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Long story short: nearly all the writing is done for Jehu's route! To get it prepared for playtesting, I just have a handful of things to do.

1. Shore up the day 4 stuff (I saved it for later because a lot of it is shared content)

2. Make sure the dad ending works properly (I nearly forgot :x)

3. Draw up a couple tiny modifiers for Jehu's sprite

4. Playtest it myself.

I decided I'll release the game in waves for y'all, until the relaunch is finally complete. Once Jehu's is out, then I'll move onto Paul's route. Once Paul's is done, I'll move onto Alan's route, and so on. I have no idea how much of those routes will need their text updated. I will say, Jehu's route is typically the longest, with some oddballs here and there. That may make for a significant increase in progress, it might not. We'll see!

Please note: some things will likely not be updated yet when I release Jehu's patch. Some examples  include:

-Many backgrounds (The BG update will likely resume when I finish the relaunch)

-Galleries (It's currently heavily WIP but the framework for a better sprite gallery and CG gallery are there)

-Gloryholes (I need to write in all the booty-butt-ass-cheekums scenes. While I can probably get to the normal GHs before Jehu's patch is posted, the butt ones are quite new!)


Surprise I'm updating Eric. "What?" You may ask. "Didn't you say you were done?" You may also ask.

Yea.  My weak excuse is that I didn't really update Eric when he really should have gotten one. The bigger reason is just because I wanted to draw a gruffer Eric and I really like how he looks. So this is more something I'm doing for funsies, and I'm not going to really prioritize him. At the very least, not yet.

Anyhow- Look forward to something cool dropping VERY SOON. Finally, after a long year of status updates and progress images, I'll finally be able to get something to y'all for your patience. Again, thank you /o\

See you soon!


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