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Hey guys!  

An early happy New Year to everyone :D.  

I just wanted to stop in briefly and say thanks to everyone for continuing to put your faith in our project!  I also wanted to give you guys a heads up as to what we have planned for the January update, as well as future updates leading up to v0.06. 

We've been working especially hard over the holidays to start the new year off strong and have a basic battle test release ready for the January update.  The plan is to have it ready by the 6th, and so far we are actually on schedule for once, but if we run into trouble someplace (the most likely place would be with the portraits) I'd wager it could be as late as the 9th.  

The release will be very basic, with the sole goal being to show off a working battle using the new art style and APL's battle engine improvements. There unfortunately won’t be any H content, armor damage, or holds yet, however we plan to build off of this battle test and continue to add in features as we finish them, up until we are finally ready to push v0.06 out the door.  Therefore, you can expect additional test releases at pretty regular intervals from here on out. 

Have a great holiday, be safe, and look forward to seeing all the work we've put into MATM this year pay off in 2018 :D!



Thanks! You've done alot this last year and I looking foward for what you'll do on 2018. Happy new year guys !! Take good care!


Happy new year from me too, 2017 was year of big changes, and I was glad to contribute to project in terms of graphics overhaul and new level design. Big thanks for almost a year of patience so we could build rendering technology in one big step rather than continuous small graphics updates that would only cause inconsistency and slowdown in larger perspective. 2018 will be certainly more fun since we can focus more on content, new maps, and Im especially looking forward to create new disturbing monster monsters in further chapters in game!


Happy New Year guys! Thanks for the update and wish you guys a wonderful and smooth journey ahead in the development of this game! :)


A happy New Year for you guys too. 2017 was a good year for MATM, perhaps not in playable content but I for one loved all the background into the game and the challenges of building assets for this game. Thank you for the hard work and can't wait to see what you guys will create next.