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Hey guys!

I've gotten quite a few questions regarding the bonus uncensored retail version reward and I wanted to clarify that we're still doing this.

You can find the details in the campaign's overview, but I'll post it here to highlight the requirements:

"If you pledge a total of $20 or more over the course of the project you will receive an uncensored completed copy of the game at the end of the project!"

This means that to be eligible you can make any combination of pledges as long as they total $20 or more.  It doesn't have to be a single pledge of $20 (but it can be if you want).

A source of the confusion is that with the old campaign format there was a sentence in the actual reward description boxes saying how many times it was required to pledge at that tier to reach the uncensored retail version reward.  Those notices were removed since they were confusing, but the requirement has always been the same :D. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

- Eromancer   

EDIT: I removed a few words and updated my description to make it even clearer.



whats the diff with the normal one ?


Quick question about what exactly is being said. >"If you pledge a total of $20 or more at any time over the course of the project you will receive an uncensored completed copy of the game at the end of the project!" Let's say I'm pledging at the $3 tier, but I've been pledging there for a year when the project completes. I would have donated a total of $36 "over the course of the project". Are you saying that this would qualify me for the uncensored retail release version? Alternatively, are you instead saying that if, and only if, I donate at the $20 tier at least once across the life of the project I will qualify for the uncensored retail version.


Well, good thing I've pledged at that 20$ tier a few times already back in the day. :D


$20 total - doesn't matter if it's from one $20+ pledge, or multiple $3, $5, $10 pledges. You don't even have to stick to one reward tier if you don't want to.


Thats cool


Thank you for clarifying! :)


So we can get an uncensored physical copy? :D

Mindshard Studio

Thank you for clarifying, and for your continued hard work!


I'd actually really like to do both a physical version of the game and an actual physical strategy guide just to complete the whole retro vibe. Maybe if the game attracts some serious attention around release it'd be feasible (it'd be a lot more than $20 though, and outside of this reward, hehe).


Hello, I want to make the game, which were inspired "RE Progeny", it was named "RE Propagation". This is the link to blog about this game <a href="http://repropagation.blogspot.ru/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://repropagation.blogspot.ru/</a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/taylornellerpropagation">https://www.patreon.com/taylornellerpropagation</a> Please, look this and help me to make this game!)))


Hello, I want to make the game, which were inspired "RE Progeny", it was named "RE Propagation". This is the link to blog about this game <a href="http://repropagation.blogspot.ru/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://repropagation.blogspot.ru/</a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/taylornellerpropagation">https://www.patreon.com/taylornellerpropagation</a> Please, look this and help me to make this game!)))


Sorry for the delay! To try to answer your questions, we know very little about how the retail situation will shape up. This is an ever changing thing with adult games, and oftentimes the retailer has limitations or requirements that can easily change anything I would say now. The part I can guarantee however is that anyone who pledges a total of $20 or more to the campaign will receive the uncensored retail version directly from us. Canceling your pledge won't nullify that. Regarding censoring, it would only be censored in certain retail environments. The retail version (as with all Patreon versions) that you'd receive from us will be uncensored.


I think you might be confused as to how this works. It's not really a "subscription" service. Anyone who contributes at least $20 over the course of the development gets a copy of the final product when it's done. However, most of us are continuing to donate monthly to further development (which comes with sneak peeks and info on what's being developed). While I can't say about the final version, the current version doesn't seem to have any DRM software to make running it a hassle (thank god).


Well, we prefer if people see it as donating with ability to download early versions in case someone wants to check progress, or in other words how their donations are used. Game will be sold on-line and censorship will be present only in stores required by their local law to censor sold material - this means mainly on-line stores based in Japan, like DLsite. AFAIK, no US based on-line store selling H-Games is forced by law to censor sold games. Eromancer is really the only one who can answer your DRM question, but what I can say is that DRM is highly unlikely... I hate DRMs as well, so I won't be coding one - that's for sure.


