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Hey again!

We’ve got a very basic gameplay video for you, as well as a FAQ that should cover some of the possible questions you may have.  Keep in mind that the character animations in the video are not at all complete (including the movesets) – they are literally just frame-switched sketches that will help us establish what works and what doesn’t, and will act as a guide as we work on the higher quality animations. Also, consider everything about the UI as placeholder at this point.  Sorry we couldn’t have something super pretty ready, but keep in mind we’ve been at this for just under 4 weeks :D. Hopefully the FAQ will put some more clarity into our intent and why we think Pure Onyx is a good move.  Please ask if you have any additional questions at all.

Regarding the FAQ, this was originally posted for the Inner Circle. They brought up a lot of good questions and I’ve adapted it for this post. 

Patreon Stuff

  • Patrons who have pledged a certain amount (to be decided, probably the retail cost of the game) to this campaign by its release will get Pure Onyx for free. This campaign has always been intended to be for our current *and* future games, not just MATM (hence the ‘Eromancer is making Adult Games’ at the top :D), and I think it’s very fair considering MATM is taking longer than a lot of people (including me) expected. I’m not sure if it would be in the form of a Steam key or what quite yet. 
  • I think some really good print designs could come out of Pure Onyx’s artwork. If you previously pledged at the print reward tier and have been waiting on a print design for the new MATM art style, you’ll be able to use it on anything we come up with for Pure Onyx if you prefer. 
  • You don’t need to increase your pledge amount or anything to receive updates on Pure Onyx.  They’ll be part of our regular updates.

Regarding Steam / Pure Onyx Release

  • For anyone concerned about Steam's censoring -- there's no more need for R18 patches or any of that stuff. They really have opened up their doors to uncensored adult content. 
  • Pure Onyx probably won’t be a Steam exclusive. The Inner Circle brought up some good points about it, one being that some people don’t like to play adult games on Steam since it’s a potential billboard that you’re some kinda deviant heathen.  Also, I haven't done all the research in that area to reach a conclusion for what would be the best retail strategy. It will probably end up being on as many retail sites as possible, but I can’t guarantee that yet.
  • Surprisingly no one has asked about this on the most recent post, but the Inner Circle crowd had some questions about it. I don't want to talk too much about ideas for additional content for Pure Onyx yet, since the goal here is a quick development cycle :D. There are, however, lots of options for extensibility after its release! 

About Graphics and Gameplay

  • Pure Onyx will use 2D fully animated skeletons that (we hope) will match or exceed the quality of any H game out there currently. Pretty parallax backgrounds are a definite (even prettier than our little video above). 
  • Pure Onyx gameplay will adhere strongly to the classic arcade games of the beat-em-up genre; we don’t want to get feature-crazy.  Additional modes and features are a possibility after release.
  • We’ll be using Unity’s shiny Cinemachine package for cameras, which will allow for scriptable and dynamic manual zooming.
  • Gameplay will be very fast and fluid; certainly no input lag or anything. Anything that looks choppy in the video is just due to our simple animations. 
  • There will be a gallery mode.

Regarding MATM Progress

  • Just to reiterate, we’ll continue working on MATM while we work on Pure Onyx. We’re basically bottlenecked while we clear up the Maya and rigging stuff, so for the near future the only thing you’ll be missing out on is more asset production. That said, all of the work we put into Pure Onyx will be valid concept designs for future enemies and areas, since many of the locales in Pure Onyx will appear in MATM. 
  • MATM definitely has more than a year left in development, and it’s exactly why we can’t push that obligation on you guys to hang out for the entirety of it.  Things will undeniably speed up with it once we get past the tech hump, but there’s a whole lot of content left, and it’s plainly visible that creating custom assets take a lot more work than using licensed ones, and therefore we need more people.  
  • Nobody mentioned this in the monthly post, but the Inner Circle did post some valid questions regarding this. Some people were under the impression we could have just continued with the old art style for MATM and continued putting out similar releases, but it’s not as simple as that. We weren’t making custom assets at that point. We weren’t using the tools to make custom assets possible. The art style was bound to crappy tools. The quality of artists we needed didn’t want to learn a ridiculous process to achieve relatively artificial looking results, and it was clear that I couldn’t manage the workload without more help. The list goes on. It was a tough call, and not one made lightly!
  • As mentioned in the monthly post, we’ll have an update ready for you in the next couple of days about MATM progress :D. It won’t be as flashy as usual, but TK and APL are working hard on their end of things.

