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Hey guys!

We have a new Pure Onyx release for you!  This one adds the first double team H scene.  It's triggered in the same way the Thug solo scene is triggered, but if a Runt is nearby he can join in.  The second part of it is more polished animation-wise, so expect the same quality throughout by the release at the end of the month.  We're also working on an extra sloppy outro scene ^-^.

TEST RELEASE DOWNLOAD (Patched Feb 16, 2021)

In addition to this, we have a bunch of inventory, shop, and some stability / UI improvements.  We have more headed your way for the end of the month! 


  • Added the first double team H scene for the Splicer Thug and Runt.  Expect more polish in the release at the end of the month. 
  • Fixed consumable item price not taking used charges into consideration
  • Added an option to specify gamepad type for display purposes - input indicators, controls sheet, etc.
  • Some additional functional and accessibility changes semi-related to the above
  • Changed what happens when error occurs during ini loading - instead of breaking the game, it now correctly aborts ini loading, leaving default values for all options
  • Added enforced encoding to ini saving/loading just in case
  • Added inventory autosort functionality
  • Added Item Sorting Order options to the Options screen 
  • Added sorting shop inventory on restock
  • Overrode item/shop screen's reorder mode toggle input to auto-sort all containers instead
  • Split Shop window into Shop and Repair
  • Repair window now only shows damaged equipment
  • Added gamepad key binding for Equipment Compare input action
  • Fixed issue with stage menu navbar vanishing when resolution is changed in Options screen (still one artifact left to fix)
  • Added redesigned/improved FPS counter
  • Added debug key [F4] allowing switching minimum framerate between default 30 and 10, which should allow us to better gauge the performance on some user configurations
  • Runts will panic less now.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an actor to face the wrong direction during an H scene involving Runts
  • Added layer override functionality during H scenes for removing unwanted shadows on characters.
  • Gameplay time clock is now functional (bottom left of status menu)
  • New Babylon (in-game time) clock now functional (top right of status menu)

Known Issues

Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.

  • Splicer Runts can (rarely) face the wrong direction during H scenes.  Let us know if you see this issue.
  • The new double-team H scene will leave liquid on Onyx's face in the next release.
  • Game Over screen background is not tiling correctly currently.
  • Enemies can appear floating above the shop characters after an H scene, but should fix themselves quickly.
  • Liquid won't show on Onyx during the Thug's solo H scene.  This will be fixed soon.
  • The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug's H scene finishers sometimes doesn't play.  We're aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
  • Street Lord Wraxe's standing-from-behind H scene should actually only occur when Onyx is on the ground -- we just haven't had time to add this mechanic yet.
  • Spamming attack/jump while Onyx is knocked down can sometimes produce a glitchy animation just before she gets back up, which can affect her next combo.
  • Street Lord Wraxe's hitbox is not good, especially during his attack animations (Onyx's hits will usually miss when it looks like they should land).  He's the first enemy to move a lot from his origin during animations, and this separates him from his collider.
  • Street Lord Wraxe may become stuck while walking.  He can be knocked out of it however.
  • Due to Wraxe's large size, Runts bumping into him may push him upwards since they can get underneath his collider.
  • Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now.  Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
  • Splicer Runts and Thugs may float if Onyx knocks them back a lot while they are defending or de-aggro'd.  They may also airwalk when knocked down.
  • Charger doesn't move out of the way when he's a bystander during an H scene.  He just kinda goes to sleep right in the middle of it all x_x.  And Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of the H scene with his big fat wraxe.



I press "any key" it takes me to the selecting screen but then I can't do a thing. I tried on more than one drive AND moving the folder from a drive to another, restarting pc, deleting and reinstalling. I also tried with more than one keyboard and a controller.


Hey! Could you send your Player.log and .ini files (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Eromancer\pure-onyx) to us at eromancergames@gmail.com? Would really help us track this one down!


Same issue for me, my mouse isn't visible so I can't select anything, not sure if the cursor keys and enter are set up to navigate the menu also but if so then they don't work either. The game isn't frozen as the music is playing and the main menu animation is running.


Mouse actually isn't used -- only keyboard or controllers ^-^. Can you do the same and send your Player.log and Settings.ini files to us at eromancergames@gmail.com? They're located at (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Eromancer\pure-onyx)


I wish I had some tips but honestly, you guys are killing it! Love the progression towards scenes involving multiple characters, and the combat feels smooth. Thanks for your hard work!


Hey guys! We'll be posting a hotfix shortly to patch the issue with controls not working. In the meantime, if it is happening to you, here's a workaround: - Open the "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Eromancer\pure-onyx" folder - Manually create an empty Settings.ini text file inside it (just open up Notepad and save a blank file and name it Settings.ini)


Hey again guys -- I posted a comment with a temporary workaround below. We'll be posting a hotfix for the issue soon!


The patched release is up! We've updated the download link above, so please grab it if you were having issues with the controls not working! Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting it!