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Hey everyone!

We’ve got the first playable test of Pure Onyx ready for you :D. 

As I mentioned in the last update, this is a pretty barebones functionality test. It’s brief, is still using the character sketches for artwork, and probably more clunky than fun – but that’s where we need your feedback :D. Feedback on things like movement speed, jump physics, camera distance, etc. are all valuable at this stage so we get the right feel. The UI will get prettier for sure, but let us know if anything is wonky with it.

Be sure to check the known issues out below – especially the first two. The first major issue is that you may need to run the game as Administrator the first time you start it (let us know if it works without this on the first startup). The second issue can make it seem like the game is stuck, but you may simply have to move to the right-most edge of the screen to trigger the next wave. One area we’re very aware needs work is the AI; they currently just kind of home in on you. The player moveset isn’t quite complete either. We intend to have a more legitimate combo system, potentially a grapple/throw mechanic similar to Streets of Rage/Final Fight, a dash / dash attack, and a crowd control special attack. 

Download the Pure Onyx test release here!

We’re planning on the full monthly release to be in the 2nd week of November. This will contain any improvements Mr. Kittyhawk can put together, but will also contain Onyx’s higher quality artwork. We may also have this first Splicer enemy’s higher quality artwork ready as well – if not the shading then at least the line-art. I say “higher quality” since we’ll probably still need another pass for some details and rim lighting on most of the images. This will all still be strictly frame-based animation and not Spine-based, meaning we won’t have the fleshy bits jiggling and such quite yet. 

Speaking of Spine –Limbo’s friend Kitsune will be joining us to work on Spine animations, which should give us a pretty solid pipeline for character artwork.  


Currently only Windows 7/8/10 are supported. We plan on adding additional platforms if there is a demand. 


  • If the game crashes, run the game in Administrator Mode the first time you start it. To do this right click on ‘Pure Onyx.exe’ and select ‘Run As Administrator’.  If the game doesn't crash on your first time starting up, let us know :D. 
  • Sometimes the next enemy wave isn’t triggered automatically.  If this happens move all the way to the right of the screen to trigger the next wave.
  • AI sometimes defends forever.
  • Player freaks out when brushing up against the far-left wall
  • AI sometimes gets stuck trying to walk into the player
  • Splicer walk animation looks pretty ridiculous (so does their current death pose, but that was intentional)
  • When the game begins it behaves like it’s loading the level twice (music starts twice, and so forth). This will be fixed once we add a proper level loader.
  • Camera offset on the far left and right walls doesn't account for camera zoom



  • Movement = Arrow Keys
  • Punch = Z
  • Kick = X
  • Defend = C
  • Jump = Space
  • Zoom In = Left Shift
  • Zoom Out = Left Control
  • Quit = F12

Currently Supported Controllers: Xbox 360, Xbox One, Dual Shock 4**

** The popular community made DS4 Windows drivers cause Unity to recognize a DualShock controller as an Xbox gamepad, and we can't tell them apart in code. This means that you'll be gifted with the untold joy of having your controller mapped by default with the wrong controls. You can fix it by rebinding the PS4 controller map, or removing the DS4 Windows drivers. (The latter is HARD, a simple uninstall isn't going to be enough)


If you find a bug we haven’t listed in our known issues, please post the following with your description of the bug. 

  • Operating System (if Windows, tell us 7/8/10, etc.)
  • Screenshot if applicable
  • Can the bug be reproduced? If so, tell us how!
  • OS language if different than English

New Artwork!

We’ve also got some new character artwork to show off! We’re still getting the hang of things a bit, but we’re settling into the style and our pipeline. The two most complete poses we’re showing off are just about where we’ll leave them for the November release, but there’s some additional work to be done on shading and especially the hair still.

As usual, feedback is appreciated :D.




Thanks for the feedback so far, keep it coming guys :D

Timothy McFadden

Its not working at all for me. I'll try reloading it


I started it normally for the first time, could press X to enter the menu and could also start the arcade mode. Unfortunately, Onyx did not move, no matter which button I pressed. I closed it and started a second time in administrator mode, then it ran without any problems. I closed it again and started a 3rd time back to normal and it worked everything. As mentioned before: - The background music only plays when the game is started, not in the menu. - I had to go back a bit and then run to the right edge so that the 2nd wave started. I use Windows 10 Pro (x64)


at first i ran the game normally and aside from the controls being blank (resetting to default fixed that) the game ran fine, then i ran the game in admin mode and since then the controls start in the default mode. however, regardless of whether i'm in admin mode or not, i can't change the controls, all i get is a "enter new key" box but no matter which keys i press, the controls don't change and i get stuck keybind screen. also, another way to cheeze the test level is with the jump kicks, it gets quite tedious to knock the enemies back with very little damage, but you can just spam the jump kicks and be fine. i run windows 10.


I started it normally for the first time. But after leaving the game, execute Pure Onyx again. No response Even if I restart my computer, still don't respond. I use windows 7 ultimate X64 sp1


Ran on Windows 10 Pro x64. Pretty much got the same things the others are saying. No crash without Administrator mode first launch, keybindings are empty and can't edit them. Ran as Administrator once and every time after that everything works fine, Admin or not. Another little bug I got was when I did a jump kick and died at about the same time, I got her K.O. scream and Onyx was in her standing portrait and then the screen faded to black. Gameplay wise it feels smooth but I'd like to see a little bit of extra range on Onyx's attacks. Just the smallest increase because I feel it's pretty hard to outspace the enemies with her punch and impossible with her kicks. If that's what you're going for though, then it's a-okay. Another thing I'd like to see is little arrows on the ground or on the side of the screen pointing towards off-screen enemies. Especially with ones that spawn behind. Props on getting a test release out this quickly. If you keep this momentum then you'll easily reach the timestamp for this to be an economic success.


when i start the game i press X -> start the fighting -> FPS at 250.... zoom in and out effect is nice... cant get a menu out for escaping the game or is it supposed to be missing? and another question: is the ingame endmodel of onyx the same you worked and showed us so hard with her? (skin, lighting etc)


Yup, having the issue where controls don't do anything in game and the key bindings are non-editable and blank. :/


We're pretty sure we have a fix for the Admin Mode / startup issues thanks to your guys' feedback :D. We should have another build with some additional fixes ready later tonight.


We caught that death pose issue as well last night after I made the post :D. We've talked about the range issue internally. One thing we may do is add some movement trail effects similar to the ones in the latest Street Fighter, which we could then use to make strikes appear visually larger than the pose may allow for. I also really like the arrows idea -- I'll pass that along to Mr. Kittyhawk.


This is a problem with the game not being run as administrator at least once, it'll be fixed in the next release.


So are we going to get an unlockable hairstyle, where Onyx is bald? LOL