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Hey guys!

Things are going well, and we have some Pure Onyx progress to show off as we head toward the first $3 tier release. We’ve got the latest build available as well, which includes some new features as well as a “concept gallery” accessible from the main menu where you can find concept sketches of upcoming H content. I’ll include the full list of changes below.

Walk Cycle Animation

Kitsune finished the walk cycle animation, which is the first Spine animation that will be implemented in the game (it will be in the release next week). The remaining animations will be frame-by-frame for now, but this is giving us the opportunity to get the full Spine skeletons ready. The last remaining hurdle here is simple shadow animation – something we are also doing with Spine. We have it looking pretty good, but it needs some more editing before we’ll be ready to show it off. 

Pure Onyx - Latest Test Build

You can download the latest Pure Onyx build here! Here are the (visible) changes: 

  • Added H artwork concept gallery. This is just a temporary feature to show off ideas we are working on. Keep in mind that not everything that shows up here will make it into the game.
  • Added colored/shaded sprites for some of Onyx’s poses. The walk animation isn’t in yet, so she slides around. Adding these sprites was done for internal testing, but we figured we’d leave it in since seeing the colored sprites in motion is a good indicator of what to expect.
  • Added a prototype of the offscreen enemy indicator.  There are a few UI changes I plan on making, including changing the icon to a simple arrow and removing the flashing. 
  • Added level pre-loader and prototype loading screen.
  • Added prototype pause menu (with return to title menu option).
  • Fixed issue with XB360 controller that would prevent the pause menu and ‘level complete’ screen from appearing.
  • Edited default controls so that X (on PS controllers) and A (on XB controlelrs) is confirm, whereas O (on PS controllers) and B (on XB controllers) is now cancel.

New Onyx Artwork

We’ve finished up the line art (sans hair) for Onyx’s basic moveset – everything that will be included in the first release. 

New Enemy Concepts

Limbo has been working on new concept sketches for more Splicer enemies for the first stage, including our idea for the first boss. 

The first new enemy is equipped with a chain, which he’ll use like a whip similar to everyone’s favorite vampire hunter.  Goofy references aside, it should also make for some fun H attacks.   

As for the boss, this guy is actually a tie-in to MATM. When you encounter him, he’ll be in the middle of repairing the wreckage of Stigmata (the robot boss from the first MATM release). Not only is he equipped with a ridiculously oversized wrench, he has tentacles that shoot out of his face when he removes his mask. We’re looking at ideas where he can behave a bit like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat, reaching across the level to grab Onyx. He’ll no doubt call on lesser Splicer henchmen to join in the fray, rounding out what we think will be a solid first boss encounter.

Last but not least, Uber has been working on block-outs for the first level and some remaining workflow related things we needed taken care of to begin the 3D aspect of our level production – things like camera and rendering presets, as well as fog and rendering layers.  


Pure Onyx - Onyx Walk Animation



I agree with BazookaDre. I start supporting this project because MATM. So now I am little disappointed but will wait to the end of the month before decide what to do.


I signed up for MATM. I'll leave it at that.


I am enjoying this beta, However I did sign up for an rpg game and not a beat them up (My reflex are shit for those kind of games xD), though I do love the prequel idea that it is! And imho a sort of prequel idea for Ven would be interesting to see as well! Now back to ideas and bugs that could be worked out... 1) Sometimes the black screen stays too long when you start the game 2) A sprint option wouldn't be a bad idea imho 3) A jump punch attack could be nice to have 4) Definitely need more health/lives/and or recovery items 5) a better defined hitbox would be nice to have (had splicers smack the shit out of me while they were a bit far.) 6) As for the hentai scenes, I like the button mash idea for this kind of game! And also it should have a gangbang part and a nice gameover(Level or enemy related, though I would recommend level for simplicity) scene! 7) Also a gallery mode where when you finish a level you unlock all the animations of the enemies and the gameover scene of the level


Also sorry in advance for the not so pretty block of text, I was on my phone


Everyone that's currently supporting signed up because of MATM :X. We don't even have Pure Onyx mentioned on our front page yet. I take it as a real compliment that you guys can see potential in it at such an early stage (back when I was on my own it took a year to get MATM to this point, and obviously it's not going to be at the same quality level as MATM so soon), but as I said when we announced it, not everyone would be interested in something so different, and I understand. Implying we have a choice in the matter though isn't going to enable us to come up with the money necessary to churn out MATM content on a regular basis. To get to that level we need to work *toward* MATM, not chip away at it. Work is being done on it, but I suspect some of you were of the notion that we could make significant progress toward MATM's next release while working on another title, but that's simply not the case :(. I absolutely understand if Pure Onyx isn't your thing, and we're just as disappointed that we can't make faster progress on MATM as you are, but throwing all of our resources into an AAA sized pit right now isn't going to produce the results we all want.

Jamie C.

