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Hey guys!

After taking it slow for a couple days after the monthly update, I jumped back in and had a really productive week. I’ve got some goodies to show off, as well as some news about our plans for battle/portrait visuals in v0.06 and beyond. 

Police Overhaul

The big deal this week is that TK and I have pretty much knocked out the entirety of the police enemy overhaul for the new art style. As I mentioned in some of my comments on the monthly update thread, this guy will serve as our test enemy as we make adjustments to battle visuals for the new style.  You can check out the high res versions of the above images here: 

Police Full Body 

Police Close-Up 

This guy posed a few challenges, and may yet require some more work. We had created the original version of him at the end of last year, and at the time I was experimenting with the first iteration of the Genesis body system. I had originally intended to convert him over to Genesis 3, but at this point I’m not sure it’s necessary (I think he looks pretty good :D). That said, if we make the move over to Maya later we will probably need to convert him at that point, but even so it should only take a couple of days. 

The biggest issue we had with him was probably the helmet. It looked okay with our old style, but upon making physically based materials for it I realized how bad the geometry was. TK put probably three days into redoing the geometry topology, as well as improving the UVs and adding bevels for realistic corners. The result is pretty huge improvement! 

Another thing we’ve considered is dirtying him up to add to the realism. I really liked the look of the judges’ armor in the 2012 Dredd movie, so I was using that as a reference when discussing it with TK. He’s made a bunch of dirt and damage textures for the helmet and baton in Substance Designer, but I’ve yet to merge them into the existing textures. Not sure if we want to take the time to add it to the entire outfit, as it’d take us a couple of days. 

Assuming we don’t take on any of the above, the only thing left aside from some rigging issues with his pants is to create his “exposed” version. I should be able to use the new Genesis 3 genitalia I picked up for the Corruptor, so that should go smoothly.

Battle and Portrait Lighting

One of the major things that’s been bugging me recently is how we intend to make the character portraits and enemy sprites look good in battle. We learned when we had to create a new sprite lighting system for map sprites that the new art style demands that things be lit properly else they look completely out of the scene-- obviously not a good thing at all for pre-rendered graphics. Unfortunately, a system like our map sprite lighting system won’t work with portraits or enemy battle sprites; they’re just too detailed and faking it would look bad. 

Well, APL and I spent half a day discussing it and we’ve decided to pull the trigger on an idea of mine. The solution is very low tech, but will look great. Basically, we intend to expand the sprite versioning system we started using back in v0.03 (originally a system for making the map sprites fit with the color of the maps) to enemy battle sprites and character portraits. What this means is that for each different environment, there will be an appropriately lit version of necessary character portraits or enemy battle sprites.  I made a few basic examples just to give an idea of what I’m talking about (expect the actual ones to look uh, more artistic):

Shitty Character Portrait Lighting Examples (not actual in-game environments)

Shitty Enemy Battle Sprite Lighting Example 1

Shitty Enemy Battle Sprite Lighting Example 2

The good news about this method is that It won’t tax system resources in any way over what we already have… oooother than hard drive space, which it will consume a lot of. To counter this, we’ve decided to use a PNG compression plugin that we scoped out awhile back (I think I even showed some results from it).   The visual quality loss is really minimal (only really noticeable on smooth gradients), but the disk space savings are fantastic. Here’s a set of example images: Uncompressed, and Compressed. The compressed version is 70% smaller, and I personally can’t tell the difference without zooming in. Even with this however, I still think MATM will have the largest file size of any H game once it’s completed (potentially up to 15 GB). 

This does lead to some bad news, however at the same time it’s kind of a weight off my chest. We’ve basically been scrounging for resources to poooossibly, maaaybe one day be able to do animated portraits in battle. Given the above, I simply don’t think it’s realistic with a pre-rendered game of this size, so I’ve officially decided we won’t pursue that route. Honestly though, this is as much a production decision as it is a technical decision (we’d simply need more people to even consider pulling that off). Instead, we’ll use those resources to make what we’ve done all along look amazing.

Obviously, all these versions of portraits/sprites will require a lot of rendering. Luckily, that won’t really add a lot of work. Since we don’t have to post-process our renders anymore I can create a relatively simple lighting rig and rendering automation system and let it go to town. The downside (of course there has to be one), is that we really can’t do much post-processing if we need to since we’d have to do it like five or even ten or more times to fit with the various lighting situations. What’s that mean? Well, for one we can’t paint all our juicy liquids by hand, since fluids look way different under different lighting conditions. Therefore, I’ve tasked Ubercharge with developing our 3D liquid simulation system early so that we can use it for v0.06. Based on my previous experiments we decided Houdini is the program to use for that, and so for the past few days he’s been getting up to speed with it, and will hopefully have some good results to show us soon.

Malise Progress Update!

