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Hey guys!

We're a few days late with this, but we have three solid achievements to present with this release.  A shout-out to AltairPL, who banged out a lot of code in the two and a half  weeks since our last release @_@.


Number one is that we've added the first phase of the H Scene Gallery.  Scenes are currently unlocked by finding recording disks dropped by enemies.  This is a temporary system that will become more elaborate as we add the main gameplay loop features.  Options and functionality within the gallery is limited at the moment (similar to what we have in-game), but here are some things we're looking at for future phases of the gallery:

  • Playback speed controls / looping controls
  • Ability to change characters' clothing configurations
  • Cinematic Mode (multiple cinematic camera angles per scene)
  • Liquid options
  • Environment settings
  • Ability to change character facing direction

The second achievement is that we can now save game data between sessions.  Currently we're only using this to save Gallery Mode progress, but the groundwork is laid for the main save system.  Your gallery progress will be maintained between game updates as well unless we mention otherwise.

The third is that we completed our first successful conversion of an H scene to another character ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).   And thus, we've added the first FemCop H scene :D.  I'll talk more about the process in this month's progress update.  


  • Added first implementation of the H Scene Gallery
  • Added disk item drops for unlocking H scenes in Gallery Mode.   
  • Added first FemCop H scene to Gallery Mode (Street Lord Wraxe - Standing)
  • Laid groundwork for saving game data (currently used for auto-saving gallery progress between sessions)
  • Implemented improved abdomen bulge on FemCop's rig (used for Street Lord Wraxe scenes).  Will add for Onyx in future update.
  • Made around two dozen fixes / additional features for FemCop's rig
  • Fixed critical permissions problems for some players (would cause input to stop functioning on startup)
  • Bystanders no longer get stuck in bystander mode if Onyx escapes grapple before they reach their bystander position
  • Fixed background animation in Game Over screen

Known Issues

Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.

  • The actor state debug tags (white text) can appear above characters in the H Scene Gallery.  Press F3 to turn these off.  Sorry about that -- last minute issue!
  • If you mash "skip animation" at the last phase of a scene (where it fades to black) in Gallery Mode, the last animation will improperly loop with each button press.
  • Camera zoom input is reversed in Gallery Mode
  • Gallery Mode camera zooms at a different speed than the in-game camera.
  • Splicer Runts can (rarely) face the wrong direction during H scenes.  Let us know if you see this issue.
  • The new double-team H scene will leave liquid on Onyx's face in the next release (I said this in this last release, but it's now been bumped to the highest priority @_@).
  • Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
  • Liquid won't show on Onyx during the Thug's solo H scene.  This will be fixed soon.
  • The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug's H scene finishers sometimes doesn't play.  We're aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
  • Spamming attack/jump while Onyx is knocked down can sometimes produce a glitchy animation just before she gets back up, which can affect her next combo.
  • Street Lord Wraxe's hitbox is not good, especially during his attack animations (Onyx's hits will usually miss when it looks like they should land).  He's the first enemy to move a lot from his origin during animations, and this separates him from his collider.
  • Street Lord Wraxe may become stuck while walking.  He can be knocked out of it however.
  • Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now.  Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
  • Splicer Runts and Thugs may float if Onyx knocks them back a lot while they are defending or de-aggro'd.  They may also airwalk when knocked down.
  • Charger doesn't move out of the way when he's a bystander during an H scene.  He just kinda goes to sleep right in the middle of it all x_x.  And Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of the H scene with his big fat wraxe.



Suggestion: when accessing your inventory, "F" should not destroy the item. "F" is used to "Pick Up/interact" in the game world, so consistency between "Picking Up" and "Use" would be more ideal. I accidently destroyed my First Aid Kits. Not a big deal, but it just makes more sense. Other than that, good job. I love the Fem Cop and Animation Gallery addition!


Seriously I hate to be able to test the fem cop and I wonder if an H scene is planned with the "chager"? and with the other mob too?


The art is fantastic and I'm happy you're putting in the work into the piece. But, the stun locks and the clunkiness of the combat is a bit of a buzz kill (though, i have no doubt this will be thoroughly upgraded). I like the way the gallery gets dropped, too.

Jack Reaps

I haven't gotten any of the unlock drops from enemies. Having to wait for drops to unlock gallery scenes is lame IMO.


I really do hope that you guys add a spanking humiliation scene, in the next update. Onxy gets spanked continuously with a belt/whip, until her ass is beat red & then she runs away pantsless, while the enemies laugh at her. That would be definitely a treat to see. Nice update, nonetheless!


I was able to get several drops and I only got to the charger. But it was a second run.


More Fem Cop please!

Internet User

I'm so glad you made it possible to switch in new characters for the animations! its like getting a whole new scene each time there is a new lady. blue girl is so pretty

Jack Reaps

yeah how do you swtich?


H Scene Gallery, you unlock currently by items that are dropped.


I'm looking forward to see how Onyx licks dominatrix boot! So far really loving the game in it's incomplete state. Lord Wraxe's choking animation near the end is a little jank though. It doesn't transition naturally from the pass-out and him pulling her off and fades to black a little quick in my opinion. Other than that I love how fluid your guys' animations are in fighting and sexual stuff. As well as the art style.


It's very likely that the controls will change some -- keyboard especially ^-^


I'm okay with it being only in the gallery, but it would be nice to see more scenes.


I hope you get to play, as the femcop!

Nico Robin

Loving the progress, can’t wait for cinematic mode! Don’t know if anyone else is experiencing this but for some reason the animation gallery is sped up which is causing a lot of glitches in the animation.


The sped up gallery is news to us! Are you able to repeat it? If you can provide as much info as possible it'd help us out a lot!


That's actually a blockout for the outro animation and shouldn't even be in there ^-^


Absolutely loving the progress. Two things that would be super handy would be an increase in the frequency of the drops (not a huge biggie but it'd be nice for the testing environment!), and a list of commands. Super glad for the auto fill. Once I got the fill of combat I could turn on god mode and just play around. Absolutely love the fact you're adding other ladies who can get dominated too. How would that go down, do you think, in-game? Enemy is near enough to, say, fem-cop, it might try to take a grab of her like they do you?

Sean Jackson

Charger mounting Onyx scenes when?


nice femcop


Im not sure if anyone else noticed is when you hold the punch button to do the super punch and you hold back theres a big glitch where she disappears and reappears again. Its weird hopefully someone else sees that.


Entirely disappears o.o? I know there's an issue with her turning around too early during this punch. I'll check this out!

Lord Monkey

I didn’t see any clothing configuration available?