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Hey everyone! I wanted to start sharing a little bit of info about the enemies in the game, as well as some of their animated sprites that you'll see in battle scenes. The first enemy up is one that I just finished the animations for: the Vorepup. These guys are essentially amorphous flying worms that scramble in packs when disturbed, and have a tendency to either stretch to devour threats or burrow into them to wreak havoc from the inside out. Of course, where there is a "pup", there is a parent, so expect to see that later on! Check out the following links to see GIFs of the Vorepup's idle and attack animations, and let me know what you think! Idle: http://i.imgur.com/eCpv0wC.gifv Attack: http://i.imgur.com/TE852u2.gifv




Looking good! I'm not a huge fan of vore myself, but the models and animation are very well done! Out of interest, are there any fetishes you aren't going to include in the game? e.g. Scat/Guro?


Thanks! Scat and loli definitely won't be included. I'm hoping to make less widely popular fetishes optional, but I haven't come to that bridge quite yet.

InterLEWD Creations

Interesting character design. Can't wait for the next enemy bio