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Hey everyone! The past few days have been devoted to packaging and shipping prints for the $35 pledgers, as well as working on artwork for the armor damage system. A few days ago however I whipped up this design idea for the menu interface side of the new Tetra Interface system. The attached image is a mock-up of what will be the “Tetra” window, and it will replace the “Skills” window in the menu. Click the blue file icon for a full size version. You’ll notice that some skill glyphs have multiple colors in the lower window, indicating that some glyphs can only be used while certain armor types are equipped. Notice the deep blue “Example Skill” glyphs cannot be equipped while Neon is wearing a Heavy Frame type armor (this armor type is associated with the blue-grey glyphs)… instead they can only be used with a Tactical Frame type armor. This will be the major way in which a character’s different armor types behave sort of like a class system. Also take note of the levels and gauges next to each glyph. While it won’t make it into the next release, I plan on implementing a skill point type system kind of similar to AP in Final Fantasy 7, in which you feed glyphs to improve their functionality (this includes Item and Resist glyphs). Anyways, back to work on the artwork! FEED ME YOUR THOUGHTS!




Swapping "class" with outfit sounds intriguing - it adds a tactical element to battles, and the potential for tradeoff decisions (do I wear the armor that lets me deal more damage to this boss even though it also lets the boss deal more damage to me, and so forth). I'd be slightly nervous about the skill leveling-up, though, depending on how the AP-esque system would work - whether it would gain points from fighting/battles, from reaching story checkpoints, from special items, or whatever. If it's along the lines of gaining skill points from fighting or purchasing, and there are certain skills that are more effective than others against certain story enemies, which need to be leveled up to be effective, my concern would be a resultant need to grind to make sure every skill on every outfit is as high as it can possibly be. I personally dislike grinding, especially when it seems nigh mandatory to spend time doing it before the story progresses, but that may just be me. In this particular game, the frequency and quality of H content in battles may help alleviate the usual boredom that accompanies doing the same few random encounters on the same screen for the 150th time in a row, though.


i like the idea of class changing with outfit


I like the new interface and the new system has potential, but i think that the idea of asociate the skills with the armors is a mistake. Maybe i like an armor but i have to use other because i need the skills :$


Just view it as a reason to use other outfit types-- Enemy H skills will differ depending on the armor type.


This is looking amazing can't wait for version 0.02


Looks great. :D


Personally, I like the whole different skill and armor choices, because it adds a certain flexibility, since it replaces the class system. In my honest opinion, since you only did two playable characters, I believe it is necessary to balance them out against the various enemies that will be out there. And honestly this is getting better by the update, I got to see this in action.


yeah i like this class system kind of reminds me of final fantasy x-2 where you can change class but it would also change the outfit and weapons of the women. it would bring some nostalgia...you get a thumbs up from me.


an interesting idea I had while reading this is that as glyphs grow or level up there could be a chance that they evolve into a new more powerful glyph or create a second one that's different. Either way, this sounds cooler and cooler.