A pledge of $20 has been made, that should secure a "hopefully" uncensored version upon completion, the monthly subscription was canceled afterwards (you should still get the payment based on Patreon payment standards; yes, I did read through the ToS regarding payments, although Eromancer's statements would contradict statements regarding loss of rewards for canceling a subscription). Whether I continue paying into it will be whether I get verification that it will indeed be uncensored for Utah residents &amp; without DRM, where minimal payments may continue on months that new versions are released (not on months that a new version was not released). I am intending on writing a review of this game once I've had a chance to play through it (the uncensored version I should be getting for the $20+ payment into it) once it's completed. Provided everything goes as planned &amp; the game doesn't have DRM, I'm expecting the review to be pretty positive (of course I'll need to play through the game before I can actually determine that).


Guys! I love your work!! Thank you very much for what you do 💝


Still waiting on a response regarding plans for DRM on this game... Furthermore it appears there hasn't been an update since Oct. 13th, 2016. I was at one point receiving notifications via Inner Circle due to the $20 pledge exceeding the $15 pledge, but seems I've been cut off from that due to canceling my "monthly" amount directly after the $20 pledge was made to secure the full copy upon completion (which was never meant to be a monthly amount, but I was intending on continuing to pay a minimal monthly amount when new versions became available...after I get an official response about DRM). So where are we at now? It's been 3 months since a new version has been released from what I can see; is the project on hold or are some users just getting cut off because they don't want to pay for a stalled project? I don't intend on paying anything further into it until I have received verification that the game WON'T have DRM &amp; I know there is a new version out.


I gave you a very clear response. The answer was that we don't know what the retail situation will be, and that with adult games that decision is often at least partially based on the retailer. There was a progress update last week, so the project obviously isn't on hold.


I hate to say it, but it wasn't all that clear (obviously I wouldn't be having an issue with your response if it was clear, but I've decided I'm going to chance it &amp; expect an uncensored version when I get it) &amp; so far I haven't really gotten a response from you about DRM yet; it all seems like it's a guessing game from the information I have received thus far (from you &amp; your moderators)... From the sounds of it (while you in particular haven't specifically stated anything about DRM yet), whether DRM will be added or not will be dependant on requirements of the retailer, so I'll ride on that although it hasn't specifically been stated. If there was a progress report last week, that was an email I never got &amp; can not see it on your Patreon page due to restricted access (despite following the page &amp; having previously paid into it). So I guess the question is will the date on available downloads update to a new date when a new version is available, as this will be my means to know I can start paying into it again (I don't intend on making normal payments into a project that isn't receiving normal updates; I'm talking about the software, not just a post on your page...which means little if I can't actually see it).


I stated it on Nov 20 in response to your previous comment (see below this one). $3 patrons receive monthly progress reports while $10 patrons receive weekly updates. To answer your question, I update the front page of the campaign (which everyone can see) whenever a new major release is available. These releases are available to current $3 patrons. Intermediary releases for Inner Circle patrons will simply be mentioned and posted in their updates ($10 patrons).


So you're telling me that when I paid $20 on December 1st, I downloaded a version 2 months old where there should have been a new version available (being in the Inner Circle by amount of pledge to boot, despite not intending on keeping a monthly amount at that rate)? Are you telling me there is a version newer than the one I can currently see on your page, the last date I can visually confirm being the one I downloaded released on Oct. 13th, 2016 (apparently no longer considered a patron having access revoked when I look at literally ALL posts back to this one being locked by monetary restriction), which apparently is also locked at this point? I suppose the statements of the other people who assured me that I would still have access without further payments was false (there was still the intentions of keeping a minimal amount going) &amp; that you literally have to keep a running SUBSCRIPTION to continue receiving updates; should I assume my copy of the full game has also been nullified because I canceled the monthly amount (which was intended anyways after the $20 pledge, but was going to pick it up at a lower monthly amount once I got my questions answered &amp; could determine a new version was available)?


Trying to keep an open mind about this (which is hard to do when it looks like I got shafted by a bunch of false statements), let's consider the possibility that the date on the downloads page does not necessarily mean the date that version was released, but the date the downloads section became available &amp; it's updated at the rate you are stating. If this is the case, that means it's a misunderstanding on my part because nobody actually explained this... That means I would have 2 more days to make a pledge &amp; it would still be a consecutive monthly pledge in addition to the $20 pledge in December, but I'm expecting the $20 pledge may be lost based on regulations of Patreon. If it's confirmed that what I was thinking was in fact a misunderstanding, there is a new version &amp; the full version has not been lost before the end of the month, I still have time to pickup up the "subscription" at a minimal amount. EDIT: Also it seems my understanding of the flags on names was also a misunderstanding, as this appears to mark patrons, not moderators. Leave it to a site that handles money to have a confusing system with little explanation...


