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Hey guys! I'm currently sending out emails with the pledge rewards, so keep an eye out for yours if you haven't received it yet! Keep in mind that a lot of payments are still processing (and there's a lot of you), so try to be patient! In other news, there's a bug I've been made aware of (thanks Hobo Borg!) that might crash your game. The simple solution is don't approach the laser gate in the following picture from the bottom (you'll eventually come out through the top). In other words, don't walk in the area shown in red before you have to. http://i.imgur.com/0ZLnxoA.jpg I've also found an issue where if you leave the map while the battle tutorial messages are still scrolling it can cause them to stick in place on the screen. So, just keep these things in mind while playing! If you find any bugs not listed in the 'Known Issues.txt' file in the game folder then be sure to please let me know via message! EDIT: One more thing! If your download gives you a 'Failed - No file' error, make sure that you aren't in "incognito" mode in your browser.



Man this real time battle system is gonna take some getting used to, hard controlling and thinking about so many things at once :P

Not your bussines

Nice game so far, but I would preffer if the combat would be a little bit "slower" so you have more time to act, and don't get overwhelmed by it.


Good game but very too speed and Hard.


Well I just finished V0.01 and I must say I am looking forward to the future of this game, the ending was a great scene and left me wanting more. The puzzle was pretty well done too. Music was awesome as well. This is a good first step into what could be one of the greatest H-Games of all time. Although I do think that the battle system could be slowed down a little bit or even if you could implement a pause mechanic like FTL if thats even possible in RPG Maker it would make the battles a lot less panic inducing and frustrating. Overall it was a good first look and I am excited to see where this goes. Good work Eromancer I look forward to future releases. :D


Game is great battle system is awesome yeah you have to make fast decision but that is what atb is all about quick decision. but there is one thing I have to mention, lust is maxing up really to quickly and enemie spawn h-attack way too often wich is kinda game-breaking for me since I must always mash left right left right. also it appears that malise can't get free even if i lower the pink bar to escape, enemies still does his finishing move.


Anyone figured out the switch-puzzle? It's driving me nuts, and can't seem to find the hint, lol.


Look for a note under the bridge where you have your first battle, it will give you a hint. ^^


gotta say the battle message did stop me from learning how to escape battle the battle messages stopped when i went back from the bridge area,then when i went back for a note it came back,shown infortmation and disappeared


So I just finished the demo. And what should i say? I am impressed what you created with the RPG-Maker. Artstyle is great, I really love the music and combat is enjoyable. I dont regret my first payment and im pretty sure i wont regret the coming ones either. Very good content and im excited to see how it progresses.


awesome so far btw,only thing i found a little odd is at the end of the demo,the scene,everyone moves up and down with the robot


battle system.... love every thing else but that system needs some tweaking can't really enjoy whats going on and all you do when struggling is screw up the not grabbed girls turn.


Awesome. Some thoughts: pause the ATB system while struggling and probable while choosing skills. Either that or slow the pace a lot. I would go with the pausing.


That was.... really nice! You had built up expectations with all your notes about what you had tweaked (rebuilt!), and clearly, you didn't disappoint. Gorgeous, novel, and with good humour as well. I'd make four comments/suggestions: 1. For the "struggle succeeds but they don't let go" bug, if it helps, I find this only afflicts Malise, never Noen. 2. When "exiting to title, or after a game over, could we jump to the main menu rather than going through the intro video & disclaimers? (Yes, I died a bunch!) 3. The random encounters seem to be based on "steps taken", rather than any sort of timer - pretty normal for RPGMaker. But perhaps steps taken while running could count less (or walking more)? 4. Like others, I found the battle system took time to get used to (not a bad thing), and was pretty fast - when I played effectively, I definitely wasn't looking at the pretty, pretty pictures, but focusing on timer bars. The space bar=pause mechanic is nice, thanks. And I really do like the possibility of missing a turn if one is slow, and like that enemy action continues while you decide what to do. But it's pretty punishing for those of us with some coordination issues - I never chose "guard" and seldom "skill" because those were extra "clicks" away. Clearly, from the action and from the music, you are aiming for a high-adrenaline fast-paced game, which is cool - but you might broaden appeal if you make it possible to adjust that pace for us slowpokes. In a simpler tweak, you might also allow hotkeys for actions (a=guard, s=skill, d=item? Or even, a=2nd menu choice, s=3rd, d=4th, so Neon choosing Reconstruct would always be "s, s"). This would allow the player to act while watching the action instead of down at the menu. I'm thrilled with what you've done, and look forward to supporting the next release too.


