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Hey guys!

This post got a lot bigger than I was expecting, so I'm breaking it up into two parts.  This one will be all about Onyx's expanded move set and the combo system, which we're getting deep into now that we're able to animate more quickly.  A lot of the animations I'm posting today are still heavily WIP, so feel free to give suggestions for improvement.  I'm also only including stuff you haven't seen yet :D. 

Onyx Move and Combo List! (Incomplete)

I'm excited to share the first rough draft of Onyx's move set! 

It may look like a lot, but many of these skills will be unlocked by the player as they progress, with an emphasis on simple input.  This isn't a fighting game, so there's no overly complicated moves you have to memorize to play effectively.  

Many of the moves are staples in the beat 'em up genre, but the combo tree has a lot more depth and flexibility.  Combos will feel similar to games like Devil May Cry or Vindictus, in that they start with weak attacks and generally end with a satisfying "smash" attack (or series of them).  These attacks will be unique in their purpose, so building up a combo to execute the right smash attack for the situation will be a big part of combat flow.  

Since there will be quite a few flying enemies, I'm experimenting with a vertical component, including knocking enemies into the air, juggling, and even aerial combos (not listed).  We'll also be implementing a fun concept from modern beat em ups, where enemies (and Onyx) can be bounced off the camera edges -- thus keeping the action on-screen instead of having to wait for enemies to re-enter the playing field after getting booted out of bounds.

Definitely give feedback and ideas for edits / additional moves!  The names will probably be made more flashy -- right now they're just descriptive of what they do for development purposes.  


  • WP: Weak Punch (tap Punch button)
  • WK: Weak Kick (tap Kick button)
  • SP: Smash Punch (hold Punch button)
  • SK: Smash Kick (hold Kick button)
  • B: Block (Tap or Hold Defend button)
  • 🡺: Forward 
  • 🡹: Up
  • 🡸: Back
  • 🡻: Down

Effect Modifiers

  • KB: Knocks back small enemies
  • KD: Knocks down small enemies
  • KDD: Damages knocked down enemies
  • KD + Direction: Propels small enemies a distance in given direction.  Affected enemies knock additional enemies down.
  • AoE: has a large hitbox intended for damaging groups of enemies around Onyx
  • E: Evasive skill that bypasses small enemy collision (nudges them out of the way).
  • I-F: Has invincibility frames


  • Jab: WP
  • Double Jab: WP > WP
  • Right Straight: WP > WP > WP
  • Backhand: WP > WP > WP > WP
  • Heavy Punch (KD): WP > WP > SP
  • Force Push (KD + 🡺): WP > WP> WP > WP> SP or Heavy Punch > SP
  • Thousand Punches: Force Push > WP repeatedly after wind-up
    • A channeled attack that launches punches as long as the player taps the punch button.  Drains Stamina.
  • Uppercut (KD + 🡹): WP > WP > WP > WP > 🡻 + SP
  • Uppercut to Force Push (KD + 🡺) : Uppercut > SP
    • Knocks enemies into the air with the uppercut, and then knocks them back with the push on their way down.
  • Knee Strike (KB): WK or WP > WP > WK
  • Stomp (KDD): 🡻 + WK
  • Mid Kick (KB): WK > WK or WP > WP > WK > WK
  • Spinning Handstand Kick (AoE, KD): WK > WK > SK
    • AoE kick that damages enemies all around Onyx.
  • Backflip Kick (KB): WP > WP > WP > WP > 🡸 + SK
    • Onyx kicks off the enemy(s) in front of her, pushing them forward while launching backwards into an evasive backflip
  • Skyscraper Kick (KD): 🡹 + SK  or Can be used mid-combo
    • Onyx flies upwards, kicking aerial enemies while doing a back somersault kick
  • Diving Kick (KD):  Jump > 🡻 + SK
    • Onyx rockets toward the ground at a 45 deg angle in a straight line, damaging any enemies in her path.
  • Enhanced Diving Kick (KD, AoE, KDD): Skyscraper Kick > 🡻 + SK
    • Same as Diving Kick, but Onyx creates an AoE blast when she hits the ground. Damages knocked down enemies.

Grapple Attacks / Throws

  • Grapple: Hold 🡺 while colliding with enemy
  • Throws (WIP)
  • Grapple Knee Strike (WIP)

Defensive Actions

  • Block: Hold B
  • Parry: B (when incoming attack is about to land) 
    • Creates a blast wave in front of Onyx that knocks back attackers
  • Counter: Parry > SP or SK
  • Back Roll (E, I-F): 🡸 + B
  • Side Dodge (E, I-F): 🡹 + B or 🡻 + B
  • Diving Roll (E, I-F): 🡺 + B or Dash > 🡺 + B 
    • When performed while dashing, provides an alternative to exiting dash that doesn’t leave Onyx vulnerable while she skids to a stop. Similar travel to Slide

Dash Actions

  • Dash (E): 🡺 > Hold 🡺 or  🡺 + Hold L3 (Controller Only)
  • Slide (KD): Dash > WK
  • Shoulder Bash (KD + 🡺) : Dash > WP
    • Less travel than Slide

Let me know what you think guys! 




how to try that ?