued to store the goods.

“Technically, say Elven Female, but go fist yourself,” Amdirlain retorted, as she continued her work while monitoring him.

When he tried a grab, Amdirlain saw the attempt even before it started and moved only far enough, so his gauntlet’s fingertips brushed her clothing. He spun to grab at her and failed again as Amdirlain ducked beneath his grasp and collected the last crate.

“Naughty,” scolded Amdirlain, as his sword appeared in his grasp, and before he could stab, she reappeared a distance away. “First hands, and now a sword. If your attempt wasn’t so pathetic, I’d feel obliged to remind you of the Titan’s rules.”

Precognition and his thoughts provided her with all the warning she needed to react. As he appeared behind her and lunged, Protean had her already repositioned. A steel grip on his wrist pulled him off balance, and then she twisted and turned his sword. The motion ended with a crunch as it went crossways through his greave and shin bones. She wrenched again even as a knee strike launched towards his contorted arm. The sound of shattered bones echoed in the stillness as the rest of the patrol froze. The Titan’s servant that appeared didn’t say a thing, but the patrol leader vanished with it an instant later.

“Was it something I said?” Amdirlain asked with a smile at the rest of the patrol before Planar Shift moved her again.

Seriously, don’t know why the others put up with their shit.

A moment after she vanished, a raven high overhead regarded the disorganised patrol and also vanished.

* * *

The chamber in Hrz’Styrn was still the same as Amdirlain remembered and setting down the crate with Alchemical Silver, she removed the circle’s covering. She was another two cycles, rechecking the circle before she set to work. Protean formed tentacles into the tools she needed as she removed the first ingot from the crate. Abusing her Fire immunity, she melted and poured the silver into the etchings she’d made. Flesh formed tools, ignored the heat of flames and melted silver alike as she carefully filled in every rune. Inventory let her remove the excess silver and left her crafting perfectly smooth.

Her first test wasn’t one she cared about but she approached it as if it was life or death. With an inscribed rune plate set in the circle’s middle, she set fresh concealments about herself to blend with the rock. The Hymadan was just one of those she forced to ascend in order to free it from Lord Qjiadlóv’s slavers. True Sight showed her as it was pulled into the circle exactly where Amdirlain intended the barrier suddenly shining with Mana. She couldn’t feel the Planar Attunement rune activate, but she could see its effect resonating through the Demon.

For her first circle the barrier looked glass smooth, but the problem with glass is it has ripples. Her Perception picked out a few places where the energy flows formed dimples in the barrier’s layers and revealed weaknesses in her preparations.

[Name: Zidela

Species: Hymadan

Class: Fighter

Level: 1 / 31

Health: 658

Defence: 70

Melee Attack Power: 81

Combat Skills: Long Blade [Ad] (23), Short Blade [Ad] (12)

Details: Oath sworn to Viper, Zidela has recently had his home plane attunement forced to Hrz’Styrn.


As Zidela looked around in confusion as the circle about him died. The moment Amdirlain crossed her own circle, the barrier vanished, but she’d moved too fast for him to escape. Her fist drove through his body, flesh turned into ash with the Destruction Mana she unleashed.

[Combat Summary:

Hymadan x1

Total Experience gained: 1,598

Fallen: +319

Scion: +319

Sora Mater: +319

Psion: +319

Warrior Monk: +319]

“Good, but likely not good enough to hold really strong ones,” Amdirlain muttered before she cleaned up the circle.

* * *

A Quasit doesn’t draw special notice in the Abyss, as they are often found serving as messengers, being regarded as little more than pests with minimal power. As a species they serve a useful role in the Abyss, as Wizards or Summoners lured by power often call them from the Abyss to serve the role as familiars. Quasit regularly contribute to the Abyss’ economy where the Souls of the careless arrive in the Imp’s possession.

Planar Sense had let her find the direction of the Stronghold, but she’d spent cycles flying straight to ensure she didn’t teleport into any protections that she could have avoided. An endeavour that took longer due to having limited herself to the pace at which other Quasit could fly.

A bored-looking Quasit sitting on a boulder, kilometres from anywhere didn’t draw any attention what-so-ever. The idle thing obviously taking a pause in its flight across a plain in Hrz’Styrn. It wasn’t even in normal eyesight range of any location of interest. Those few spots close to it were things far too dangerous for any Quasit to venture near willingly. Indeed, this one was more than far enough away that the defenders of one such locale didn’t even notice it. Unfortunately for them, this Quasit could see the defenders and others within the stronghold just fine.

