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Hey everyone! The time is near! The first test release (V0.01) of Malise and the Machine will be approximately April 1. By approximately, I mean that as soon as Patreon processes payments (which is usually the first of the month) we’ll start sending out emails. Remember, your payment must be successful for you to be eligible for pledge rewards! With that in mind I highly recommend using a credit card as opposed to Paypal, as it is completely possible that they will not process the payment due to their rules on NSFW content. You must be pledged at the $10 or higher tier before March 29 to be eligible for the rewards for this release! On March 29 I’ll make the actual release post on here, which will lock your pledge in to be processed on April 1st (or whenever they do it). So, to be entirely clear: To be eligible for the game/PDF/print rewards for this release you must be pledged at the $10 or higher tier before March 29, and when Patreon processes your payment on or around April 1st it must be successful. Patrons pledging $10 and up will receive an email with a link and a password. The link will take you to a download screen, and the password will unlock the file once you’ve downloaded it. I recommend that you don’t share the release as 1) It will prevent you from being eligible for future pledge rewards, and 2) I will release a public demo once it’s polished up and more representative of the final game. For those who have pledged $15 or over, you will be sent a second email with a download link as soon as the artwork PDF reward is ready (I’m pushing to have it done at the same time, however if that doesn’t turn out to be the case I’d rather you get the game in advance than wait for the PDF reward to be finished up). For those who have pledged $35 or over: I will be ordering the prints as soon as I have seen which payments have been successfully processed. As soon as I receive them I’ll ship them out to you! Please message me the print version that you’d like if you haven’t yet. So far only 11 of the 56 of you have told me which version you want, so please let me know! You can check out the previews here: Print #5: https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1496657 Prints #1-4: https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1099779 Lastly, here's an estimate for recommended system specs for a consistent 30 FPS (possibly the first ever RPG Maker game with system requirements): Intel Core2Duo @ 2.4 GHz 4 GB RAM 512 MB Video RAM Let me know if you have any questions!




when the next release ?

Tracy Scops

Any chance of a Mac version?


very anxious to try


The engine is native to Windows, but you could run it in a virtual environment!


Totally pushed up to $15. I wasn't sure how it'd work (like I was going to do 25?) but this sealed the deal. Looking forward to it, you're doing a killer job. =)


So, I completely forgot to add in a joke about the release being on April Fools' Day. But yeah, no tricks! It really is on the 1st =_=.


Sending out the prints, will you sending them to us directly? Cause if so, don't you need where we live? o.o


I believe Patreon lets me know your mailing address once the payment processes (which I guess you had to add when you signed up? I can't recall). If I receive the payment but no address I'll be sure to ask!


Woooooooo! I can't think of anything else to say. I'm just so excited.


Well, hope it's fine to say here. I'd like print #4 myself. Beyond that, can't really say more than anyone else has (looking forward to the game, excited, etc.). Did I mention I tend to be bad about not wanting to repeat what's already been said?


Oooo doubly excited now. You have done an outstanding job working towards this first release, looking forward to it and the PDF :) Also perfect timing, it will be released just before long weekend over here. Perfect!


I wanted to take a look at the previews for the prints to see which one to choose but all it does is send me back to the home page for patreon.


this will be release of year 2015!!!!!! best h-game of world!!! hahahha god i cant wait to be day 1 :$:$:$:$:$ Eromancer Congratulations 4 your work!! and thanks 4 do it!!! :P


Yeah, looks awesome, i'm waiting for it ! 2 day left !


I recently changed my email address because there was a mistake on it... Is it possible to know when the emails with the download links will be sent?


No worries! Nothing's been sent out yet. Still waiting on Patreon to process payments, which I'm beginning to think may not happen today since I haven't received any notifications about it... =/


Will there be demo available to non-patrons at any point ? I have a policy of never spending money on something I havent seen myslef.