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Hey everyone!

Here's the new Inner Circle release for December!

This release includes new versions of H scenes for FemCop featuring her newly improved torn clothes, a lot of improvements to the Brute and Semi H scenes, as well as the missing transition from the Onyx + Thug scene.  

Importantly, we've added fixes for various situations that could soft lock the game, such as the new physics system placing enemies outside the playable area after H scenes.  We've also fixed an issue that could create invisible / unkillable enemies, as well as one where enemies caught on objects during knockdown wouldn't despawn (only happens to worms at the moment as a side effect of the new physics system, and should be fixed soon).

There's also focus on SFX, as we've caught up on adding custom ones to the newer scenes.

A new feature everyone will notice is the hit effect overlay system.  Characters now flash a color when damaged.  This adds much needed feedback for enemies that don't play a hit stun animation. This will likely get modified over time, as we've got a few ideas such as making characters flash brighter when critical hits land, etc.  Let us know what you think of it in its current state.

We've also continued the rig improvements started in the last release, with blendshape normals + materials and UV fixes for Onyx, as well as more improvements to FemCop and a fix for Chain Splicer.


The following is only a list of player-facing changes, unless otherwise noted.

  • Added damaged Bodysuit version for each of FemCop's H Scenes
  • Added outro animations to Onyx + Brute Scene
  • Added additional bearhug loop to Brute H scene for improved variety
  • Improved animation on / fixed clipping on fast sex loop for Brute + added partial physics
  • Added Onyx + Thug mid scene transition
  • Added additional SFX for Onyx + Brute scene
  • Added SFX for Onyx + Semi scene
  • Added SFX for Onyx + Thug new intro
  • Added hit effect overlay system (characters now flash a color when damaged)
  • Fixed issue with H bystanders that could result in invisible enemies / soft-locking wave progression
  • Fixed visual glitches / potential soft-locks where enemies could be placed outside the playable area after grapple / H scenes
  • Skipping a scene in-game will now consistently add H liquid from skipped animations to Onyx
  • Skipping a scene will now properly trigger events on frame 0 of animations later in the scene (adding H liquid, breaking clothes, etc)
  • Skipping a scene in gallery will no longer add H liquid from skipped animations to female actors
  • Fixed various cases of enemies getting stuck in walking animation
  • Redid Onyx's feet for visual equipment system so they are part of her body mesh instead of separate.  Fixes seam between body and feet.
  • Fixed blendshape normals for Onyx (shading issues during blendshape animations such as jiggles)
  • Fixed zipper material assignment and UV issues on Onyx's shorts and shirts
  • Added outlines / texture to FemCop's damaged suit mesh
  • Fixed a bunch of issues with metal pieces on FemCop's suit and jacket
  • Fixed visual issue with kanji on Chain Splicer's jacket that originated with last month's rig update

Known Issues

  • Brute's ground stomp combo is now too slow due to turning animation (will be fixed in next update)
  • Crawler (big larva) can get hung up on barrels if he falls or is knocked down on top of one.
  • Onyx can glitch out for a frame after her Push attack if she's standing still
  • Onyx can respawn in knockdown pose if she is K.O.'d in the air.
  • Thug, Blade Bunny, Looter are missing new portraits and are using Chain Splicer, Bat Bunny, Runt respectively
  • BatBunny H liquid can appear floating above Onyx at end of Onyx + Bunnies scene if BatBunny + Vioreaper scenes were played first
  • Enemies can't defend while winding up to attack.
  • Wraxe will perform his shorts pull animation during H scene even if Onyx has no shorts on.
  • Some visual glitches involving the fire traps on Red-Light test mission.
  • Barrels are apparently still able to spawn inside each other.
  • Player character downed animation post H scene is currently not playing in Gallery, nor are secondary idle animations.
  • Sounds are improperly playing during loading currently.
  • Destructible objects don't receive environment lighting or cast reflections yet.
  • Blocky shading artifacts appear on both FemCop and Onyx if they are covered in liquid while lit by FemCop's forcefield.  This is due to a shader conflict with the newly optimized liquid and the lighting technique used for the forcefield.
  • Larva/Crawlers (and Vioreapers too) currently use humanoid bystander behaviors.
  • Crawlers' spit attack has a splash AoE where the projectile lands, but FX graphics aren't in for it yet, so it can appear as if Onyx is hit by nothing if she's standing nearby a landing spitball.
  • FemCop's force field doesn't emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
  • It's possible for FemCop's forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
  • At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt's section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it's meant to appear.
  • Some of Wraxe's combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations.  Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
  • Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now.  Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
  • Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he's a bystander.

