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Hey guys,

Uber and I got a lot done on the Vioreaper Nest map, and since there was some interest in how the character sprites would look in it with the finished processing I figured I'd show it off and get some feedback :D -- especially since I usually don't showcase environments.  We think we're about done other than a few experiments we want to try on the goop.

Below is a full size version (zoom!) of the cover image above, slightly compressed (still 17 MB).  There's also a 2nd grading test I did to show more extreme lighting situations on Onyx.  The uncompressed versions are in the attachment folder.

Fair warning, this isn't in-engine yet -- this is a composite made from the assets that'll go into Unity, but it's mainly a reference for the processing and FX pipeline since we still have some work to do on it to get it looking this shiny in game. 

Let us know what you think!




God damn that is pretty

Jamie C.

just a question your not gonna make this an Epic Exclusive are you? :P jk jokes aside nice work as always hoping to play with your new update soon.

myself yourself

now waiting the vioraptor h-scenes :D


Very cool. :) Now correct me if I'm wrong... But vaguely in the back of my head I was recalling something like you wanted dynamic lighting on the characters? So is this it? Or were you planning on trying something like Normal maps on the sprites to have dynamic shading? That would be cool and I haven't seen that done too much ... Anyways I'm really looking foward to your updates. Keep up the great work!


I really like the map. It's properly sporadic, foreign and nasty. But I think it's also a little bit too soft and realistic for Onyx's more cartoony style with her harder edges and more contrasting colors. She meshes real well with the road, though. Maybe making the black outlines of the alien stuff a bit thicker and reducing the gradients on the colors would bring them closer together. She looks a lot more like she belongs in the same world in the blue light, though.


I know you meant Vioreaper but now I want to see what a Vioraptor would look like.


Eventually perhaps, but you have to shade it multiple times from different angles in order to generate normal maps. Originally the plan was to have a dynamic rim light, which is more practical.


Right on. Yeah I didn't know how to make the normals besides like... I dunno maybe you could use a program like crazy bump and then just do a black and white depth map and convert it into a normal map or model a 3d model and bake it onto the sprite... But yeah that would be a heck of a time sink.... But yeah the rim lighting you could prolly not have to put too much time into. :) Oh and BTW The overall lighting concept look really good! Also I left you a small novel of critiques over in the community posts... Hope it will be helpful.