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Hey guys!

I've made the November 1 Inner Circle test release of Pure Onyx available to all tiers.  

You can find it + details here! 

We're currently hard at work on finishing up the Splicer Boss' combat animations, adding him to the game, and animating his H scene.  Expect an update on that soon!




Nice, just wondering the punches and kicks seem a little slow are those gonna be adjusted faster in the future?


That’s great to hear about the Splicer boss. I’m interested to see what his H animation will look like.


Is there only one H Animation for the splicer right now or do the other enemies have H animations as well?


Just the Splicer at the moment -- we're working on a new H scene currently :D.


Yeah her entire moveset is a work in progress. There are a few annoying input issues. The slower power attacks are going to be buffed significantly (but will cost stamina). We will probably adjust animation canceling, and infinite jab is going to be changed to a standing combo. It will also feel different once we add grapple/throw and dash attacks, and revamp kicks.

Bill Duke

looking forward to the new h anims! <3 great work so far


Super promising - but performance is a nightmare on an average system. I get <30 FTPs with VSYNC on and 50 FPS with VSYNC off, but drops to <30 FPS when moving around, too.. can we get some control over resolution?


Hey :D. What are your system specs? A 2-4 GB video card is recommended. The game is fairly unoptimized right now, and we definitely plan on adding some performance settings. Is the performance significantly worse on the new (sewers) map? Info here would help us determine what options to include once we can get to it.


Great work so far, I love the retro aesthetic! When can we expect the next animation/update?