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Hey Heroes,

Again sorry for the lack of communication lately, I'm currently moving to a new house this week so I'm trying to juggle packing everything up, my normal job, and Patreon atm 😅 (Just incase people were wondering why I've been quiet lately besides releasing content).

With that said I have been piecing together the next round of the H.B. Project whenever I've got free time.
This round will have a mix of everything that I've noticed my community either request or comment on this includes things like (interracial animations, futanari, split screens, hard bass, etc.)

I wanna have this completed either by the 16th or the 18th if not way sooner, there will be multiple previews between then and now to make the wait less annoying.

Once again sorry for the lack of communication, just trying to juggle a lot of stuff at the moment 😓



Tis fine dawg