Fine with the battle system with how difficult it can be, but keep constantly getting lost and the random encounters are annoying because I can't explore. Pretty much stuck now figuring out what to do and running around this place where switches are everywhere across the water but can't reach them nor figure out where to go next because I keep getting random encounters that prevents me from figuring out what to do


I'm not sure if we should put hints here, with no way to conceal the "spoilers". I suppose I can always edit it out. So: You can get a hint on what's needed by talking to someone, and see the needed device from just below them. But to reach it you must go west.


Great stuff, though I'd suggest if at all possible to make an "easy" gamemode where the ATB system pauses during each of your turns. That way you can effectively aim attacks properly and choose skills without getting crushed in those 4 enemy battles. The advantage to having it as a selectable setting/gamemode is that players can choose which they like better and stick with it. Some people love the more hectic pace and some prefer it a little slower so things can be done other than just "attack the first enemy". As legraf said, using things like Guard or Skill take many extra clicks and that wastes time, making them only really used in desperate situations. Also I had an issue with going up stairs. Going down is fine, but going up usually only has one tile that lets you do it and sometimes it doesn't work, so I have to walk back and forth along the edge of the stair until it finally lets me on.


I have completed my badge a quite some hours ago, did you sent out all emails?


That was awesome. I like that there are "two" endings. Someone reported the capture bug only effecting Malise. Oddly, it's only effecting Neon for me. While I enjoyed the combat, I found myself just button mashing "Z" and the arrow keys for struggle. Occasionally, depending where ATBs were, I could use Malise's dual shot. If there aren't going to be many skills in the game, then this is fine, but if you want skills to actually be usable... definitely above suggestions of either hotkeys or an option to have atbs stop when choosing. While I found it hard the first playthrough, I learned that as long as I started each combat over half health, I'd survive. The only problem the first time I was dying is it took me forever to find out where I was going. Once I learned it though, I felt like an idiot. Really super happy about my donation, and looking forward to more.


This was a darned fine demo. Well done! I found the combat to be a bit fast-paced, though I never died until the "final boss". Of course, almost the only actions I ever took were "Attack" and mashing left and right during "Struggle". I would second the suggestion above about possible hotkeys for combat skills - using a healing skill in battle (other than Guard) pretty much guaranteed an extra enemy attack. I encountered no bug with successful struggles not releasing, so I guess I'm lucky there. It does get pretty tough to get the struggle bar all the way down once that Lust meter hits 1000. I'd also second the comment about the pathing for going up stairs - there's a one-tile-wide path, it seems. Looking forward to the next round!