About Music 

  • The music for Pure Onyx will be similar to that of MATM. Some tracks we intend to use for MATM may end up being used in Pure Onyx (see the demos section of our Soundtrack Reward tier – the track used in the teaser is actually from that, as is the one used in the gameplay video), and there may be some shared tracks between the two games.

I know it’s not possible to please everyone, but thanks for being understanding about the situation. I encourage anyone who may not be a fan of this idea to hang out for a bit and at least let us show you what we can do with this new project.  As I mentioned in the monthly post, we intend to have something playable ready for you by the November update. I’ll try to make it pretty as possible but keep in mind we likely won’t have the final quality artwork for all of Onyx’s moveset ready. That said, we’re going to push hard to have an example of the H system functional.


PURE ONYX - Gameplay Test



I'd imagine Pure Onyx is more likely to bring in new Patreon supporters than push away current ones. Finding out about adult games like this still isn't as easy as hearing about the new Tomb Raider or something, so Onyx appearing on multiple game services should really help bring more attention to MATM. Onyx already looks better than most of the adult games I've seen. Even the Japanese ones.


What fetishes will this have?


Go for it! Marketing wise this is a very good idea and as a customer I have to agree that I felt a little left out over the past months.


will,if it can be work


I support this idea, a small quick game pushed out to support the larger project. I am really looking forward to it. I am pledging my support to "Eromancer is creating Adult Games" afterall, not "Eromancer is making MATM". As long as it has some good H-content, and some sexy boobies, I will be happy to continue my support. And if the Onyx game is good, I would be happy if you pushed out a few more small adult games in future too. EDIT::: A friendly reminder to alter the wording of the Tier Benefits, just in case new supporters, attracted by Onyx, want to join up. e.g. "Recieve latest version of the game", what game? Onyx? I thought I already bought the full version on Steam! I am a newbie and am now confused.


have you consider DLsite ? Cause most of my adult games is purchase from there.


So this game will have "qte mash to escape h-attacks"?


Is neat to see you already have a working concept for the game. How will the H scenes work in this? H on defeat? Enemies using H attacks? Cut scenes between levels? Got me curious now.


Amazing idea, you guys are clever. This shall calm down some people, while you can continue to work on MATM at your rythme. Love


H sequence on knockdown is a staple in this genre. Certain attacks or a certain amount of damage knocks the protagonist on her back and then enemies that touch her get some action. H scene on defeat is also almost always done but it doesn't lend well to gameplay, so I encourage Ero and the team to get H scenes on defeat going but unlock them on a level clear or something too.

myself yourself

Waiting and praying for more insectoid, worms and tentacle plant corruption gangbang and multiple penetration


will there be also something like super finishing moves, alternative costumes und such stuff to unlock? like collectable scenes from onyx or from also the other girls?


"Congratulations!! You have zero defeats, here's all the scenes you missed." "You have over 1000 defeats, you've already unlocked everything you masochist!"

Jamie C.

I been playing loads of rage ' n fight and I gotta know will the onyx character have different outfits you can unlock through game play? like different colors? or styles I know this is in quick dev but maybe down the road I adore fighting games and beatem ups? Plus as a quick question have you guys considered making a 2.5D fighting game like Blaz Blue or my all time fave Skull gurlz? Also will there be clothing damage like if you take too much dmg will the clothes get torn and there be idles that show your low health like she could hold her arm and slightly slouch?


I think this looks cool and look forward to playing it. However I have some concerns with putting this game on Steam. Although Valve has stated that they would take a more hands-off approach to what games are going to be on the store, most of those "adult" games are really soft core. I'm not saying that you shouldn't release the game on Steam, but that it may be that some over-reactive nannies may flag it as being "too inappropriate". I think you should also look at other outlets like DLsite as mention from others.

Jamie C.

I also think DLsite would be better, they have plethora of games including non adult to hard core XXX.


I know I might not speak for everyone else, but I for one look forward to trying out this game and I pledged to you guys on patreon because I wanted to fund your endeavours and get to see progress on the games you make. Like everyone else I'm excited for MATM, but I'm here to stay, I like what y'all are doing so keep up the good work ;)


I'd advise against DL Site. For some people, there's a billing issue that occurs for whatever reason.

Freeko Suave

DLSite also takes 50% compared to a site like itch.io or whatever it is called. I have no idea if steam wants some level of exclusivity, but I know that DLSite is the absolute worst business model for the seller as they take 50%.

Jamie C.

I didnt know that thanks for informing me :( I thought steams 30% was alot but 50% damn.


Unless there ends up being a really good reason for it being a Steam exclusive, then it'll very likely be on DLsite as well.

myself yourself

kinda reminds me of street of rage


Will this game have Game Over scenarios?