It says plainly in my previous response that canceling your pledge does not nullify the uncensored retail version reward. I quote: "The part I can guarantee however is that anyone who pledges a total of $20 or more to the campaign will receive the uncensored retail version directly from us. Canceling your pledge won't nullify that. " Regarding maintaining a pledge, that's simply how Patreon functions. If you stop supporting a creator then you will stop receiving updates on their feed. I don't see anywhere in the comments below where you were given misinformation.


Apparently not false information, I just read into the statement from Ashiel wrong. They stated: ================================================================================== Anyone who contributes at least $20 over the course of the development gets a copy of the final product when it's done. However, most of us are continuing to donate monthly to further development (which comes with sneak peeks and info on what's being developed). ================================================================================== At the time I read it I understood you could continue receiving updates without an active "subscription" (you can't deny the system on here follows the same system for a subscription service, the only difference being it's a monthly fee to fund developers/artists), which I now see was a misunderstanding on my part after re-reading his statement...


So I sign up for $3 a month &amp; what do I see? ================================================================================== Click below to download the latest version of Malise and the Machine as of OCTOBER 30, 2016. ================================================================================== I'm sorry, but I'm not falling for that again. I'm canceling the subscription again &amp; I'll be waiting for 2 updates to be made before I pay into it again (unless I can get this one reversed, seeing as you did say the timeframe on updates for $3 patrons should have been monthly, which means the lack of updates since October has made that statement false for 3 months).


From the campaign page you'll a 'FILTER' section on the left side of the screen. You can filter by your pledge amount to see all posts for that amount appear in the feed (or see the 'Reward Download' posts). You can also select 'POSTS' under the big cover image. Only posts for your pledge amount or lower will be unlocked.


This is what I'm seeing on the download page, are you telling me I should see a newer download on here that is NOT in the month of October? (I know you have a Google account as you've been sharing stuff off of it, you should be able to access this) <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1gKoI4fGCIWZnBtdjJDLXFRT28" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1gKoI4fGCIWZnBtdjJDLXFRT28</a> The last post I have under this tier was on January 1, 2017, no downloadable version of the game, only a preview of what's to come. I haven't filed the reason for canceling the pledge again yet, but I'm about to &amp; if you can help in determining why I don' t have access to newer version downloads, I may not have to file that reason &amp; can pick it up again next month.


No. Where are you suggesting I told you that? You receive access to download the latest version when at the $3 pledge level, along with receiving monthly progress updates. Let me know if you'd like a refund on your $3 pledge.


This month I want it refunded because the only updates I am interested in are game updates. I will watch for the next downloadable version then pick it up again at that point. This was yet another miscommunication that the monthly updates you were talking about weren't particularly meant to be game updates &amp; this is the reason why we're having this heated discussion; I will hold off on sending the reason for deletion of pledge to Patreon for the time being if you can get the refund issued... EDIT: Seems it's been reversed at this point as rights to access the download have been pulled. The refund canceled out the charge, so at this point I'm waiting for an updated version of the game to appear before I throw another pledge towards it (still seeing only the one in October).

Inceton games

Love your content! Great job!


Your game is great inspiration for me. What you've done with RPG Maker is amazing.


I'm trying to determine when the last PLAYABLE update was... Your Reward Downloads still state the latest PLAYABLE version was on 10/13/2016, however I noticed for a very short period this morning that there was 6 entries there rather than 3 (although the date still has not changed). I have been waiting for an update on that date before I put any more money into the game, so could it be possible that Patreon is not updating the date, giving a false sense that there has been no PLAYABLE updates on this game for almost a year or is it accurate that the last PLAYABLE update (and download) was legitimately on 10/13/2016? If it turns out this is an error on Patreon's side, perhaps you should make more PUBLIC posts to disclose when new PLAYABLE versions are available (to Patrons), as the current system is making the game look like it's abandoned to those who are not currently paying into it (or waiting for an update that would show there was a new PLAYABLE version released)...


I like you great battle system, keep this great job up, colleagues! ;)