I'm hesitant to jump on team "Slow the Combat Down" because we do not yet fully understand the Lust mechanic as in, how the player can return it to normal, or prevent it from rising to quickly. Ways such as items the can be found and used, the frequency of placement of stations that can cure it, whether or not gear and accessories can be equipped to slow Lust increase and so forth. Right now, I would agree that the ATB running while grappled can be a problem in situations where there are 3 or more enemies and both characters are grappled and having damage dealt while struggling. Then finally breaking free and falling victim to another grab attack that had been pending. However, I'd agree that that should be a risk and should be expected when facing 3 or more enemies when Lust is high. Obviously, it cannot be subverted by any means I am aware of in this current demo build so it is only an annoyance for now. Regardless of how the battle system changes or does not change in the future, I DO think it could benefit from a little slow down, not much, but what I would call making it a little more punctuated. I think this because I know how long you have spent, Ero, making these images and I can tell in the detail. I love Neon's sass like sticking her tongue out at the Vore Pups and all the other little details. With the current speed of the battle system now, those little details can be easily missed. Hell, I clicked out of the window to pause RPG Maker so I could take the time to look at the details. I know this build is to serve as more of an example and to show what is to come, and it has me excited to see what this will turn into, but I just wanted to make sure I got my two cents in to get other people thinking before they started demanding that the system be slowed down. Just a quick question then, in what sort of time frame do you see future updates being released now that the base structure for the game has been constructed?


That was fun. I can hardly wait for your next release.


If I just pledged today, can I get in too?


I, too, just pledged today. Is there any way I can get the demo without waiting until the release?


Same here, capture bug is only affecting Neon, who could be used to interrupt. Poor Neon's gettin' plowed senseless. XD


I'm also having a really hard time with the combat system... I find myself either watching the action while basically just mashing 'Enter' constantly (fail), or fixated on the action menu trying to be deliberate about it while completely missing all the attack/grapple-telegraphs (also fail). I've tried a few times and I can't make it past the second fight yet, and so far I'm unable to really enjoy the action -or- the visuals. I get that noone wants an easy game they can just breeze through, but how high should the skill ceiling be on something like this? Should it be so high that by the time you're competent, or at least comfortable, you've run the content so many times that there's nothing new to see?


well i like the first demo very much, and the scenes r nice, the only thing wich do not bring me to 100% positiv ist that there r a bit high rate of coming into a fight. finishing 1 fight, going 4 stept and it starts another one. but all in all, its a ver ynice demo


Hey guys, thanks for all the great feedback and bug reports! My attention is still focused on getting the game out to people and helping out with payment issues, but I'm definitely reading posts and thinking about the next steps to take.


i just asked you about if i live in canada for the metal print and you said that you only need a extra 5$ do i simply make a second donation of 5 is it good


oh man, so if i became one on april 1st, i most likely wont be getting charged? thats a shame. well at least now i know.


Wh-wh-what? Did you see Vore Pups in the demo? For pausing to enjoy the detail, space bar does work fine, and you don't need to use a mouse. Right you are, it's early days, and we shouldn't go overboard in condemning any mechanic that's only partially implemented.


Eromancer, Played the demo and I'm extremely impressed. I also fall into the "battle is a bit too fast" camp, but this is an EXCELLENT proof of concept demo. Thought the sprites and animation were nice, the tilesets were a good fit, and the music was exceptional. Your writing also fit the game's mood and had me smiling more than a few times. You've earned the support you've been receiving, and I am especially pleased that you have taken the charge per content release route. A couple of pieces of advice. I see you use Victor's Fog and Overlay, I'd suggest using photoshop (or some other program) to manually draw map shadows. The maps really need some shadows to bring out the depth. Adding a shadow layer is actually not too hard at all, and there is even a script out there to export the maps. It is as simple as exporting your map, loading up Photoshop, using a black brush and adding shadows, alpha the layer and your done. Easy-peasy! Also, you might want to re-evaluate your tile movement settings, I hit a number of spots where movement was odd. Could not move left/right, etc. Usually, this is just a tile movement restriction set incorrectly, or and event not set to "below the player." Keep up the great work man! I really look forward to seeing more. I was so inspired, I spent the entire night plugging away at my game after playing your demo. Once I release my first chapter, I plan on finishing up some fan art for ya! I always wanted to draw a hot, big breasted chick pointing a gun at the screen. ;-) YT