I started out my week investigating female genitalia :o. For Genesis 3 >_>. As it turns out, the best option out there right now is for Genesis 8 (the latest, but widely unsupported, version of Genesis). Luckily, I got in contact with the creator and learned that a conversion for Genesis 3 will be out by the end of the month. I decided to move on to pose conversion, since all of Malise’s old poses need to be converted to the new body. The good news is that I now have a working system for doing so, and have already completed half the steps for all of Malise’s poses. The bad news is the remaining steps require manual edits, but it’s probably for the best since I get to give all the poses a bit of attention and correct any weirdness.  From this example image you can see hair and facial expressions aren’t converted, but I at least was able to fix the issue with positioning shown here.

Last but not least, TK has been continuing his work on suit morphs for various stages of undress. I pulled him away from the final bit of work he has to help with the cop guy, but I’ve got a couple of work-in-progress images for you at least (excuse the graininess :D, I didn't think I'd be showing these off). One thing that’s great about Genesis 3 is that it has breast bones in the skeleton, meaning the clothes will follow breast movement. This allows me to shape the breasts with displacement mapping (shown in the above images), giving a soft-body squishy effect to them. I’ll likely do a set of polished renders for you once we have ‘em all good to go :D.



ogre five

This looks really really good.


Loving the police guy overhaul... that high reflection of light on the cooper tubing of the helm is gorgeous. With regards to the baton, we spoke about this a few months ago... still planing to give the baton a power supply and shock mechanism? We all know where that baton is going... Animation as mentioned above is generally done poorly in H-content. As it takes so much resources and effort, I'd 100% agree not to tackle it now. These are things that can always be looked at later down the road and just imagine the animation ends up not fitting with the style of the end product. Looking at the side by side posture comparison, I must confess I miss Malise's old hair style. I know its early days, I'm comparing a finished product to a WiP. But there was just something about the old style that bled into her personality, it was unique and looked almost futuristic, yet fashionable. The new style makes her look tamer, less bitchy. Dare I say it, more submissive! P.S. Oh thank you for the eye candy $_$ my imagination was killing me these past few updates.


So I put some thought into Malise's old hair. Yes I know this is not likely going to happen... So when I first looked at her hair style I thought Reggae hair, but digging deeper its more the big hair of the 80s with length... What inspired this if I may ask? Examples to follow...


Reggae Hair - <a href="https://3dexport.com/items/2015/05/19/389294/98703/reggae_hair_3d_model_c4d_max_obj_fbx_ma_lwo_3ds_3dm_stl_1234409_o.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://3dexport.com/items/2015/05/19/389294/98703/reggae_hair_3d_model_c4d_max_obj_fbx_ma_lwo_3ds_3dm_stl_1234409_o.jpg</a> 80s Big Hair - <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/77/3d/4c/773d4cf959dda24aaa5670d0be722e3a--steven-meisel--s.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.pinimg.com/736x/77/3d/4c/773d4cf959dda24aaa5670d0be722e3a--steven-meisel--s.jpg</a> - <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4e/bc/bd/4ebcbd25953536f58b22578a6b26ba72--s-makeup-party-makeup.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4e/bc/bd/4ebcbd25953536f58b22578a6b26ba72--s-makeup-party-makeup.jpg</a>


Save animations for "MatM 2".


The police guy is good. And I can so see where that baton is going. Lol


Disappointed that we are not going to see any battle animations. I think it would have elevated this game from good to great. Here's to hoping you reconsider.


I agree really, but even if we removed tech concerns completely, then it'd still be really impractical for a team our size to do that much animation with the visual quality we're aiming for (even with the old art style really). Games that feature minimalist art styles are able to use 2D skeleton systems to achieve animations, but for us we'd have to use sprite sheets, which would make the game's file size huge (like, Shadow of War with HD textures huge). Animations of this sort would be much better suited to a real-time 3D game, but that would open up a whole new box of production challenges. Plus everyone would need GTX 960s for what was originally advertised as something that can run on a potato :D.


That's fair and I'm still excited because the game does look good. Especially with the updated art. Since the beginning I've felt that animations would bring it to another level so when you mentioned it was being considered I got pretty hyped. Maybe it could come as a big patch one day who knows.


You guys are doing phenomenal work. I agree on the decision to forgo the animation. It's a cool touch, it would be neat to have, but it's a lot of extra work. Maybe the sequel could have animations!


The huge improvement in art and graphical quality more than easily covers up the no animations. Sure animations would be great, but I think this is a really solid decision and I don't feel the game will lack because of no animations. Would be hard pressed to find better looking character models anywhere, backed up by solid gameplay. Keep up the good work.


Perhaps add some ulterior motive for not struggling against them too much if the girls are too weak in level/capability? Shock baton in an orifice, the girls are zapped with some decent health damage every time you have them resist during an H-scene? If you don't have them resist at all they're handcuffed for so many turns after the H-scene is over?

Jamie C.

