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Hey guys!

We finally have the Inner Circle release ready to show off! 


This release is an enemy wave-based combat test using the new 3D characters and animation system. As with the previous tests, enemies become more and more aggressive up to wave 20.  

There have been a lot of changes, not all of which are perfect yet, so check below for more details. We’ll be doing another release ASAP with the H system added in, as well as any fixes for issues you guys can find. 

Since this release utilizes 3D characters, it has higher system requirements than previous releases.  We did a performance test with the IC crowd on Discord last month, and things seem pretty good, but you’ll definitely need a graphics card. We haven’t yet spent much time on optimization, so it’s likely performance will improve a lot in future releases. 

Also be sure to check out the controls and tips below, since Onyx has more moves this time around.

Changes since the last 2D test release:

  • Replaced 2D characters with 3D models. 
  • Added stylized 3D character shadow, lighting, and materials system
  • Redid the animation and navigation systems for 3D characters
  • Redid existing animations from scratch in 3D. 
  • Added remaining animations for the rest of Onyx and the Splicer Thug’s action sets.
  • Overhauled post processing
  • Revamped input system to handle combos and complex actions while maintaining low latency
  • Implemented the first iteration of Onyx’s combo tree 
  • Onyx can now dash
  • Major camera system improvements 
  • Added vertical parallax to backgrounds
  • Created an FX coordinator for easily playing and positioning visual FX
  • Added a character FX system (for creating attack and miscellaneous graphics)
  • Added knockback to combat (Onyx and enemies can be pushed by attacks)
  • Added the poise system to combat. Chaining attacks quickly will eventually knock an enemy down, instead of relying on RNG
  • Created a library of animation events to trigger FX, physics, sound, etc. from animations.  This was previously handled by Spine when characters were 2D.
  • Stopped using Unity’s physics system (was both chaotic and overkill) and created an in-house system with more reliable results and better performance. 
  • Completely re-tuned combat physics. It’s much less floaty now.
  • Animations now use a combination of baked and dynamic physics
  • Created AI framework for standardizing common behaviors, and quicker development of more advanced behaviors in future enemies
  • Created an “Actor Factory” for generating and recycling enemies to save on performance
  • Greatly expanded the development interface for editing enemy parameters, physics, and AI


  • Rarely, an enemy will refuse to die and become un-killable (he'll disappear and can't interact with Onyx, but he's still there).  This will prevent the next wave from spawning.
  • Splicer Thugs can sometimes move up the railing at the top of the level. 
  • Splicers pretty consistently get closer than should be possible to Onyx.  They currently don't respect her or each others' colliders during navigation.  
  • Some Splicer Thugs moonwalk when moving backwards and dash without moving their feet fast enough.  It's an animation playback speed problem.
  • Enemies will sometimes attack Onyx while she's standing up.  This will be disabled.
  • Enemies are currently more aggressive than they will be when the H system is turned on, since they will attack instead of perform H attacks.
  • Hitting a defending enemy in quick succession will incorrectly cause him to continue defending until attacks stop.
  • Pushing a movement direction key during a certain window around the same time you hit the attack key for the next hit in a combo can result in the attack being ignored. It will accept the movement input and ignore the attack, making it seem like the combo reset if you happen to be hammering the attack buttons
  • Onyx’s stomp hit FX is out of position
  • Getting hit from behind will turn Onyx around. There’s a window where, if the player attacks during this time, her attack will go in the direction she turned instead of the direction she was facing originally. 
  • Splicer Thug geometry gets culled too close to the camera border. Can result it body parts not appearing when they are at the edge of the screen.
  • Characters pop upward (extremely briefly) before their knockdown animation begins. 
  • Splicer Thugs are incorrectly invulnerable after standing up for about 10 frames.
  • Dashing just as Onyx finishes standing up from knockdown will cause her to skid instead of begin running.
  • When Onyx gets hit her current active combo isn’t timed out – this allows her to continue a combo after being hit or blocking a hit.
  • It’s annoyingly difficult to perform Onyx’s stomp attack on a controller currently.
  • Physics on Splicer Thug’s belt causes clipping / artifacts / looks janky
  • Holding the opposite direction when finishing a power attack will cause Onyx to turn rapidly while still in her attack pose, resulting in an ugly animation artifact.
  • Onyx floats a few inches off the ground when she's K.O.'d


