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I hope everyone had a great Christmas! 

Just wanted to share one final update for 2022. As you can see I have printed my first 3D printed mech. I know it still looks like a mech from Mechwarrior after the tweak but I am still happy with how it turned out. It will be included as part of January's release along with the business and sleeper train cars.

During the holidays I've also built my first book nook in a Japanese (Kyoto) setting. It was definitely a different experience and a great break from all the 3D modeling. It also inspired me and got me thinking about creating book nooks myself, let me know if this is something anyone might be interested in. I thought it would look cool to have a small scifi scene in between your books in your shelves! 

Also mentioned before the platform and the end train will be released in February. Question for you all is do you want me to release the Ishikawa set (each floor per month) or do you want more train related? I know a couple of people who expressed interest in the set.

Wish you all a happy new year and once again thank you for sticking with me and help me become a better designer!



Corey Burger

Nifty mech. Not really my style, but is good work. As for book nooks, absolutely


I've got another mech in the works, first couple designs might not look good but its part of learning. :) Its the perspective and the size of each part that I find most troubling. Mechs and robots are a different beast on their own.

Mark Croker

Personally I would rather have more train, but then I did back Ishikawa. If you are going to release this a floor at a time to us could you please give it a few tweeks, even if it's just a case of moving the wall around a bit. That way it hives those of us that already have it a bit more value and we can go up a couple of floors or go with a second building and swap floors about. If you just release the KS then what was the point of us backing it, essentially paying twice. As for the mechs, I love Mecha. Yours is coming along nicely but from what I've seen I'd prefer it with a few more small details to add a bit of interest. What you have done is show how difficult it is to design something new if it's not your natural style. My personal style when playing around is anything based around straight lines, I couldn't even imagine designing anything organic. If I did I certainly wouldn't show it to anyone. Booknooks? Great, love 'em. I backed a couple of projects in the past, even though I know I'll never have a printer. I just love the concept and the hidden surprises lurking on the library shelves. Keep up the good work, I look forward to more great models coming our way in the new year.


Yes there will definitely be Patreon exclusive pieces for each floor release for sure. I have the plan but would love to hear what everyone wants first before I call the shot.

Jack Noron

That sakura book nook looks very nice, I was interested in getting that, but I realized there is no way I would use it, or any other book nook at all. With limited shelves space it is even a problem to put all books/manga I already have there, so I guess I would pass on this this. But the mech looks pretty nice :)


That's true, although with OpenLOCK we can turn the book nook into a full blown playable terrain, so some can use it as a book nook, others can use it for actual games. Basically a "store-able" and "display-able" modular terrain set. In a sense I guess the book nook options can just be part of a terrain set.

Jack Noron

This way it sounds more interesting if we could use it as playable terrain as well ;)

Andy Fundinger

I will be printing the train, but I'm so far behind on printing that I won't need more train stuff for a while--I'm actually trying to finish out the Crimson explorer still.


I joined up with the understanding that the building was next. Otherwise I would have joined the kickstarter. Feeling a little dissapointed...


I apologize for that I will do a better job at planning releases. Right now I will start releasing each floor starting March along with exclusive Patreon / MMF pieces.


I guess Ill look at joining back up in March. Best of luck