Eagle eyesight let her pick out trainees going through familiar mid-air drills, and as she checked each one she noted down its name and details. Her health dipped and rose again with each, as small rocks etched with Abyssal runes formed under a foot and then strangely vanished, with none the wiser.

Most of the trainees she’d recorded the names of only had a single Prestige Class. They usually possessed Prestige Classes that combined Fighter and Assassin, or Succubus and Assassin. While even that set them above many Demons she’d met, their combinations weren’t what she’d hoped to find.

Starting with tier four wasn’t what I’d hoped for with testing my circle.

After a cycle or so, the apparently napping Quasit flew away.

* * *

Amdirlain looked over the details she’d recorded from Analysis and wondered again at her defence rating compared to others she’d seen.

[Name: Mchawi

Species: Succubus

Class: Dark Beguiler / Fighter / Assassin

Level: 5 / 37 / 22 / 27

Health: 2,781

Defence: 340

Magic: 238

Mana: 37,830

Melee Attack Power: 103

Combat Skills: Claws [M](2), Bite [M](1), Long Blade [M] (15), Tail Strike [Ad](13). Various Spell Forms - Affinities: Abyssal, Air, Dark, Death, Fire, Smoke, and Mental.

Details: Mchawi is a native of the Plane of Culerzic. Recruited to the Sisterhood, after providing useful information and successfully executing minor contracts. The Dark Beguiler Prestige Class is a combination of Wizard and Succubus at level 60 having Affinities: Abyssal, Air, Dark, Death, and Mental Affinities.


The Gate spell pulled Mchawi into the circle’s centre with a resistance that was noticeable but still easy for Amdirlain to overcome. As soon as she manifested, the trainee halted as the Planar Attunement rune went off and Amdirlain saw in Analysis it now showed Hrz’Styrn as her home Plane.

The sister picked up the spent disk she appeared on, and kept a hold of it as she turned a full circle, gazing warily beyond the barrier’s energy

“Hard to bargain if you don’t show yourself, Summoner,” Mchawi said, the words echoing back to her in the chamber.

Amdirlain stayed silent, content to watch and listen to Mchawi’s thoughts as she looked over the circle that contained her. The messenger spell she cast skittered along the edge of the containment before the mana burst apart and Mchawi swore.

“Don’t be shy, Summoner. How are we supposed to talk terms?” purred Mchawi, the attempt to entice a mask that hid the concern that roiled in her mind as she took in the complex runes and the width of the circle.

Do I leave her here to see how long it will contain her, or just end her?

The Succubus’ thoughts went to work to decipher the runes about her, but the complex ones that fixed the concealment in the circle weren’t anything she’d encountered. There were many containment runes that she understood, and they only deepened her concern.

“Don’t just leave me here. How are we supposed to work together?”

A push with Telepathy set a mental image of Fórlaÿreaî into Mchawi’s mind, and she froze at the thought that she considered her own.

“Are you with the rogues? Why did you pull me here? Do you need a spy?” Mchawi enquired, her voice growing confident as hope rose. “I’m sure we can come to some sort of terms.”

With no response, she started turning again, looking over every rune she could make out through the glowing, impossibly smooth barrier. Her scattered thoughts showed she knew little of the schism, only that a bunch of the older sisters had broken faith with the Lady and turned rogue. When her continued turn presented her back to Amdirlain, Mchawi died.

[Combat Summary:

Succubus x1

Total Experience gained: 9,101

Fallen: +1,820

Scion: +1,820

Sora Mater: +1,820

Psion: +1,820

Warrior Monk: +1,820



[Bracers of Fortification:

Defence Rating: 270

Crafter: Artificer Èn’o Chomli

Details: Sets a layered deflection field and armoured barrier in place around the wearer. These provide substantial physical protection that needs to be overcome before they can be injured.]

After a moment, she cleared the circle and started a different spell completely, standing out in the open having taken her Wood Elf Form. The Greater Demonic Gate that appeared within the circle’s centre didn’t compel, it was only an invitation. It honestly surprised her it worked at all, but it was an interesting result when Fórlaÿreaî glared through the Gate. A Grotto’s Song echoed through the opening, causing the circle’s interior to resonate with its energy. The Succubus wasn’t alone and Amdirlain could see other Succubi with feathered wings knelt on the stone behind her. Each had their attention fixed on something out of sight and their longing was clear.

“May we talk Fórlaÿreaî?”

“I no longer answer to that name,” declared Fórlaÿreaî.

“Would you like help to remove it then?” asked Amdirlain, hoping she could live up to the offer.

“Who are you?” Fórlaÿreaî asked, gaze narrowed in suspicion.