Honestly I am not saddened by the loss of Animation. I figured if you guys were going into animation you have to beat some pretty difficult challenges such as for my limited experience with modding in oblivion. Weight painting, mesh rigging, breast bones, deformation, and so on. These examples are minimal as I still cant get my character on sky-rim to use my animation shit show to work right and still play nice with the meshes on my armor mod. you guys would probably have to increase your current team from what it is now and have some dedicated animators and others specializing in transferring your current work to a 2d game. The main issue from what that seems is a complete overhaul all the way back to square one, and the textures alone from what you are doing now would kill even my monster of a computer currently. we are probably looking at almost 30 gigs. if my assumptions are right in textures, meshes, animations, etc. Personally I don't know much and what I do know is very little in comparison to the work done by AMRA72 for sims. But I would hope that maybe if you guys do create a sequel (may the gods eromancer and his kindred saints make it so) probably could do a animation of the battle and game overall, with similar beautiful artwork in a 3d RPG. Sorry If I am talking non sense I just want to encourage.

Not your bussines

I really like the new Malise style. Imo she looks much more attractive now. Also the rendering work you put out is amazing! The little details on the police guy are just amazing. The used look you mentioned could be a good method to keep variety up, some could have a more dirty look and some could have some cleaner gear and armor. Really curious to see all this things in game! Also the loss of animation isn't really a miss for me, if the general quality of art is kept at this high standard!


I know people's opinions on GOR are skewed, but are things like defeat scenes and Ven's scene still going to be animated? I would assume that the "no animations" design decision is limited to battle portraits as stated above.


I should add that I realize defeat animations are much more feasible for early game content before more outfits are added in, as late game would require multiple variants (or just make Malise naked regardless of outfit and rotate the camera to hide Neon's legs).


Im a new patreon so bare with me... going back to the demo... the tentacle monster thingy boss at the end gave me some great ideas for the game in general and that particular scene.., I know that the H-attacks/ finishers are a bit raw so before they end up locked I wanted to suggest improvements on visual effects... so you know how In the battle field the enemies are animated and your characters physical actions are pose for pose (not animated) I was thinking it would be alright to keep it like that buuut for the characters sake of animation one feature that would help me enjoy the game more would be to make them more alive/animated, add breathing to their animations for the character image during battle (like a heave of the chest and contraction of the belly) and during H-attacks and finishers how you have the still image of your heroine being penitrated in some fashion... well I think there should be more movement in the appendages and bodies of the enemy and your character to make the violation more real... like the giant mosquito enemy Neon faces in the demo as an example. When the enemy grabs Neon it doesn’t show that there is any grip to the grasp the enemy has on her body... and most especially during H-scenes ( I’ll continue with the masqito ex.) when it grabs Neon and pulls out its phallic member and starts to rub her for penitration during the still frame that’s defiantly cool buuut it would be better if it was actually rubbing her, add some sounds of struggling and it’s suddenly much better! As the attack progresses to the point where it’s about to penitrate her little movements of the phallic teasing her entry would be great and when it progresses further to full penitration them make it pumping in and out of her (other wise he just sticks it in for two seconds then exploded like pre-ejaculation) and then it would make more sense that her excitement level has gone up the roof and while she is knocked over it would make more sense that she looks in extasey .... see where I’m going? For now ( and I completely understand the game is still in early dev.) I feel there is room for improvements with these visually stimulating mechanics. The moment I felt that this would be necessary was during the tentacle monster attack finisher... the game over scene with the tentacle monster (and I hope you make more tentacle monsters even variations of tentacle monsters as common enemies).... there was lots of implied sexual activity between image frames and not enough scene if you know what I mean? You could apply the same idea I offered for the masqito enemy and every scene out side of battle... even the still picture frames of your characters outside of battle would be much much more stimulating if there were at least breathing animations proportional to the characters physical health (e.g. what they breathe like with destroyed armor/perfect armor/what they breathe like when they are turned on or in full on slut mode... the problem (I have) would be fixed lol. I feel like it would really help the game radiate... the more I can get into the scenes or the battles in general the more I love the game (and I love it now... I just always want to be “In-love” with it) after the official day of release comes...


We would love to have animated battle portraits as well, but shortly before this post was made we decided not to animate them. Some of the reasons for it are included in Battle and Portrait Lighting section of this post. But believe me, this is only the tip of the iceberg of problems we would have to overcome to make it happen, and some of those problems would be extremely hard, if not impossible, to overcome.


Oh, one more thing... you only mention demo ending on "tentacle monster thingy boss" - this sounds like a bit out-of-date public demo. If you still haven't, I recommend you get and play latest patreon demo, which has a bit more content - download post: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/3-reward-game-6995378">https://www.patreon.com/posts/3-reward-game-6995378</a> .


bummer about the no animations :( but at least the artwork looks great


Maybe add a defeat scene where her legs and arms have been separated leaving her fairly helpless but still alive? I would imagine Stigmata would do some damage doing his thing and leave them for the splicers.