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Hey everyone!

This month's release is a patched and improved version of the Inner Circle release at the end of September.  That is to say, we have an improved combat test for the Charger enemy ready for you to try out!

For this test, he will appear on Waves 10, 20, 30, and so forth.  There are a few new bugs in the Known Issues section, so make sure to check them out before playing  :D.


Change Log Pt 1 (Sept 30 - Oct 19 Changes)

  • Overhauled hit processing.  It's now part of the combat system instead of AI, and is far more flexible.
  • Fixed Charger's direction-facing issues
  • Charger is no longer interrupted by Onyx's attacks unless she stuns him
  • Implemented stun system for large enemies / bosses.  Charger can now be stunned (stars will float around his head)
  • Poise now refills instantly when recovering from a knockdown/stun
  • Reduced poise damage on Onyx's jabs
  • Charger no longer changes direction to face Onyx while playing death animation.
  • Charger will now charge through/past Onyx instead of at her. 
  • Charger charges more often. 
  • Removed Charger from Wave 1 since he would be very difficult for brand new players.
  • Charger's sleep animation now plays correctly.
  • Improved Charger's death animation (is no longer cut short by the flicker effect.  Will probably extend it further later)
  • Overhauled inventory windows and their input handling (the latter is for controls legend at bottom of screen)
  • Repositioned consumable charge indicator and 'Equipped' indicators
  • Added durability parameter and indicator for equipment (not in use yet)
  • Made preparations to inventory windows for addition of shop menu
  • A lot of minor inventory and loot fixes/adjustments

Change Log Pt 2 (Sept 30 IC Release)

  • Added the Charger enemy to Waves 10, 20, 30, etc
  • Added most of the Charger's combat skills.  Roar will make debris fall that can damage Onyx in later updates.
  • Improved enemy local avoidance algorithm -- this makes them much more responsive to the player character's location when in her proximity, but makes them pretty bad at navigating tight obstacles (not important currently, but will be addressed soon).
  • Only player character has Dash system now.    Added new "Charge" system for charging enemies (damages stuff, gets interrupted running into unbreakable stuff, etc).  Enemies can still run, but this is a different behavior from Onyx's dash.
  • Improved physics system gravity.  Climbing around on curved surfaces works now (sliding off Charger for instance... will also be useful once we add props to the levels). Shouldn't have any instances of Onyx floating
  • Improved animation set inheritance.  Enemies/NPCs of common types will have common animations set up already (a back-end improvement).
  • Removed Defend state and made it part of the combat system instead of enemy AI. Important for enemies that don't defend, so that stuff (buffs, aggression, etc) that affects defend doesn't make them accidentally try to defend and break stuff.
  • Added a new simple death state -- mostly for non-human/large enemies.  This allows enemies to simply play an animation on death instead of go through the knockdown routine.
  • Made a bunch of capsule collider improvements for non-humanoid-shaped enemies.
  • Added capability for de-aggro'd idle animations/behavior ... similar to bystander but will scan for agro threats.  This is important not only for non-human enemies (Vioreaper will use this instead of joining the pack of bystanders for H scenes), but for events once we add actual levels to the game.  Will allow for things like Splicers sitting around or performing unique animations until aggro'd.
  • Added healing FX graphics for the Reatomizer power-up.
  • Attack/skill FX can now make the screen flash
  • Onyx no longer glitches out while being knocked down upon dying.

Known Issues / TODO

From now on I'm only going to include new and highly relevant issues in these posts, but will keep the full known issues list posted on the reward download page.

  • Need to remove infini-jabs :D.  Will replace these with a 4 hit standing combo.
  • Had a one-time occurrence where Onyx went into T-pose after H scene.  Need to investigate the cause of this.  May be related to new hit processing.
  • a few new bugs related to the gravity changes. Enemies and Onyx may get stuck in falling pose for a second or two before hitting the ground when knocked down near a map border.  It's also possible for Splicer Thugs to float and glitch out some if Onyx knocks them back a lot while they are defending or de-aggro'd.
  • Jump may not trigger if Onyx is moving and the frame rate is low.
  • Things start breaking at Wave 50.  Don't worry, there's no content hiding that far in.
  • Charger doesn't move out of the way when he's a bystander during an H scene.  He just kinda goes to sleep right in the middle of it all x_x

Tips for Beating the Charger

  • Use quick attacks that don't pin Onyx in place, so that Onyx can jump out of the way of Ground Stomps.
  • Move up/down to avoid his Charge attack
  • The Charger can be hit from behind during his Breath Attack
  • The Charger can be stunned by attacking him frequently.
  • Heavier attacks build up his (hidden) stun gauge faster, but use at your own risk (see bullet 1).
  • Don't forget to use First Aid Kits!




when we will play against the policewoman ?


Will we be seeing new playable H content in Nov? Been quite a long while now.


Can I make a few suggestions? After H scenes, equipment may be unequipped or lost. After H scenes, it could be possible for Onix to clean herself, maybe taking a bath. I'm new here, if those suggestions where already made, please ignore.


At this rate, pushing for any new features probably adds another decade to the development

Bill Duke

Nice work! Appreciate your efforts. Will there be H animations for the small dude or insect thingy?


I'm a patient guy, lol. But I understand. Anyway, new features can always be added later after release.

Sneery Thug

I don't get, how the progression works - how many waves do I have to beat at the first stage, to proceed in the game ?


The game is still in development, for now, there is no progression apart from high scores against the waves.


I think the next H scene we'll be adding will be for the Splicer Boss :D.


We plan on having a consumable item to clean Onyx up. Equipment will have durability, which is partially implemented. This is sort of like what you're asking about :D.


Adding Splicer Boss to the game and working on his H content would be a good goal for November :D


Like Igor says, the wave mechanic is just a combat / feature test. The actual game will play similar to beat 'em ups you're used to. Progressing through levels, encountering groups of enemies, moving on. There will be side quests, revisiting areas (since they have branching paths), random events and more in the final game. Check out our world map preview to get an idea of how that will work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoU8YpRj1bs


I really liked the Charger boss! I don't know if I suck or anything, but I think the Charger was able to true combo me with charge into charge without me being able to do anything. I got charged, knocked down, and got hit by another charge when Onyx was about to keep going. At the moment I feel the movement is kind of clunky. Character animation is really nice, so I am not having a go at that. Most moves locks you into animation disrupting the flow of things, and I feel like maybe only really strong attacks at the end of a combo should be like this. Onyx looks really athletic, and it would be cool to se even more quick attacks combos that could chain into movement more easily. Maybe some heavily armored enemies should only be able to take damage from the strong attacks that Onyx uses. I suck at the game, for now, so maybe that has to do with my struggles.


If it is of any solace, I too suck against the Charger :) In some character designs, it looks like Onix will have more attacks, even with firearms, and that's is awesome! Althought the inspiration of the game is the 80's, 90's beat'em ups, firearms are a staple for the cyberpunk genre. As firearms go in beat'em ups, many of them had, Cadillac Dinossaurs comes to mind.