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 So, Kotaku just ran an article on the Patreon changes to adult content, and it features our work. Not sure if this is good or bad right now. It's a well written article though. 


Patreon Starts Enforcing Stricter Rules On Sex Games

Crowdfunding website Patreon was known as a haven for uncensored erotic games that couldn't exist on traditional storefronts, but a recent crackdown on adult material has users worried about the future of such fringe games. Sex games are a big business on Patreon, with top projects attracting thousands of patrons each.



It's Kotaku. Press from them is overwhelmingly bad. If they're putting you under a spot-light. Get ready for an influx of social justice style attacks.


Also it was written by Patricia. You might not be familiar with her, but those of us that are can attest you never want to be topic of one of her articles. It's never a good thing.


Perhaps you should have actually read the article before sounding like a moron.


I read it, thanks. Be willfully ignorant if you want. But a article doesn't need to be a hit piece to put something in a bad light. Kotaku openly attracts a very specific audience. Most of which would happily see Patreon shut down every x-rated project on this website.


<a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20171026002604/https://kotaku.com/patreon-starts-enforcing-stricter-rules-on-sex-games-1819842093" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://web.archive.org/web/20171026002604/https://kotaku.com/patreon-starts-enforcing-stricter-rules-on-sex-games-1819842093</a> Archive for those who don't want to give clicks.


The article is fairly bare-bones. It doesn't say anything that isn't already obvious. Lewdgamer goes a bit more in-depth(lol) on the subject.


Yeah it's very basic. But still has that. "Here's this thing that I don't like that somehow exists." vibe that every article has. I'm very surprised she didn't mention Future Fragments as well. Maybe them having female voice actors makes them harder to pin down.


Also funniest quote for me personally. "FRINGE GAMES" -Thousands of patrons and tens of thousands of dollars per month for backing. Contradictory statements like that are what make Kotaku articles so great.


They've also said just straight up dumb things. Like the time Jason Shreier tried to conflate the Dragon's Crown's Sorceress' boobs with pedophilia. Kotaku hires some messed up people. Because of that, they tend to attract a messed up fanbase.


I think that it's fair to call this corner of Patreon "fringe." Even if we expand into art in general, the adult art tends to be more "tasteful." There aren't a whole lot of darker fetishes portrayed in Sakimichan's or Dandonfuga's art, for example. So there's that.


We all know people like Patricia would go after them anyways. They gots the "internalized soggy-kness" card, don'tchano? Honestly, I'd just put it up to them being too lazy to do their research. Compare that to the LewdGamer article, where there are multiple quotes from the people they reached out to.


is patreon going to give u guys the boot?

Not your bussines

Wait a second... well written and Kotaku in the same sentence... Eromancer, I am sorry but I as a paramedic, I am bound to ask you, are you on drugs? No offence there but Kotaku is just another mindnumbed sjw site which not only clickbaits like hell but also has for the most parts so damn badly researched articles that The Sun or the german Bild might include more facts. But well, hope the whole patreon incident doesn't hurt you too bad, wish you all the best there guys!


Kurowscar is right. Regardless of how the article is written, you have to look for the keywords Hernandez uses such as phrases like "glorifying rape". It doesn't matter if some do or don't or if it's just someone's fetish, Kotaku's audience is going to run with whatever "trigger" words they see and apply them to H-games as a whole. This is where it starts. All it takes is for some blogger or youtuber like Riley Dennis to see this before the snowball gets bigger and the crosshairs begin to focus. Mainstream attention is NOT what the adult game community or artist community needs. Just one person is all it takes to make a big enough of a stink and start complaining before Patreon officials are forced to cave and tighten their restrictions.


Just for the record I was never contacted. The quotes from me were taken from my public post on here. EDIT: I say this since some people apparently were contacted by Kotaku.


Not that we're aware of. We just went through a five day reinstatement process after getting our page in order.


Whatever happens Eromancer, I've been supporting this game for a long time now and it's easily one of the highest quality pieces of works out there. Your team is amazing and you guys deserve every penny you get. We're gonna stick with ya, wherever that takes us.


Same. There's a reason I have been a patron since the same week it was launched. If ya'll have to move to Hatreon or whatever, I'll follow.


Eh! Oh well. You guys have the best art, that's why you were picked. And MATM isn't nearly the weirdest content on here. Not by a long shot.

Yron Vol

Happy to see you are back, Ero. Keep at it please :)


Whatever comes from the article and if there are any knock on effects here, I don't honestly think it will adversely affect your fanbase too much. Maybe a website change will be needed but I'm sure most of us will follow wherever this project goes. Back when this project first started was the only reason I signed up to Patreon and it's the only project that I've kept an interest in and supported. Others come and go, MATM for life. So if it's a different place, hey cool no worries, I'm sure there are places much more welcoming to quality gaming content. Keep up the good work


nothing negative should come of it, that would be petty on patron's part, not to mention it would immediately piss plenty of people off, i don't think they would be willing to put themselves in that position.


Based on what I read, this seems to be less of a opinion peace then normal. After reading he archive I check Kotaku's main page didn't even see the story. So I doubt anyone triggered by porn is going to bug you about this. Even so I'd ignore them because they wouldn't be interested in the product. Worst case you'll have to use the mark a spam button more.


Looks like they have a few "fans" I guess


How much longer until the November progress update pops up? Looking forward to seeing what new progress you guys have made!


Should be tomorrow :D. We're finishing up a few things still then I have to do a few poses / renders still.