I am interested in this, though most my hopes is getting to play MATM but this as a game as well I am starting to feel I am getting a 2 for 1 deal and I like that :) enjoying this release and feels good to have a game to play in the mean time played that last release to death. thanks guys.


If you guys recall, I mentioned we had a lot of ideas for extending the scope of Pure Onyx later on after our initial release. I know some of you are more interested in an RPG, so I'll let slip that one thing we are looking at is a story mode, potentially with additional characters from MATM and RPG mechanics similar to Dragon's Crown. It's definitely not within the scope of this initial release, but perhaps knowing that will make the idea more appealing in the long run?


Any thoughts on whether there will be armor/clothing damage, particularly post-H-attacks? (not to say this need/should be in this game; more curious since its planned for MATM)


Clothing configuration during H attacks will be based on the H scene itself, and not on a damage state (similar to Parasite in City). For now we're not going to have armor damage states post H scenes, but it's way easier (performance-wise) to do with Spine than it is in MATM. We are also drawing all the artwork with clothing on separate layers, meaning it would be easier to add it in the future.


Err -- some clarification -- there may be some immediately after H scenes -- but not during the combat poses.


Then reduce the scope of MATM. Divide what you had in mind into more than one game, episodes even. Because right now this tells me you had no progress on the project we signed up for, because things kept getting added to the original plan and the scope creeped. Your response kind of made it worse, because you're implying you did a total stop on the original product, the product mind you on your front page. Any new person signing up...is getting a bait and switch until you tell folks that MATM is on ice and this new project is in fact what they are paying for. Please fix that ASAP, its not fair to new patrons. I'm sorry I'm giving you guys a hard time, but I've seen this sort of thing happen with other games, where we ended up paying for a game and ended up empty handed. Maybe it has me overly wary, but this raises a lot more red flags.


MATM isn't on ice. They still have 2 teammembers working on it, as the progress is bottlenecked to engine and rigging stuff and throwing more resources at it would give diminishing returns.


I get that it's not what you want to hear, but I stated when we announced Pure Onyx that significant progress won't be made on MATM's content until Pure Onyx is finished. I specifically said that work would continue on the back-end 3D utilities and engine, and it is. There simply isn't revenue to pay 6 (now 7) developers long term, and a side project that can generate an alternate revenue stream is essential. We'll publicly announce Pure Onyx as soon as we have enough content to justify it. Patrons currently get a glimpse of it as well as all of the rewards listed.


Then this Patreon is no longer about MATM. It's about Onyx, because that's what it's currently supporting. I wish I didn't feel it necessary to speak out publicly in a negative fashion, because I loved the work you guys were doing, but this is going too far and seemingly being a bit tone deaf, especially in your insistence that "well, you told us".


i can;t wait ! GOOD JOB!

Jamie C.

not sure if you already addressed this but I found that I could just wait for enemies to come to me and just hold block and the splicers stop fighting they just charge me and stop attacking and when I let go they dont fight at all I can kill them at will. with no damage to myself.


Are they stuck in block pose? If so, then we know about that one. If they are just standing there then we haven't seen that.

Jamie C.

they just stand there not blocking or striking back. it only happens when I hold block button for about 2-5 secs allowing them to hit me when i block during those seconds only affects 2-3 but they stop trying to hit me and just follow me around till punch them to death.


Can you elaborate on the black screen? Not sure we've seen that on our end. At what point during the start process does that occur? After the main menu or right when you click the exe file to start the game? On the other points: 2) We're adding a dash mechanic :D. 3) I don't think this would serve much purpose -- the retro beat em ups this gleans from use the jump kick for crowd control. The only reason we have a separate punch and kick combo is because we plan on extending the combo system. 4) There will be recovery items you can pick up, and most likely some sort of Lives/Continues mechanic. 5) Hitboxes haven't really been touched at all yet :D. 6) There will be multi-teaming 7) Gallery mode is a definite!


1) So, to elaborate on the black screen, it happens after the start of the game, the screen shows the loading screen and it stays a while like that till I press the pause button (Or start) and then it allows me to play. 2) Yay for dash mechanic!!! 3) I get it! so it's all good to me! 4) Yay again 5) This explains alot actually 6) Fuck yeah!!! Onyx needs to be multi-teamed!!!! 7)Hell yeah! Well you got me pumped up for Pure Onyx, though I feel like this will be a real challenge for me since I am terrible in Beat 'em ups lol! But as said I love the prequel idea for MATM, but I have two questions Question 1) Will we see Ven in Pure Onyx? And Will she get her own mini game?(In a near or distant future) Question 2) You mentioned Stigmata being in there, Can we expect other references from the original game?


Regarding the bug, what controller are you using? Also, can you send us your output_log.txt file? It's located at: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Eromancer\Pure Onyx\output_log.txt Regarding Ven, I hadn't planned on her being in it but maybe, now that you mention it :o. There will be a major villain in Pure Onyx though that hasn't been introduced in MATM yet.