  • Some of Onyx's attacks launch her forward, which is sometimes advantageous, but not always.  Consider the enemies' configuration on the battlefield and determine whether it's best to stand  toe-to-toe or to barrel through.
  • Don't forget to block!
  • You can jump kick while dashing to perform a really cool flying kick as an entrance to your next encounter.  Use the enemy indicators on the side of the screen to predict where enemies will be.
  • Onyx's "smash" attacks break enemy defenses and have a 100% chance to knock enemies down, but leave her vulnerable to other nearby enemies.   These attacks include her Heavy Punch power attack (Hold Z to perform -- it can also be performed at the end of a flurry of jabs), and her Force Push (the final attack in her forward punch combo)
  • Onyx is currently particularly vulnerable when enemies are very close.  Grapple attacks and throws will alleviate this once we add them in.


Currently only Windows 7/8/10 are supported. We plan on adding additional platforms if there is a demand. 8 GB of RAM and at least a 2GB graphics card are heavily recommended. If you get poor performance please let us know and post your system specs (or send to eromancergames@gmail.com ); we’re still in the early stages of gauging system requirements.



  • Walk = Arrow Keys
  • Dash = Double tap + hold Left or Right, or Hold L Analog Stick
  • Menu Controls: Confirm = X, Cancel = Z
  • Jab = Z 
  • Power Attack = Hold Z  
  • Punch Combo = Forward + Z > Z > Z > Z
  • Kick Combo = X > X
  • Stomp = Down + X (hits downed enemies)
  • Defend = C
  • Jump = Space
  • Jump Kick = X while jumping
  • Zoom In = Left Shift
  • Zoom Out = Left Control
  • Skip H Animation = Z / Space
  • Escape = Pause Menu
  • F1 = Toggle Debug Overlay
  • F2 = Toggle Vsync (not recommended except for testing)
  • Quit = F12

Currently Supported Controllers: Xbox 360, Xbox One, Dual Shock 4**** The popular community made DS4 Windows drivers cause Unity to recognize a DualShock controller as an Xbox gamepad, and we can't tell them apart in code. This means that you'll be gifted with the untold joy of having your controller mapped by default with the wrong controls. You can fix it by rebinding the PS4 controller map, or removing the DS4 Windows drivers. (The latter is HARD, a simple uninstall isn't going to be enough)


If you find a bug we haven’t listed in our known issues, please post the following with your description of the bug. 

  • Operating System (if Windows, tell us 7/8/10, etc.)
  • Screenshot if applicable
  • Can the bug be reproduced? If so, tell us how!
  • OS language if different than English



Awesome Sauce! I've already listed the bugs I've found on Discord but loving this. Top grip has to be the music :) Need something a bit more upbeat and brawler-y. Keep up the great work, ho ho ho.


When I try to run pure-onyx.exe I get an error popup that says "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." Tried running on Administrator mode, re-unzipping it, still same issue. Running Windows 10 Reproduced bug by: Just trying to run pure-onyx.exe OS language: English


Ok so strangely I fixed it by trying to rename the exe file, into the previous June release that's PureOnyx.exe and not pure-onyx.exe then I had an error pop up. I changed it back to pure-onyx.exe and now it works.


A great project, just a couple of questions, without any evil, just curiosity. Is there only one type of enemy? Does the enemy always attack in the same way? Without commenting on the arrangements that are obvious, you can only say that it is a breakthrough, keep it up and you will have a great game in hand. Greetings


Sorry just woke up ;(. Was going to ask -- were you running it from the Program Files folder when you got that message? Running exes from certain system folders can produce those kinds of errors.


Test release only has one enemy, yes. But there will be several factions in the future, each with their own unique enemies.


For this release just one enemy (since it's a test of the combat code). There will be a lot of enemies in future releases however, all with different abilities. We already have 7 others nearly ready to go in 3D, and have concepts for a lot more :D. Here's a pic: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/390230116996743169/655857239961108480/unknown.png


Thank you very much for everything, I will continue to support this project, well deserved


There's no H attacks?! When are those going to be in? To be fair, what you all got does look pretty damn good.


Nope. The first 2 times I had this error, my files were unzipped into C:\Downloads and F:\. F Drive being another hard disk that's used purely for storage purposes with no OS.


Very soon :D. I want to make a release at the $3 tier with the H system added before the end of the month.


...you're doing that thing again. That thing that takes well earned sleep and sells it to a sex slave merchant in Macau. Where's the molatov and chain splicers in that pic?