Glad you liked it! I think most of the movement issues people are having are from movement being disabled along the curbs in the streets. With the old sprites it looked really goofy for them to run along them, so it was disabled with the intention to add a script where you would slide away from it and then continue in the direction you were pressing. I just haven't messed with it or even checked to see if it looks bad with the new sprites. I can probably do a better stairs script too, but limiting them to being 1 tile wide was the bandaid for now. Adding a shadow layer is definitely on my list of things to do. I even painted up an example of how it might look: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/LY4QrSp.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/LY4QrSp.jpg</a> I had to improve upon Victor's Fog and Layer script to get it to work properly in 1024x768 for the weather layer, and it's unfortunately really slow. I can probably improve upon it so that I can use it for the shadow layer as well, but I didn't want to delay this release further. I'll probably ask you some questions about the shadow thing later on. Thanks again for checking it out!


Hello! I just finished playing the game and Im definitely on the combat is too fast boat. I found the combat was frantic and I didnt have enough time to actually cycle through skills or do anything besides mash attack. Also I didnt like the frequency of random encounters especially when I got lost. Admittedly I skipped over the q+w to escape part and once I realized that it went a lot smoother. My largest complaint is its hard to distinguish places you can go and cant go and part of that lead to me getting lost and confused for the early part of my play time. Still I think this is looking out to be a great game and I definitely do not regret supporting you.


Alright, well I've figured out one issue I was having with the combat... The tutorial thingy says to use Q + E to escape, but on both my installs (Windows 7 desktop and laptop) it's actually the Left and Right cursor keys.


This demo is fantastic, and what you were able to do with RPG maker is technically impressive. Amazing work. I'll echo other people's sentiments on the general gameplay and look (not exactly knowing where to go because there is little indication of depth, random encounters too frequent, etc) but I know that this is an Alpha release and you're working on those. As for combat, I eventually got used to it, but I agree with others that the ATB should pause during struggles. Until I started leveling up more, I had to run away from most combats. I was also initially overwhelmed and distracted by the ATB since the enemies kept attacking while I was trying to select skills or items. I completely ignored skills in battle until I leveled up some more and got used to the system. I'm not sure if it should be slowed down, but definitely paused during some actions. Anyway the main feedback I'm going to give is that this game works just fine on Linux through wine! (If anyone wants any details on how I run it, I can post here or elsewhere). I hope you consider making future games in a more cross-platform way. I feel a bit bad asking for that when you've clearly put so much effort into RPGMaker, though.


Just finished the testing. Well it was..um..kinda short :D however I really enjoyed the game and it was really well done for what I can see. It does not seem buggy. About the combat system...well yes it is too fast and not really pleasant and it is so much left right left right (boring). However the overall job is really good. I will keep patreoning till the end. Waiting for the next release.


been updating my mail since this morning, hope the demo will pop up soon :)


No worries! Your payment is still marked as 'Pending'. Patreon is being pretty uber slow with the last 10-15% of pledges, but is slowly working through them. I'll send an email if something goes wrong.


My card still hasn't been charged, so not too sure whats going on with that. Hoping that gets cleared up soon, REALLY want to play this.


Youre not alone. Dying to play this.


Adding one more "combat is too frantic" vote to the mix. It makes impossible to actually watch the awesome graphics. I also dislike the constant invisible random encounters - I have a really bad sense of direction and every fight that interrupts me when I'm trying to explore makes it even harder for me to find my way anywhere. Not to mention with the current difficulty it just makes me dead very fast.


This pretty fantastic! While I do love the combat system I found myself getting caught now and then when I need to do a skill or select a non-default target. Other than that it's excellent, hope to see it finished quickish! ^^


While I think it's a great start I can't say I like the atb system or the smashing of left and right constantly during battle, I've gotten nothing but frustration getting in a grab loop with three enemies and getting a game over because the third guy picks off the characters.


