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Hey guys,

I just wanted to give a brief update on where we're at with Battle Test 3 (BT3) since I didn't really do so in the last update, as well as plans for the next few weeks.  I've also begun experimenting with some H artwork, so I come bearing an H artwork test I put together featuring the updated Malise.  There are some issues and edits to make still, but let me know what you think!  I'll likely be peppering you guys with these up until we start implementing grapples again.

Currently TK is updating his Maya scenes to reflect the changes to Malise I've made.  Once he does that he'll be able to update all of her suit configurations and I can start on the exposed versions of her portraits.  On the other end of the things APL is working on implementing the sprite system changes needed for HDR processing, which is needed for bloom and Neon's glowy armor effects.  APL already has the new targeting system in working order, so this should fulfill what we wanted to accomplish for BT3.

I doubt we will have BT3 ready by the middle of the month as I had hoped, so I will likely just make the monthly update post in a few days.  Since I told you guys you'd get BT3 early, the plan is to get it out to you (the Inner Circle crowd) ASAP.  We will then release it to the $3 tier with the April post, which we will make at the beginning of April.  This gives us a chance to get back to posting monthly updates at the beginning of the month, as based on messages I've gotten recently it's a bit confusing for newcomers.


Anyways, here is a broad version of our to-do list (at least from my perspective -- I'm sure the other guys could break their segments down better) for the next few weeks.


  • Some remaining Malise hair edits
  • Update Malise battle portraits with her new version
  • Create upper body exposed portrait versions once TK has the suit ready
  • Continue experimenting with Police H skill artwork
  • Calibrate Daz lights for HDR processing (currently doing this in post and it’s resulting in degraded dynamic range)
  • HDR processing on Neon/Malise’s new portraits.


  • Update Malise’s Maya scenes to reflect the new body edits
  • Transfer updates to alternate suit configurations (zipper open, etc)


  • Implement sprite layering system required for bloom and HDR processing
  • Continue work on battle engine


Post BT3

  • Paint Malise armor damage concepts for TK
  • TK and Uber to begin sculpting / implementation for Malise’s armor damage
  • Work with Uber to recreate his battle/portrait lighting rig in Daz
  • Enty launch
  • Update Neon and her base scene files / prepare Neon's armor damage

Hopefully that gives you an idea of where we're at.  Let me know if you have any questions :D.



That H-scene looks really good. One small thing I'd like to see with this portrait specifically is the cop's hand on Malise's head or holding the base of her ponytail, to push her head further down his cock and really emphasize the forced nature of the scene. As for bombarding us with H scenes, I would like it if you showed some but not a lot of it so that when the actual release is made, there'll be a lot of new content.


Cop's hand is on the base of Malise's skull, it's dark and hard to see, but that's the slight sheen underneath her ponytail.


This is first stage of the armor/lust system. Maybe second stage lust they'll be grabbing the ponytail with one hand. Third stage lust both hands on her skull or one on the skull and one on the ponytail and balls deep blow job. Second stage lust + armor rend one hand somewhere on her head while pulling at her suit collar trying to pull her body weight up. Third stage lust + armor rend, vader-like throat grip with one hand, other hand on the collar pulling up and balls deep blow job with her eyes rolled back. I would assume after the armor rend there would be no need to step on her thigh either with the more violent grapples.


Excellent ideas. Progression is a huge quality of life thing, showing both struggling and lust. I'd love for the inner circle to have some input on the H scenes but it of course is up to the dev team.


Well thats look yummy ;) great First teaser of things to come. I like the whole System of armor damage and lust Level. In the 0,2-0,5 Demos the Mix of forced h scenes but also some pleasure in the faces was great. Like the finisher scene froh the reaper with Neon. A kinky smile ;) great work so far. P.S the to Do List is very good way to unterstand the Progression.


Yeah I think the To Do list should be something at the end of every post, at least the major ones.


Man it occurs to me that you guys, with the work you've done with the rendering system could probably make a killing just making h-art after the game's done. I mean, the detail and evolution from the original is simply incredible to behold.


I didn't like the hand position either :D. <a href="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/418449471760891904/422664583132610570/suit.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/418449471760891904/422664583132610570/suit.jpg</a>

myself yourself

moar horny bugs and tentacle monsters h-scenes plz :D