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Woke up to some "Interesting" comments left on the public versions of the 'Full Bodied' and 'Siren' HMVs about a certain artist I've been iify about using In my edits, I thought people didn't like the edits or something but It seemed to be about the artist I used Instead. Just wanted to know what you guys think.

I also wasn't aware of how controversial he was within the animation community, but I'm not really looking for the drama.

If someone could explain why he's not really liked that'd be great, so I can get an understanding of the situation.



Regarding sentiments some people have towards G_B. I can't claim to know the full extend of how other people feel but from what I have seen (on twitter, his patreon etc.), some are just disappointed that such a talented artist outright refuses to do anything other than Futa scenes, monster scenes, and BBC scenes for boy-girl content. Huge majority of boy-girl scenes are also implied cheating/cuckold via character's speech and context with little room for interpretations. G_B won't even consider simple alternate skin tones versions even though that's a relatively low effort task, and goes as far to threaten that if people don't stop asking for non-BBC versions then he'll put in a little white cuck on the side in the scenes for real. There are other things that people have complained about too but they mostly boil down to a matter of mismatch preferences (some people don't like Futa, don't like too thicc, or very recently, don't loli-ish characters) and G_B's attitude towards these comments. I too think it would be really nice if G_B would use his talent towards other themes. But to be fair, I think that he is well within his rights to create whatever he wants as a self-employed artist and people who do not like what he offers can stop paying and leave. However, I have to admit that the way he responds to these types of comments are getting annoying for me as well. It doesn't help that the way he writes is almost riddled with random capitalizations and misspellings. I'm not saying that it is a problem in and of itself, perhaps he has a challenge with actual dyslexia which is totally fine, but it can fan the flame nevertheless (coming off as disrespectful and such). All in all, I don't think you necessarily have to stop using his animations because the "drama" isn't of any real significance to be honest. No matter what you choose, someone will be disappointed. Perhaps it's a good enough compromise to include G_B's animations only in a limited number of videos where they really fit the theme and don't release them consecutively.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain/update me on this ( I got to use Twitter more, I guess) I've seen Twitter post from him and yeah, I see where you're coming from with the way he does misspelling and the way he handles being asked to do other things. One of the main reasons I've never wanted to use his animations a lot In my edits was not because of how people look at him or what he post, but because of a more technical point, with his animations being paced weird and me trying my best to sync them to music Is hard, but I was just surprised that the negative comments were on the animations with G_B In and not ones like 'Sex 101' or 'Sick To The Bone' I also understand that no one is actually mad at me, and that it's a small group of people that don't like this certain artist. Thanks again for helping me understand this and I'll 100% take your advice at just sprinkling in his animations from time to time. releasing them back to back was just a coincidence that I didn't notice until you said it, lol.


GB is a fetish animator and sticks to his crowd, and his own tastes. He doesn't allow the mainstream crowd to dictate his works. He's a true artist and people don't appreciate it. That's my understanding of the situation.


I just find his work a bit hit and miss, sometimes good, sometimes pointedly a turnoff. E.g. I find his RE8 vampire lady model and animations a bit gross.


"He doesn't allow the mainstream crowd to dictate his works." I can respect that, I've just never looked into the guy, well, minus looking for Interracial clips for the Full Bodied HMV. His animation quality is amazing, but I can understand why he would leave a bad taste in someone's mouth solely based off of what I've see/read text wise on Twitter. I still plan on using his animations. I just wanted a little insight, thanks for helping me understand this better.