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Hey everyone! I want to thank you guys for taking the plunge early and choosing to help out with my project. I will be making special updates here for patrons that will include details on where I'm at on the project as well as screenshots of the game and development process and various artwork. For those of you that have chosen to do the $35 pledge (or might want to in the future), I will be posting previews of the various print designs I come up with here as well. This is my first time using Patreon, so please try and bear with me if there are any bumps in the road as I flail wildly trying to figure out all of the site's functions and what not. As the page description states, I plan on trying to release a playable version of the game before the end of the year. The goal will be to have a small playable location that will introduce you to the combat and H system, and to act as an opportunity to test out the various interfaces and for me to get feedback on what could use improving. The major goals remaining for this phase include implementing code for the H system and expanding the battle user interface to accommodate it, as well as the ever present task of developing artwork and assets. An area I could use your help with currently is finding more forums/pages/communities to share the game with! If you have any suggestions please let me know! I am also currently on the lookout for an environment tileset artist and character/enemy sprite artist for the map scenes (outside of battle). Anyways, that's about it for now! Thank you again for your pledges! - EROMANCER



If you haven't already, since you've stated the game will have vore of some kind in it, posting on a site named Eka's Portal may prove fruitful. They go nuts over there when OC of any kind is posted there.