“Does the once-Lómë ask me that question, or does the Succubus?”

“How can I claim to be Lómë after all these centuries? We... I failed them!” exclaimed Fórlaÿreaî. “She made us out to be fools.”

“You made a mistake, that’s all, and it wasn’t yours alone,” Amdirlain said softly, her gaze weighing on Fórlaÿreaî the way she fidgeted. “I see you’re taking shelter near your kin.”

“How do you reach past the Grotto’s perimeter?” demanded Fórlaÿreaî, her emotions torn between anger and fear. “I thought we’d be safe from her here.”

“The circle was in place only in case you attacked when the Gate opened. May I come to you so we might speak in peace?” asked Amdirlain.

“I’m not sure I know what peace is anymore,” confessed a perplexed Fórlaÿreaî,

“Then let us speak at least without violence so that we might find an answer to… your people’s plight,” Amdirlain said, mentally cursing her near slip.

Amdirlain kept her hands by her side as she crossed the circle and entered the Gate with her fingers mentally crossed. The Grotto’s Song itched over her skin as Soul Sight let her see the others’ ongoing pain, but none of them seemed inclined to leave the Sanctuary of the Grotto’s song. Fórlaÿreaî’s eyes widened at Amdirlain’s smile as she let the Gate close behind her. The eyes hidden in her form showed they weren’t looking towards a simple grotto, but a city formed of shining crystal walls. The cavern they were in extended outwards from the ledge she now stood on far out of sight. At least fifty Succubi knelt along the ledge, and not one of them stirred themselves at her presence.

“You all have choices to make. I can see your Souls are intact within those Demonic Shells. So do you wish freedom from them, or do you wish to work towards resolving their plight?” asked Amdirlain, gesturing towards the city. “The choice is yours, and I will not judge you for it.”

“Who are you?” Fórlaÿreaî asked again, the question absent of hostility.

“We met before when I was using the name J,” Amdirlain explained, aware of the number she faced if they turned hostile.

“Naz’rilca’s novice? How is it you stand in the Grotto’s protection?” demanded Fórlaÿreaî. “You shouldn’t even be able to get beyond its edge.”

“I like the Song. It eases the pain within me even if it makes my skin itch at present,” replied Amdirlain, sighing at its beauty.

“You hear the Song? Who were you?” questioned Fórlaÿreaî.

Oops, gave that away.

“I’ve already made a gesture of goodwill by coming through the Gate to meet you here. If I share my name what keeps you from betraying me, Fórlaÿreaî?”

“I don’t answer to that name any longer!” exclaimed Fórlaÿreaî, her expression twisting in pain and remorse.

“Yet I could still use it to open a Gate to reach you. If you don’t answer to it, get rid of it!”

“How am I supposed to do that?!” demanded Fórlaÿreaî, as sorrow twisted her expression. “She gave us all our names!”

The distress in her features at odds with the dryness of her eyes, but Amdirlain remembered well not being able to cry despite the sorrow within.

“Would you prefer if I call you Sírdhem?” Amdirlain asked, half-jokingly.

“River of Sadness? How fitting!” Fórlaÿreaî barked, with edged laughter. “Our mistake left our people drowning in sorrow for eons. We should never have believed — or taken — her proposal of rescue.”

Amdirlain focused on Fórlaÿreaî, remembering how Lêdhins pushed names at her.

“Will you accept the name?” enquired Amdirlain, hoping she could get something to work.

“Yes, I would, not that it matters,” Fórlaÿreaî said bitterly.

Amdirlain mentally reached out towards the Succubus and visualised the name pushed to her as she had overwritten her own.

[Use name overwrite confirmed.

Individual’s acceptance previously gained.

Use name Fórlaÿreaî removed, use name Sírdhem applied.

Profile Control evolved to Profile Mastery. ]

Sírdhem blinked and looked at Amdirlain in surprise as she touched a palm to her chest.

“What did you do?” Sírdhem asked.

“Does anyone have an Empowered Dusk Emerald?” asked Amdirlain, with a wry smile. “I’d suggest you check your imprint.”


[Profile Mastery:

Allows greater control over your own and other profiles. Affects the presentation of information that others can gain also allows for applying use names, percentage allocation of non-restricted experience gains, extended base class selection, purging classes. WARNING: Purging a class will cause all gained experience to be lost, and requires the affected individual to accept purge.]



David Brims

Hah! All that effort she went to to try to balance her class XP/levels and she only needed Profile Mastery to do it with ease.


Indeed - now she needs to experiment with it and find what it lets her get away with for levelling fast.