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Hey guys!

After one last all-nighter we finally got the January Pure Onyx test release out!  

You can download it here!   

Like with MATM, the Pure Onyx releases will now be listed under the Reward Downloads section of our page accessible via the featured tags or links on the front page (an updated front page is incoming later today). 

Be sure to check the Known Issues below, as there are a couple new ones that are pretty jarring, but will be resolved pretty quickly.

Here are the changes we've made since the last $3 tier release (Nov 20):


  • Increased Onyx’s health for testing phase
  • Splicer Thugs’ (enemies) artwork has been updated with fully rigged skeletons
  • Added Idle and Walk animations for Splicer Thugs
  • Added dynamic animation blending (Splicers only currently)
  • Added shadows (Splicers only currently)
  • Added Splicer Thug H Concepts to the Concept Gallery
  • Defend FX graphics are now properly positioned
  • Updated to Unity 2018.3
  • Framework for H animation playback is complete
  • Added framework and shaders for lighting and environment FX (not shown in test level)
  • Restructured UI and enabled post processing on it
  • Reworked title screen 
  • Added fade transitions between scenes
  • Added temporary (but functioning) enemy portraits
  • FIXED: The first time you walk, the animation will play at the wrong (much slower) speed. 
  • FIXED: Player sticks to top/bottom walls instead of sliding.
  • FIXED: Player can bypass the landing animation by holding jump while jumpkicking.
  • FIXED: Pause menu can be accessed from the Continue screen.
  • FIXED: Characters in close proximity to one another on the Z axis may have the wrong draw order (character may appear behind another even though they should be drawn in front).
  • FIXED: Camera offset on the far left and right walls doesn't account for camera zoom


  • Foreground renders in front of user interface. This is a side effect of our restructuring the UI (it will be resolved with the next step of the UI development)
  • AI sometimes defends forever. 
  • Attempting to punch a knocked down enemy results in Onyx pausing awkwardly (but use kick to stomp!)
  • Animation blending can sometimes produce glitchy looking results.
  • Hit boxes have not been calibrated at all – they’re pretty goofy right now.
  • Post processing sometimes goes in and out during transitions / loading screen.
  • Player freaks out when brushing up against the far-left wall
  • AI sometimes gets stuck trying to walk into the player
  • Enemy proximity indicators sometimes show for dead enemies
  • Some remaining menu input issues -- let us know if you have one and what controller you are using!

Please let us know if you have any issues (make sure to look at the bug report guidelines in the download post), and let us know what you think so far!  



Nice. Good progress. The post processing cutting in and out is listed with "sometimes", but it's consistent for me. When I start the Arcade Mode, the film grain disappears after a second of the loading screen, then the game shows itself for a millisecond, goes back to black, the film grain comes back and then the game properly starts with the fade-in. Also stop pulling all-nighters. Health is important, yo.


Looks great. I'm playing this in 21:9 aspect ration and it holds together for the most part a few places where the assets cut short.


Oh could you post screens? That'd be very useful for us :3. EDIT: I think TK has a 21:9 monitor, so I will see if he can find the issues :D


To be honest i am very disappointed, you guys said that you will focus on H content and animation and you will release a playable version with those contents last month, but its already January and you haven't provided us with neither of those. (few sketches in the gallery that are no more than few hours of work don't count) Its always in "the next release". Im sorry if this sounds rude or anything but it's a fact, i know sometimes delays and unexpected errors occur but not having even 5% of what you guys promised is not because of this. I think i will cancel my pledge for now i've been supporting for quite a while now and didn't get to see anything special, only few adult pictures and some maps/weapons. I wish you guys best in your game developing.


Trust me, it wasn't from a lack of trying. We have to have animated characters before we can have animated H content, and it took longer to get the rigging system situated than anticipated.


It's a good thing that the hit/hurtboxes is a known issue. I'm a fighting game player, and the hurtbox for Onyx is WICKED HUGE. Only way to actually hit enemies is jump-ins and even then you can be hit out of it pretty easily.


I do have to ask, and this is the main reason I pledged. What's gonna happen to MATM? Is it on hold indefinitely or is the team still working on it in the background? I didn't pledge for Onyx (frankly I don't see much appeal in it compared to MATM, I just love alpha/beta testing games and finding issues) and it strikes me as something of a disappointment to have a Final Fight style game... (sorry)


Pure Onyx is a much smaller scope project and will be finished a lot sooner than MATM. We're working on MATM's engine but our art team is focusing on Pure Onyx so that it can see a retail release to support our growing team size. PO is still very early in development and will shape up quickly. MATM was in the works for over a year before its first Patreon release :D.


I got to say, PO is... interesting, but it is not why I pledged. I pledged for MATM, and even if it is just progress updates on the engine, I would still like to know about them as part of the weekly update.


jump kick is waaaaay OP....punch is strong with chaining...knee/kick is meh, just out of range


Honestly I'm super excited to see more PO! I personally haven't ran into any big problems so far and the concepts look fantastic. Keep it up!

Jamie C.

I agree with FloundericiousWA the knee/kick needs some work as it should be more outreaching than the punch. Also the Splicers have too much range. I have to do a guard let them hit my guard then inch forward to get a strike in cause their is a bit of a range problem. I can jump kick my way in to close distance but once I get within their strike zone I cant reach them with my attacks.


That's pretty much what the hitboxes bullet in the Known Issues is all about. The actual animations aren't in yet, so there's not much point to setting them up quite yet. They should be in the next release though.


Any chance you could include battle damage into the game? Even a little blood after all that brawling? Oh and will it be as easy as it is now. basically block the first blow and punch your way to victory is the ultimate strategy atm.


Don't wanna add more work at the moment, but it's easy and technically efficient to add these things with Spine, so it's a possibility for later :D.


Holding judgment till after hitbox fix - currently the most criminal of things a game can be:Boring.


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