Console Commands

The game isn't balanced that great yet, so some people have asked if there are ways to bypass bosses or get some help.  You can use console commands for this while the game is still rough around the edges. Press the  ` (backtick/tilde) key to open the console.  Type any of the commands below and press enter.  Press ` again to close the console.

  • godmode on/off - Makes Onyx indestructible and impervious to Exhaustion.
  • onepunchmode on/off - Gives Onyx the ability to kill anything with one attack.
  • setwave # - Sets the enemy wave to the number specified.  Changes will not be reflected in enemies until the current wave is wiped out.  If you want to fight Street Lord Wraxe, who spawns on Wave 20, then set the wave to 19 and wipe out the remaining enemies.
  • setgamespeed # - Multiplies the game speed by the number specified.

System Requirements

Currently only Windows 7/8/10/11 are supported. We plan on adding additional platforms if there is a demand. 8 GB of RAM and at least a 2GB graphics card are heavily recommended. If you get poor performance please let us know and post your system specs (or send to eromancergames@gmail.com ); we’re still in the early stages of gauging system requirements.

Controls (Updated 9-24-22)


  • Walk = Arrow Keys
  • Dash = Double tap + hold Left or Right, or Hold L Analog Stick
  • Menu Controls: Confirm = Z, Cancel = X
  • Interact / Pick Up = C
  • Jab = Z
  • Power Attack = D
  • Punch Combo = Forward + Z > Z > Z > Z
  • Kick Combo = X > X
  • Slide Attack = Down + X
  • Dodge = Shift, or Forward/Back + Shift
  • Defend = CTRL
  • Jump = Space
  • Jump Kick = X while jumping
  • Zoom In = Q
  • Zoom Out = A
  • Skip Struggle / H Animation = X / Space
  • Skip Full H Scene = C
  • Escape = Pause Menu
  • F1 = Toggle Debug Overlay
  • F2 = Toggle Vsync (not recommended except for testing)
  • Quit = F12

Currently Supported Controllers: Xbox 360, Xbox One, Dual Shock 4.  PS5 DualSense

**Note** The popular community made DS4 Windows drivers cause Unity to recognize a DualShock controller as an Xbox gamepad, and we can't tell them apart in code. This means that you'll be gifted with the untold joy of having your controller mapped by default with the wrong controls. You can fix it by rebinding the PS4 controller map, or removing the DS4 Windows drivers. (The latter is HARD, a simple uninstall isn't going to be enough)

Bug Reports

If you find a bug we haven’t listed in our known issues, please post the following with your description of the bug.

  • Operating System (if Windows, tell us 7/8/10, etc.)
  • Screenshot if applicable
  • Can the bug be reproduced? If so, tell us how!
  • OS language if different than English



Hey Eromancer just a quick question would be nice if i can get an answer to it. Is there something planed to adjust the splicer brute enemy? It feels kinda strange to fight him because the time window to attack him is so small that you can only hit him one time with a quick jab before he already winds up his next attack. So the fight routine of him is just hit him once and then dodge and this on repeat before he's knocked out. Am i missing something or is this really the intented way?


Consider that most of the planned skills aren't in the game yet :D it makes it very tough to strike a balance between showing off new enemies and making it playable. Especially when all these enemies aren't intended to show up so early in gameplay. Right now I'd suggest trying to drag him to explosive barrels to soften him up more quickly ^-^.


I understand thank you very much for the clarification. Really liking the game so far even in such an early development stage. I will be waiting excited for the next upcoming updates on a game.