1. Game is AWESOME 2. Combat is fast paced. Would be nice to slow it down a bit to enjoy the images. 3. Boobs. Can we get the character images to match the lust level? When i look at Malise's status, her suit is unzipped and boobs are out. when walking around her suit is zipped up. When i toggle the characters on her suit is zipped up. in the fight scenes her suit is zipped up, but in the finishing moves it's unzipped. more unzipped images would be great. 4. animations - any plans to add some animation to the images? i'd love to see the probes moving in their mouths, hands kneading boobs, that kind of thing. nothing too over the top, just some subtle movement. 5. can you put up a "Paused" background when game is paused? i hit the space bar a few times and thought the game had locked up. 6. Game is AWESOME.


Where is the panel to open with the acess card? im to stupid to find it.


Game is amazing and I can see why people think the game play is to fast but until lust has a way to go down you are going to keep having people complain on 3 mechanics. Encounter, lust and the puzzle. Puzzle is distributed in two panels making people to get lost which they need to walk and encounter more enemies and driving the lust meter up. The mechanics are great on their own but combination of the three make the game look a lot harder then it is. I wouldn't been able to finish the game if it wasn't because i macro left and right button.


Awesome game Eromancer !! I've loved the graphics and the mechanics but there are things that can be improved 1- The combat is too fast (again) 2- The puzzle is hard to see, with the fog i didnt see the note behind dumpsters 3- The most important, the game penalizes do things you want to do, see h-scenes. I think the lust bar should unlock skills and sometimes only stun the characters sometimes, not always, it is also very difficult to break free of the grip. With regard to bug catching, has gone on Malise and Neon. Finally sorry for my bad English :D


Screen west from where you find it, there's some stairs you didn't notice. :3


Payment finally went through! Can't wait to try this!


There's a note behind dumpsters!? I totally missed that. Solved the puzzle becasue when in doubt, I always back-track. XD


What to say? Technically and visually never seen a similar game based on rpg maker! If these are the premises I expect a masterpiece :) And the two heroines...a joy for the eyes...especially Malise :p But...unfortunately...deep disappointment regarding the gameplay: - I'd like there was an option to turn-based combat: I can choose what to do with calm, and enjoy the h-scenes before they disappear in the blink of an eye - deep hate for the system of struggle, mash buttons like crazy...reminds me the broken joystick with C64 :( - random battles...please no...better to add sprite in the map and fight only during collision - I hope also that h-system covering not only penalty, but also bonus (new h-skills while filling the h-bar?) These of course my very personal opinions, however are very impressed with the quality of work!!


Hi Eromancer! I have tried the demo thoroughly and I'd like to add my praise! I am particularly amazed at the quality and variety of the artwork (it is extra nifty to have pictures for all possibile in-game actions and situations) and for the dynamic combat system. About the game speed, I think that making the game turn based would detract something from the experience yet I agree it may be worthy to consider slowing down the pace a bit, or allow the player to set his/her ideal pace through some option (could be considered a way to set for game difficulty, actually). As somebody else suggested, I agree it would be nice to have a "paused" overlay when the game is paused. Would make easier to check about game status. A small addition that may be nifty (and shouldn't require much work I think?) would be a "H-finisher counter" in the heroines stats screen, keeping track of how many times Malise and Neon had to survive through a finishing move. The track could actually be twofold for each heroine: on one hand for the overall game (begin to end) and on the other for the shorter sessions between one purging station and the next. It can add a bit storywise, as it can work both as a military career track (who's the best survivor?) and as a slut meter (who's the best swallower?) :D Dunno if this could then be linked to any in-game use or not, but would be cool just to have a record. Thanks, look forward to the next release!


Wow I must say well done! My only complaints are (looks at the above posts) well pretty much the same as many of the other posters. But hey its the first release its going to have a few kinks.Again well done!


Liked the game, minus the truth is that while the increase in the number of safes at the beginning podlagivaet in the menu after 12 saves. all the levers down, a man spoke, he suggested somewhere rest my key card, what do you do not understand, people write some sort next to trash cans but there's no nothing. prompt


Lol i cant find the panel &gt;.