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Hey guys :D,

I thought I'd give you Inner Circle guys an introduction to our new concept artist, Limbo Limbo, as well as a sneak peak of his work ahead of the monthly update!

I've been working with him the past few nights on these designs, and am really blown away by his abilities.  Not only is he our first actual concept artist, but he possesses 3D sculpting and hard surface design skills that fit our aesthetic brilliantly, meaning he will likely also prove helpful for working on assets.

Splicers Concepts

The first thing I've got to show you tonight includes some of the designs for the new Splicers.  Check them out below: 

Splicers Rough Sketch 

Splicers Finished Concept 

I had shown you guys some of the assets we've got for them already, as well as some rough 3D concepts, but Limbo perfectly captured that mix of Akira and Mad Max I really wanted for these guys.  If you liked the old look, then don't be alarmed, as we should have a design ready for the monthly that I think you'll like.

Nephilim Runts

The second design I want to show off is one I'm considering using for a set of enemies from a faction I haven't discussed at all called the Nephilim.  These guys will encompass the all out crazy designs that don't fit within the other groups, and can best be described as cyberdemons similar to what you might see in Doom.  While this group will largely be composed of fearsome, hulking fusions of flesh and steel, these guys will be the runts of the pack -- quick little zergling-type bastards that you'll love to hate.

Let us know what you think :D.  I hope you're as excited as I am about Limbo helping out with the project.  




These are awesome i love the helmet/brain cage look!


Wow, these look really great! Can't wait to see them abusing our girls!


Looking nasty AF. Definitely fitting to ravage some pretty lookin' girls. Limbo's a great addition to the team already.

Jon P

These guys look awesome! Very glad Limbo’s joined the team & is so productive so fast! 👍🏼